Dr. Ann T. Orlando 18 April
Lay Responsibilities before Constantine Lay Responsibilities after Constantine ◦ Christian Lay Roles in Society 2
In early Church, wealthier Christians provided places to hold liturgies Wealthier Christians supported poorer members of the Church ◦ Including some far beyond the immediate civic area (e.g., Paul’s collection for the saints in Jerusalem) Key role of laity, as it was for those holding ecclesial offices, was as witness (martyrs) to the pagan world 3
4 Christians were not killed because they were practiced Christianity; killed because they refused to also practice Roman religion Persecutions in 1 st and 2 nd C, with a few exceptions, were local and sporadic ◦ Jealousy of neighbors ◦ Persecutions increased during stressful times Review Letters of Pliny and Trajan
5 Martyrs were (are) the heroes of the faith Martyr from Greek word meaning witness Did not have to die to be a martyr; any one who suffered for the faith was a martyr Living martyrs (confessors) had the highest standing in the Church Church equally honored women and men who were martyrs
Christianity becomes the favored religion of the Emperors Thus many seek to become Christians for social and political advantages Many extraordinarily wealthy families become Christians 6
7 Who are heroes now that there are no longer martyrs? How to deal with new members who may be joining Church because it is politically expedient? What is relation between bishops and civil rulers? ◦ Evolves very differently in the East and West
Extremely wealthy and powerful directly involved in Church ◦ Constantine assumes position of an Apostle Some extremely wealthy abandon wealth and become monks ◦ Paulinus of Nola ◦ Melania the Younger Most look for ways to be wealthy and adhere to call of Gospel ◦ Donations to Church ◦ Almsgiving 8
Much of Brown’s Eye of the Needle focuses on the transfer of wealth to the Church in 4 th and 5 th C With that transfer, Church assumes new responsibilities in society ◦ Judicial (bishops) ◦ Civic building maintenance ◦ Protection ◦ Social stability Church becomes a partner with wealthy in society 9
Donations ◦ Tithing (money) ◦ Land ◦ Almsgiving Inheritance ◦ Used as a means to ensure prayers for dead patron ◦ Heirs sometimes appeal terms of patron’s will, but to an ecclesial court Some clergy encouraged leaving all to Church or monastery (Salvian, for instance) ◦ Monastery preferred by many patrons because more easily ensure ◦ But often creates real hardships for family 10
Work toward a just society ◦ By a life of Christian charity toward neighbor Support family as basis of society ◦ Chastity within marriage for men as well as women ◦ Welcoming all children into family ◦ Ultimate ruler of family is God Honorably perform civic roles (especially wealthy) ◦ Against corruption in office Christian soldiers ◦ How to perform necessary acts of warfare as a Christian 11
Written in last year(s) of his life ◦ Occasion maybe coming Vandal invasion Need for Holy Fear in face of life’s difficulties ◦ Fear that leads to charity Note concern about actions out of love of self, rather than love of God 12
Boniface was a Christian general leading an army against the barbarian invasion ◦ Probably written One of earliest examples of Christian support for military ◦ Aim of war should be peace ◦ War is part of our imperfect world Boniface, though a soldier, should live as a Christian as he defends society 13
Read Augustine, Sermon 348 found in Works of Augustine, Sermons (III/10), translated Edmund Hill, New York: New City Press, and Augustine, Letter 189 “To Boniface” found in Works of Augustine, Letters 156 – 210 (II/3) translated by Roland Teske, New York: New City Press, Brown, Through the Eye of the Needle, Chapter 21, 22 Compendium of Catholic Social Doctrine, Write Short Paper: Benjamin 14