WAVE Certificate in Image Editing WAVE Certificate in Content Illustration WAVE Certificate in Web Designing WAVE Certificate in Desktop Publishing WAVE Certificate in 2-D Animation WAVE Certificate in Video Editing WAVE Certificate in C Programming WAVE Certificate in C++ Programming WAVE Certificate in Financial Accounting with ERP 9.0
The marking scheme consists of 4 sections shown below: Section 1 (auto-marking): Learning Viewing the Interactive eLearning Material: 25 marks ( During the course duration) Section 2 (auto-marking): Differential Skills Attainment Solving 5 IPTs: 25 marks ( No schedule, to be completed during the course duration)
Section 3 (auto-marking): Integral Skills Attainment Five Online Practical Tests Involving Development of Real- Life Case Studies: 25 marks ( to be conducted during the 11 th week of the course duration) Section 4 (to be evaluated by the Learning Facilitator and sample assignment to be moderated by YCMOU Moderators): Mini-Projects Five SUPW Outputs Published in ePortfolio: 25 marks (Mini-projects can be uploaded during the course duration.)
Separate passing in each of the 4 sections is essential for the award of Certificate. Minimum marks for passing in each section: 10 Marks out of 25 (40%) i.e. ▪ Section 1 – minimum 10 marks out of 25 ▪ Section 2 – minimum 10 marks out of 25 ▪ Section 3 – minimum 10 marks out of 25 ▪ Section 4 – minimum 10 marks out of 25
Learners cannot reappear for section 1 and 2 as s/he has to complete it during the course. In case of failure in section 1 and/or 2, Learner has to seek fresh admission to the course again. If Learner fail in section 3 then s/he can reappear for section 3 at the ALC ( re exam attempt with re-exam fees of Rs.150/-) If Learner fail in section 4 then s/he can republish the mini- projects in assignment section of ERA within 30 days of the date of declaration of the result.
MS-ACIT – IT for Teachers Diploma in Selling Skills Diploma in Retail Management Diploma in Customer Service Management Diploma in Banking Financial Services and Insurance Basic Financial Literacy (Joint certification of MKCL and NSE)
WAVE Total Marks 100 Mid Term Examination Weightage in Final Score : 50 Marks (MKCL-Mandatory) Final Examination Weightage in Final Score : 50 Marks (MKCL- Mandatory)
Will carry 50 Marks in Final Certificate Mid Term of a Learner will be conducted at his Learning Center Provisional Certificate will be provided at the completion of Mid Term Mid Term is Mandatory Mid Term will have minimum passing marks as 20
Following is the criteria for passing the WAVE Examination successfully: 1. Aggregate score of 40 Marks out of 100 with: 2. Minimum 20 Marks out of 50 are required for passing in Mid Term Examination 3. Minimum 20 Marks out of 50 are required for passing Final WAVE Examination Aggregate score in three sections will be reflected in Final Result of the Passed learner. Passing criteria is same for fresh as well as re-exam learners.
If a Learner Fail in Final exam, s/he will re appear for the re-exam with re-exam fees of Rs.150/- per attempt (2 re-exam attempt) His/her Mid Term Marks will be carried forward If s/he fails in midterm, then 2 midterm re-exam attempts are given with no fees After 2 re – exam attempts ( both), if the learner still failed then learner has to enroll again and start as a fresh learner
If the marks of Mid Term is less then 20 Learner will be able to appear for Final Exam, but s/he need to re appear for the Mid term re-exam scheduled in the next month exam event No extra fees or no derating will be applied for re appearing in Mid Term Exam