Week 6 – Vowels & Stress
1. Please add your address to the list if you have one. 2. Get a book from Kristi if you need to buy one.
* English Central * Please bring your own headsets. * Did anyone take a microphone to practice at home?
* Tongue Twisters
* table * number * auto * window * office * pencil * notebook * Michael * Helen * Susan * Cheryl * Kristi * Linda Taylor * David Miller
3-syllable words * TERibleWONderfulGOVernment * comMITteeexAMplefanTAStic * underNEATHafterNOONunderSTAND
4-syllable words * occuPAtionexplaNAtionacaDEMic * preOCcupyaNALysisasTROLogy * SECretaryMEdiatorAPpetizer
Many words in English have the same pattern as short phrases. repuTAtionSee you LAter.Glad to MEET you. compreHENDin the ENDMake a FRIEND. fanTASticIt’s PLAStic.Let’s FAX it.
Homonyms (Look-alikes) NounsVerbs PERmitPerMIT INsultinSULT PROduceproDUCE INcreaseinCREASE OBjectobJECT
* Sounds like ‘uh’ * Nearly always a short sound * Often found in ‘function’ words like: * a, am, an, and, has, have, than, was, can
Vowels / ɑ /, / ə /, and / ʊ / 1. Repeat the words. 2. Match the words that have the same vowel sound. 3. Check with a partner. 4. Repeat & check your answers. 5. Fill in the conversations (#4). 6. Listen & repeat. 7. Listen & repeat with Clear Conversations. Go to kweis.wikispaces.com
1. Get a microphone (and headset if needed). 2. Plug in your microphone. 3. Log in to a computer. 4. Go to kweis.wikispaces.com, Pronunciation Class, Week Open Shadow Talking Instructions. 6. Practice Shadow Talking (with or without recording).
1. Choose a something you would like to listen to. Some examples include: * Voice of America ( * Ted Talks ( * National Public Radio ( FM, 90.7 FM) 2. Decide if you will just listen and repeat or if you will use the transcript. 3. Make sure your audio is set up (headphones, microphone, and volume). 4. If you are going to record, use the Accessory ‘Sound Recorder’ on a pc computer. (See Kristi for help with this.) 5. When you are ready, press ‘Record’ and then begin your listening. Record yourself repeating what the speaker says immediately after they say it. Pause your listening at any time. 6. Repeat & have fun!
* Return ALL microphones! * Bring your own headsets next week. * Practice listening & speaking (with or without recording).