Curriculum Night – 9/9/14 Maywood Middle School Period 1
18 th year in ISD 17 years at Briarwood Elementary Married 14 years – Stephanie is also a teacher Child – 7 th grader here….poor kid
Mr. Coyne’s Connect Site Tabs for HW Helpful links Dash MathXL Connect Smarter Balanced BrainPop
General After School Support: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday in MMS Library Math Lab: Thurs Begins Thursday, September 25th Staffed by a rotating Maywood Math Teacher 2:10 pm – 3:10 pm in Room 119 You can ride the Activity Bus home With Mr. Coyne: by appointment after school on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursdays.
Content is aligned with state standards Students explore individually, groups or as a class Engaging problems with important concepts embedded Textbooks coming soon….hopefully by Wednesday Online feature login and password XL – online feature Leveled practice
Tests and Quizzes – 60% of Grade On average, students will take one unit-end test, and two mid-unit quizzes. There are seven units in the curriculum. Students will not be allowed to retake a quiz due to a low score. All students are eligible to retake a Unit Test under the following conditions.. The new score (a) will be weighted twice as much as the old (b) in determining the new test score. Revised Test Score = 2a + b 3. The retakes will be taken during Math Lab on days scheduled by the teacher. To be eligible to take the retake, students must present a signed (will be provided) form stating they reviewed their original test with an adult. Quizzes– 10% of trimester grade -On average students will take two mid-unit quizzes and electronic quizzes throughout the year. -Students will not be allowed to retake a quiz due to a low score
Participation, Classwork, and Homework – 25% of Grade Students can expect to have homework assignments every night (Ben….display sheet). Each homework assignment completed and presented on time will be graded on accuracy and/or effort. Homework is to be completed in pencil in the students’ spiral notebook. Student participation, teamwork and classwork are the daily expectation. Students will be graded on exit tickets, concept checks, homework, homework quizzes, as well as other in class and out of class activities. Partner Quizzes– 5% Partner Quizzes are used for reviewing concepts in a cooperative group setting.
It is the student’s responsibility to “get caught up” after an absence. S/he is to check my Connect site or call a classmate for missed assignments. Additionally, s/he should check with a classmate for daily work and classwork. Students will have one day for each excused absence to make up daily work. Work will not be accepted later than that given time without a late pass.
Homework is to be turned in on time. Students will receive 3 “late-work” passes each trimester. Each pass can be attached to one late assignment from the current unit, and will then be accepted for full credit. Late passes can be used up to 5 school days after an assignment was due. NO WORK will be accepted after 5 days, even with a late pass. Once the passes are used during the trimester, no late work will be accepted.
Phone – Connect Site: mentary/briarwood/staff/mr_coynes_sit e/default.aspx mentary/briarwood/staff/mr_coynes_sit e/default.aspx