1 Directions on how to Add students and assignments using the eHarcourt Website Step 1: Open your web browser and type Step 2: Login with your username and your password. Step 2a. Your username and password are the same which is your first initial+last name+csd14, e.g John Smith would be jsmithcsd14
2 Click on Add a class on the right side of the screen.
3 Now, in class name, type a class name, then choose the grade level NOTE: The class name and grade level are the only two required fields to be entered, you don't need to enter the period or the description. Choose your grade level from the menu to the left which is on the same screen as adding the class. Then click Submit.
4 The next step after creating your class is to assign your students to your class. Click on Assign Students. Now, select the class you created and select the grade level so only your grade level students will appear! Then press Submit.
5 On the left side, you have all the students in your grade level at your campus. Please select all of your students, NOTE: To select multiple students, for PC’s hold down the control key while selecting, for Mac’s hold down the Option key (both in lower keyboard left). Once all the students are highlighted you need to click the Add button. Then once you have added all of your students and they appear off to the right, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click Submit.
6 This screen will appear to confirm the students you have added to your class. Press the Done button to proceed.
7 Since you have now created your class, assigned your students to your class, you are ready to schedule a test event. Click on the Online Assessment link. Note: A new window will open and you need to wait for it to fully load.
8 This is the screen which has opened in a new window. Click on the Assignments Tab. Once you do this, you will see a pop down menu, click on Make Assignments.
9 This is your Make Assignments Screen. Select your class. Make sure you now select all the students in your class and press Add. Go to the lists of available tests, choose which unit you want, click on the yellow arrow and a list of assessments will appear. Making Assignments page 1
10 Since you have now assigned the students to take this assessment, make sure you give this assignment a name. Choose the test by putting a check next to the test and click continue. Making Assignments page 2
11 2. You may click in this drop down menu and change the start time and end time when the test will be available to your students. 1. If you are making this ahead of time, please make sure you enter the correct date the test/assignment will be administered. It will NOT ALLOW the students to access the test/assignment online if you do not have this date correct. (note the test “due date” one year in future) 3. If you want a Key Word that students must type in before they are allowed to access and take the test, then enter one here, i.e. dragon 4. Click Save Assignment when you're done. Making Assignments page 3
12 Note: Now that you have created your first test assignment, the status says “Assignment created”. You now have two different options on how you want to proceeed: Option a: Click “Exit to Harcourt eProducts” in the upper right corner if you're finished with creating tests/assignments. The window will close and you can proceed to the next step. Option b: Create another test/assignment by unchecking the test you selected the first time in the Available Tests box, and then select another test. Note: if you need to change classes, click on class in the popup menu and follow the procedures beginning with Slide 9 of these directions. Making Assignments page 4
13 To fully complete the process and logout, click on the Log Out button in the upper right corner of the main screen.
14 Students Taking Online Tests Step 1: Students will open a web browser and type Step 2: Students login with their username and password. Step 2a. Student usernames are their first name+student ID number e.g John Smith with ID# would be john12345 Step 2b. The student password is school.
15 This student has access to the assessment tool, so they click here.
16 This is the student assessment home screen. To access anything their teacher has assigned them, they click the To Do List.
17 This student currently has one item assigned to them, the Chapter 1 Addition Concepts Test. To take the test, the student will click this link.
18 If sound is turned up at the computer, the student will hear a voice read these on- screen instructions (in English). They should click Next to continue to the test.
19 You have successfully: a. Created your class. b. Assigned Students. c. Assigned and named new tests. d. Added students to the test. e. Logged Out. f. Viewed a sample student login. Congratulations! If you need help contact your Math Trainer of Trainers or your Technology Peer Coach on your campus.
20 Math Trainers and technology peer coaches SchoolMath TOTTechnology Peer Coach (es) CS K – 2 Anabelle Ulloa 3rd - 5 th Juan Carlos Esquer 6th - 8 th Keri Hicks Fernando Duran Keri Hicks EX K – 2 Brenda Barrios 3rd - 5 th Mary DeHaven and Alison Waterkotte 6th - 8 th Mary Lou Gonzales Jason Schnee Michelle Brezek GW K – 2 Rochelle Guerrero 3rd - 5 th Donna Irwin 6th - 8 th Shari Lapine Stacie McClendon
21 Math TOT and Technology peer coaches SchoolMath TOTTechnology Peer Coach (s) LCK K – 2 Karen Schnee 3rd - 5 th Justine Houge 6th - 8 th Lisa Jakubisin Mary Skeen LL K – 2 Angela Silvas 3rd - 5 th Megan Horn 6th - 8 th Melissa Rodriguez Jack Carpenter MA K – 2 Jacque Delgado 3rd - 5 th 6th - 8 th Hannah Toporek TBD
22 SchoolMath TOTTechnology Peer Coach (es) MV K Alma Cervantes 2 Fanny Kennedy 5 Lisa Cross Krista Adams PA K – 2 3rd - 5 th Katie Starr 6th - 8 th Erica Oatis Suzanne Sallee SP K – 2 Stacy Sietsema 3rd - 5 th Patty Frank 6th - 8 th Karen McAlister Audrey Watkins Math TOT and Technology peer coaches