Building an Online MSW Program from the Ground Up Mary Ann Forgey Cathy Berkman
Who has implemented an online MSW degree program? Who offers some online courses but not a full MSW degree program? Who is in the planning phase of an online MSW degree program or courses? Audience Poll
Developmental Phases: Tasks and Challenges 1.Emergence of idea 2.Proposal development 3.Obtaining buy-in 4.Accreditation 5.Governance structure 6.Course production 7.Curriculum integrity 8.Growth
1 Emergence and Initial Presentation of the Idea
Emergence and Initial Presentation of the Idea Faculty driven CSWE ½ day workshop Present idea of online courses to Dean Full-day workshop with Paul Freddolino Formed Ad Hoc Committee Emergence and Initial Presentation of the Idea
TASKS Introduce idea to faculty and administrators Educate yourselves about online education Form core group CHALLENGES Gaining administrative support for exploring initiative Obtaining resources for learning about online education
2 Proposal Development
Started with idea of a few courses Guidance from JesuitNet online MSW Jointly developed proposal with: o Ad Hoc Committee o JesuitNet o Administration Proposal Development
ComponentGSS Delivery of ContentCompletely Online & Asynchronous Duration of course8 weeks # of courses at a time1 # of courses / yearFall: 2, Spring: 2, Summer: 1 Duration of program4 years Geographic Boundaries ≥50 miles from GSS campus NY, CT, NJ ComponentGSS Production Faculty Voluntary Previously taught course Compensation Teaching Faculty First time: course producer Subsequent: adjuncts allowed TA Support as Needed Class Size 15 Admissions Criteria Same as Face-to-Face Program Curriculum OversightSame as Face-to-Face Program Choices Made
Proposal Development TASKS Determine program design o Synchronous and/or asynchronous o Scheduling o Size: class, total program o Budget Identify experts to develop program components CHALLENGES Vetting experts before you have adequate knowledge
3 Obtaining Buy-In and Approval from Administrators and Faculty
Worked through our governance structure Anticipated and addressed concerns Invited faculty from other Fordham program to share their experience with us Informal networking Obtaining Buy-In and Approval from Administrators and Faculty
TASKS Develop a realistic time line for proposal refinement and approval Get faculty support through education and open discussion Use governance structure CHALLENGES Understanding and inviting the resistance Allow the necessary time
4 State Accreditation
JesuitNet and Mary Ann Forgey wrote application to NY State Education Dept Assistance from GSS Associate Dean and Provost’s office Application: o Content is same as in-class o Different delivery method State Accreditation
TASKS Write application to state education department for accreditation of online program CHALLENGES Availability of and collaboration between: Faculty Online education expert University accreditation specialist
5 Developing a Governance Structure
INITIALLY Ad Hoc Committee Online Faculty Committee Distance Education Advisory Committee o Director of Online Program o 4 faculty teaching in program o 1 faculty from not teaching online o 5 administrators Parallel structure – problematic NOW Strategic Advisory Committee Online Faculty Committee University: Online Learning Group – ad hoc Provost Committee Developing a Governance Structure
TASKS Develop structure that allows appropriate faculty control and input: Curriculum content Delivery of online courses Other programmatic decisions Desired level of integration with face-to-face program CHALLENGES Adjust structure when needed Avoid structure or process that silos online program
6 Course Development and Production
Full-time faculty developed courses o $5000 stipend o Voluntary Experiential education & training Course production o JesuitNet: instructional & graphic design o Internal production & contract for graphic design Course Development and Production
TASKS Identify faculty to develop courses Vet instructional design consultants Develop realistic timeline for development & production Clarify roles for development & production Educate & train faculty in online pedagogy and methods Develop or clarify IP policy CHALLENGES Adequate resources for development & production Reaching consensus on roles and collaboration between: o Faculty o School of SW o University – Provost, IT, network group o Contractor
7 Maintaining Curriculum Integrity
Adjunct training and supervision Drafted manual o Standardize teaching procedures Evaluation o Student course evaluations (same as in-class) o Individual initiative to assess equivalency Maintaining Curriculum Integrity
TASKS Monitor equivalency to F-to-F class syllabus Implement adjunct training and supervision Develop and implement an evaluation plan CHALLENGES Clarifying who will do what: o Adjunct training and supervision o Evaluation Resources for faculty tasks to maintain integrity
8 Planning and Managing Program Growth
Exploring if and how to grow o University level Internal vs. external Choice of platform o School level Exploration stage Planning standardized evaluation methods Planning course revision and new electives Planning and Managing Growth
TASKS Develop plan for: Growth: desired and feasible Evaluation: maintaining integrity Revision: staying current (methods and content) CHALLENGES Developing a shared understanding about goals and resources: o within school o with university Demand on faculty time: o Recruiting, training, supervising adjunct faculty o Planning and implementation tasks Time and resources necessary to achieving state-of-the art program