Using ODR Data for Decision Making Rob Horner, George Sugai, Anne Todd, Teri Lewis-Palmer Marilyn Nersesian, Jim Watson
Goals Define sources of data related to student problem behavior Define a process for initial use of data for active problem solving. Build fluency
Assumptions School has team focused on school-wide behavior support. Team has an action plan Team meets regularly (weekly, every two weeks) Team has access to information about student behavior
Why Collect Discipline Information? Decision making Professional Accountability Decisions made with data (information) are more likely to be (a) implemented, and (b) effective
Improving Decision-Making Problem Solution From To Problem Solving Solution Information
Key features of data systems that work. The data are accurate and valid The data are very easy to collect (1% of staff time) Data are presented in picture (graph) format Data are used for decision-making The data must be available when decisions need to be made (weekly?) Difference between data needs at a school building versus data needs for a district The people who collect the data must see the information used for decision-making.
Office Discipline Referral Processes/Form 2 Coherent system in place to collect office discipline referral data Faculty and staff agree on categories Faculty and staff agree on process Office Discipline Referral Form includes needed information Name, date, time Staff Problem Behavior, maintaining function Location
Organizing Data for “active decision-making” Counts are good, but not always useful To compare across months use “average office discipline referrals per day per month”
Using Data for On-Going Problem Solving Start with the decisions not the data Use data in “decision layers” (Gilbert, 1978) Is there a problem? (overall rate of ODR) Localize the problem (location, problem behavior, students, time of day) Get specific Don’t drown in the data It’s “OK” to be doing well Be efficient
Is there a problem? Office Referrals per Day per Month Attendance Faculty Reports
Interpreting Office Referral Data: Is there a problem? Absolute level (depending on size of school) Middle Schools (>5 per day) Elementary Schools (>1.5-2 per day) Trends Peaks before breaks? Gradual increasing trend across year? Compare levels to last year Improvement?
Is There a Problem? #1 Maintain - Modify - Terminate
Is There a Problem? #2 Maintain - Modify - Terminate
Is There a Problem? #3 Maintain - Modify - Terminate
Is There a Problem? #4 Maintain - Modify - Terminate
What systems are problematic? Referrals by problem behavior? What problem behaviors are most common? Referrals by location? Are there specific problem locations? Referrals by student? Are there many students receiving referrals or only a small number of students with many referrals? Referrals by time of day? Are there specific times when problems occur?
Referrals by Problem Behavior
Referrals per Location
Referrals by Problem Behavior
Referrals per Student
Referrals by Time of Day
Examples Trevor Test Phoenix Elementary Crone Middle ODR Summary
Action: Review data and respond Is there a problem? What system(s) are in need of attention? What intervention options would you recommend be considered?
Trevor Test Middle School 565 students Grades 6,7,8
Action: Review data and respond Is there a problem? What system(s) are in need of attention? What intervention options would you recommend be considered?
Phoenix Elementary Using Data For Decision-Making
You are the EBS team for Phoenix Elementary. 265 students k-5 Do you have a problem? Where? With Whom? What other information might you want? Given what you know, what considerations would you have for possible action?
Year 1 Year 2
Year 1 Year 2
Action: Review data and respond Is there a problem? What system(s) are in need of attention? What intervention options would you recommend be considered?
Crone Middle School Simulation 416 students 6,7, 8 th grades
Action: Examine your own school data USE ODR ORGANIZATION TEMPLATE Fill in the data patterns for your school Is there a problem? What system(s) are in need of attention? What intervention options would you recommend be considered?