RPUC M&S Givings for 2012: Designated givings: $80,316 From “the area of greatest need”: $10,000 UCW: $17, TOTAL: $108,206
Global outreach: Emergency response and support for Global Partners in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, Caribbean and Latin America; Mission across Canada: Chaplaincies in hospitals, universities, prisons and community housing; the aboriginal healing fund; and ecumenical partnerships; Leadership development; ministry with children, youth and young adults, intercultural ministries; grants to congregations in isolated areas or in transition; loans and capital funding for new church development.
$ in 2012 Budget + $1000 raised at spring supper $4546. given as donations or membership fees to outreach partners
ESL, Music Program Homework Club Summe r Programming Banff Community House Russell Heights Community House
+ actual food donations
$200 donation to restoration fund
TOTAL: $ In support of other agencies across Ottawa that are not supported by the Social Action Outreach Committee.
CNIB, Alzheimers’ Society, May Court Hospice, Elizabeth Bruyere Hospital, Voice, Spectrum Intervention Group, Perley Rideau Veterans’ Hospital
Christie Lake, Rideau Hill, Camp Kallala
Harmony House, Vesta, Nelson House, Interval House, Empathy House
Shepherds of Good Hope, The Ottawa Mission, Centre 507, Harvest House
Canadian Bible Society Caring and Sharing (Christmas) Exchange Elizabeth Fry Society Better Beginnings, Better Futures RPUC Benevolent Fund and Rasmussen Fund
Givings in 2012: $3533 Confidential financial support for families in the community: $1981
Received from Benevolent Fund: $2250.
Donations: $12, Expenses: $12, Served 156 families: 79 hampers/77 gift cards
Christian Development Committee shoeboxes for Harmony House and Banff Homework Club
Raised $ for the Mennonite Central Committee Global Sponsorship program
$500 from Christian Development Committee Budget PLUS all the donated muffins, sandwiches, cookies and other goodies!
CNIB Stride St. John Ambulance Oasis (AA) Ottawa Women’s Council
Loose offerings on Dec 30 service to the Laundry Co-op moving expenses Pavilion Food Bank: profit from chili lunch Congo prisoner mission Foundation Funds: Blair Court computers for Homework Club