Beginning Class 1.Finding your seat - grab your name tent from the basket 2.Match the numbers: number on name tent matches your seat number in class 3.Take out your science notebook and write the following information on the cover Your full name (first and last name) Science Block 3 (B)
Forms Back? Who remembered to return their signed science syllabus? This is your first grade in science Return the syllabus signed and completed= 100%
Class Supplies: DUE TODAY Composition notebook (70 sheets; you will need 3 for the entire year) No. 2 pencils Individual pencil sharpener A pair of scissors Colored pencils Glue sticks or glue bottle
1 st Block – Accident Insurance Forms This form is for you to take home to your parents or guardians Have them read it Directions are on the forms
1 st Block – Code of Conduct As you know, throughout this past week we have been discussing the CMS Code of Conduct and JMMS rules and procedures guidelines. You will now receive a form in which you will sign acknowledging that you have been given this information for the past 4 days while at school. Using our procedures, we will now pass these forms out Sign it and I will collect it shortly.
1 st Block – Pride Pass Quiz (10 mins) You will take the pride pass quiz shortly We will now learn our procedure for taking tests in our science classroom There is ABSOLUTELY NO TALKING DURING TESTS AND QUIZZES If you talk, your test will be taken immediately and you will receive a 50! (failing grade) 1. Passing out folders 2. Sitting up folders 3. Taking tests and quizzes 4. Finishing your test and quizzes (close everything up inside your folder and sit quietly)
Rules and Procedures Quiz You will now take a quiz on the rules we have discussed all week long in our class We will follow the same procedure we just followed when we took the pride pass quiz 10 minutes
Interactive Notebook What is an interactive science notebook? Any ideas…..? Video link 2Wegc 2Wegc
Interactive Notebook Today we are starting our interactive notebook set – up Please pay close attention Your notebook will be graded periodically for the following: Organization Information Neatness
Interactive Notebook Cover Your Full Name Science Period / A or B This is the front view of your notebook Please label your notebook cover with the following information :
Interactive Notebook Now, open up your notebook to page 1 Label this page TABLE OF CONTENTS Now number pages and label each page TABLE OF CONTENTS also
Interactive notebooks I will pass out a tracking sheet You will paste your tracking sheet onto the inside cover of your interactive notebook This way you will be able to track each quiz throughout the first quarter
Interactive notebooks Number the pages in your notebook… Number in the upper corner of each page Start with #1 and continue to page 25 now…
Interactive Notebook Interactive Notebook Rubric Your notebook will be checked on occasion. Notebook checks will be worth 100 points, therefore it is your responsibility to make sure your notebook is organized according to what I have told you. It needs to have all of the correct information in the correct place. And the notebook needs to be easy for me to navigate. Organization Every title is correct with the page # written in the corner. The table of contents is up to date. Most titles are correct with a page number. Table of contents is almost up to date. Titles are not neat and the page numbers do not correctly correspond to the table of contents. Table of contents is not up to date. Information ALL notes and assignments are found in the notebook. Assignments are completed. Most notes and assignments are found inside the notebook. Most assignments are completed. Information is not organized as directed by the teacher. Many assignments are missing. NeatnessThis interactive notebook is easy to navigate with everything clearly written. (100 points) This interactive notebook is challenging to navigate. (80 points) Cannot navigate this interactive notebook. (70 points)
Rubric You will glue this rubric on page 5 Label page “Interactive Notebook Rubric” Flip back to page 1 and add entry to table of contents You will be able to refer to what is needed in your notebook to get a 100%!
Scientist Picture You will glue your picture on page 6 Label page “Picture of a Scientist Flip back to page 1 and add entry to table of contents
Mrs. Maas and wiki information You will label page 7 Mrs. Maas and wiki information Flip back to page 1 and add entry to table of contents You will write down all these steps into your interactive notebook….. This is how you will.. the teacher…. find out what is going on in class…
Mrs. Maas and wiki information 1. In search box: type James Martin Middle School (use firefox or google chrome ) 2. Click on faculty / staff 3. Scroll down to my name: Tracy Maas 4. click on envelope / Letter = 5. click on Earth / Globe = wiki page
Interactive Notebooks We write EVERYTHING I tell you in your notebooks. These notes are what will help you complete classroom activities and study for tests DO NOT draw on your notebooks. Remember, I grade them