HORIZONT 1 XINFO ® The IT Information System HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 / XINFO V3R1 XINFO
HORIZONT 2 XINFO ® XINFO V3R1 DS (Distributed Systems) IT Charts SAP Scanner C Scanner Load Module Scanner Universal Netplans More new functions XINFO 3.1 is available since November It has following new functions:
HORIZONT 3 XINFO ® XINFO V3R1 DS DS (Distributed Systems)
HORIZONT 4 XINFO ® What is XINFO DS? Batch productions runs on several operating systems, e.g. z/OS, Windows, AIX, Solaris or Linux. XINFO has scanners to analyse data on all systems The result of the analysis is loaded into one single database DS means "Distributed", or "Data processing on distributed systems"
HORIZONT 5 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Scanner Scheduler TWS UC4 Control-M ECS and EM File systems (Volumes and files) Inventory (installed software and services/daemons) SAP R/3 C Language (DS and zOS) Following scanners will be available with XINFO 3.1:
HORIZONT 6 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Displays Filesystem Inventory
HORIZONT 7 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Files View for all files (no difference between Unix and Windows) UNIX Windows Search for all files belonging to the project XINFO?
HORIZONT 8 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Files The result: All “XINFO" files Details
HORIZONT 9 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Volumes List all volumes on distributed servers
HORIZONT 10 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Volumes Volume information Details
HORIZONT 11 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Services and Daemons List all active services (Windows) and daemons (UNIX)
HORIZONT 12 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Services and Daemons active services and daemons
HORIZONT 13 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Installed Software Installed Software Answers questions like “Is the release of FTA on Solaris28 correct?”
HORIZONT 14 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Installed Software Installed Software, not only for Windows, but also for AIX and Solaris!
HORIZONT 15 XINFO ® XINFO DS Infrastructure XINFO has a task manager to "trigger" XINFO scanners. Run days, intervals or start times can be configured. XINFO has executors to trigger scanner programs. XINFO executors have integrated FTP. XINFO supports incremental update. That reduces the amount of data to be transferred. Data is loaded by a server program directly into DB2 or Oracle. XINFO DS includes a complete infrastructure:
HORIZONT 16 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Admin Admin dialog to maintain distributed XINFO scanners
HORIZONT 17 XINFO ® XINFO DS - Admin Simple administration, e.g. ”refresh“ rates
HORIZONT 18 XINFO ® NT z/OS NT, UNIX NT DB2 XINFO for z/OS and DS JCL TWS etc. SMF XINFO Scanner Scanner SMF JCL TWS etc XINFO Scanner DB2 Load Scheduler XXRT* XXRNSRV UC4 Script TWS etc. Files XINFO Scanner Scanner TCP/IP
HORIZONT 19 XINFO ® FTP as an alternative ? FTP and a schedulers (or trackers, FTA, E2E etc.) are available on these servers. If you do not want to implement the complete infrastructure, data can be loaded into the XINFO database by using standard FTP and load utilities. The only prerequisite:
HORIZONT 20 XINFO ® NT z/OS DB2 XINFO DS with FTP JCL TWS etc. SMF XINFO Scanner Scanner SMF JCL TWS etc XINFO Scanner DB2 Load Scheduler XXRT* NT, UNIX UC4 Script TWS etc. Files XINFO Scanner Scanner SW Files FTP
HORIZONT 22 XINFO ® What is “XINFO IT-Charts”? Total number of jobs per year / month /day Abends per year / month day Availability of online systems Disc space Number of datasets Trend analysis “XINFO IT-Charts” is a module that allows you to generate typical graphics automatically:
HORIZONT 23 XINFO ® XINFO IT-Charts Displays The Displays
HORIZONT 24 XINFO ® Job abends - Selection An example: Job abends, grouped by return code XINFO standard panels to select the time frame
HORIZONT 25 XINFO ® Job Abends - Results The result: A graph that shows exactly what you need Number of jobs Time scale including Day numbered week, Month, Year Legend
HORIZONT 26 XINFO ® CICS availability Not acceptable! CICS availability, based on SMF started task activity
HORIZONT 27 XINFO ® Number of Datasets / Year We need more discs! Datasets, base is VTOC
HORIZONT 28 XINFO ® Jobs total, comparison actual/previous Previous year actual year
HORIZONT 29 XINFO ® Service Level Agreement A job must end at 09:00 OK, job ended before 09:00 Not OK, job ended after 09:00
HORIZONT 30 XINFO ® Printing IT-Charts All graphics are easy to print
HORIZONT 31 XINFO ® IT-Charts - Technical Overview IT-Charts programs are running every day after the "regular" XINFO application. They are analysing the new records that where written into the “regular” XINFO database before. IT-Charts programs are writing the results into one additional table. IT-Charts displays that are especially designed for that purpose allow to filter the needed data from that table. IT-Charts admin programs allow to modify existing selection displays and graphics (ranges, colors, fractions etc.) IT-Charts admin programs allow to create your own graphics based on your own data. IT-Charts is based on zOS batch programs that run after the regular XINFO application.
HORIZONT 32 XINFO ® XINFO Application IT-Charts Technical Overview XINFO PC Client XINFO Database (DB2 or Oracle) XINFO IT-Charts Programs XXRTJCL* XXRTOPC* XXRTSMF 1.Scan and load (XINFO standard) 2.Analyse tables (sum, avg, etc.) 3.Load results (append) XXRTMIS 4.Show or print data, “on demand” or “batch”
HORIZONT 34 XINFO ® SAP Scanner SAP System- and Job information
HORIZONT 35 XINFO ® SAP – Batch Job Info All jobs that where running last Friday in SAP system PC24*
HORIZONT 36 XINFO ® SAP – Batch Job Info Sorted by start time: Batch history
HORIZONT 37 XINFO ® SAP – Links to the Scheduler Go directly from SAP data to job definitions ( UC4, CTM, TWS etc.)
HORIZONT 38 XINFO ® SAP – Links to the Scheduler...and go from there directly to additional information, e.g. the run days
HORIZONT 39 XINFO ® SAP – Batch Input Search for Batch Input
HORIZONT 40 XINFO ® SAP – Batch Input Detailed Information about the Batch Input
HORIZONT 41 XINFO ® SAP – System and Release Info For Administrators: Was a patch implemented in all systems?
HORIZONT 42 XINFO ® SAP – System and Release Info Detailed Info about SAP systems
HORIZONT 43 XINFO ® SAP – User Info Which users didn't work on the systems since the begin of the year
HORIZONT 44 XINFO ® SAP – User Info SAP User
HORIZONT 45 XINFO ® SAP Scanner - Overview FTP or XINFO DS SAP Test System 1 SAP Prod System 1 SAP Prod System 2 SAP Prod System n XINFO SAP Scanner librfc32.dll XINFO Database SAP specific internal communication, no special installation is needed The SAP scanner must be installed only once on any Windows PC
HORIZONT 46 XINFO ® XINFO SAP – Benefits XINFO offers a cross reference over all SAP systems XINFO allows to access SAP data easily – without any SAP knowledge XINFO links scheduler definitions with apropriate SAP data SAP itself offers integrated cross refrences. But there are strong reasons to take a closer look to XINFO SAP:
HORIZONT 47 XINFO ® XINFO V3R1 Load Modul Scanner
HORIZONT 48 XINFO ® Load Modul Scanner Which SmartJCL Modules are linked after ?
HORIZONT 49 XINFO ® Load Modul Scanner Pretty late!
HORIZONT 50 XINFO ® Load Modul Scanner CSects Which programs are using module LSTINI11 that was compiled at ?
HORIZONT 51 XINFO ® Load Modul Scanner These programs are using the module
HORIZONT 52 XINFO ® XINFO V3R1 C/C++ Scanner C/C++ Scanner
HORIZONT 53 XINFO ® C Scanner The C scanner shows the most important information about C programs (similar to XINFO COBOL and PL/1 Scanner)
HORIZONT 54 XINFO ® XINFO V3R1 Universal Netplans Universal Netplans
HORIZONT 55 XINFO ® Universal Netplans Use this function to display any kind of data in flowcharts.
HORIZONT 56 XINFO ® Universal Netplans Up to 10 fields can be used for any kind of data. PS: You may change the labels with XINFO's Display Manager
HORIZONT 57 XINFO ® Universal Netplans An example: All XINFO jobs and the dependencies.
HORIZONT 58 XINFO ® XINFO V3R1 More new functions
HORIZONT 59 XINFO ® More new functions Beta 93 New table with PCR definitions DB2 Support of DB2 V8 catalog structures Longer view names (up to 128 characters) Longer column names (up to 30 characters) and labels (90 characters) New tables SYSINDEXPART and SYSTABLEPART JCL All parameters for JOB, EXEC, DD and OUTPUT are written to the output file by default New table for OUTPUT/PRINT ISPF Dialog Columns are shown only as wide as needed.
HORIZONT 60 XINFO ® More new functions TWS New field "Need User SYSOUT" New field "Need Expanded JCL" New field "Monitor the Job" New field "JES Name" (Job History) RMM DSN: New VRS fields and "Last Use... " VOL: New fields "Tape Usage in Mbyte" and "GBytes " Space VTOC GDG Information (Limit, Scratch- and Empty Option) VTOC VSAM fields "% Used", "High Used RBA ", "High Alloc. RBA", "CI/CA"
HORIZONT 61 XINFO ® More new functions Control-M " Distributed Jobname" in all tables (up to now only in job definitions). "User-Daily" in scheduling table. Group scheduling info in scheduling tables, in job flowcharts and for CTM distributed. Creator and last update userid and timestamp from ISPF or CTM JOBDEF table. New Scanner programs No need for z/OS
HORIZONT 62 XINFO ® More new functions CA-7 New fields in table „Job Information“: Number of late job runs Number of job restarts Next cycle SKP / OFF New field in table „Requirements/Pred.“: Next run YES / SKIP / OFF New fields in jobnet graphic (flowchart): Runtime EXEC=Y/N Flags job „has Schedules“, job „has Prose“ Optimisation in 2nd part of the scanner: Reduction of Runtime and CPU-Usage about 90 percent.
HORIZONT 63 XINFO ® Many thanks for your attention HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D München Tel ++49(0)89 / XINFO The IT Information System