1 Lesson 14 World War I: Legacies of the War
2 Lesson Objectives Understand and be able to describe the impact of the Great War. Be able to discuss the major provisions of the Versailles Treaty and how this document sowed the seeds for World War II.
3 Occupation of Germany Allied Occupation Zones
4 Occupation of Germany U.S. artillerymen cross the Rhine River for occupation duty Late November 1918
5 The Cost of War
6 US4,744,000126,000 Participants Deaths
7 The Cost of War All Nations By number of dead
8 The Cost of War All Nations By percent mobilized
9 The Cost of War Somme American Cemetery Tyne Cote Cemetery (Ypres) Belgium
10 The Cost of War Douaumont Ossuary Verdun Contains the bones of an estimated 130,000 unidentified French and German soldiers
11 Seeds of the Next War Versailles Treaty Influences on World War II Lessons of World War I Great Depression
12 Treaty of Versailles Extremely harsh conditions Significant territorial concessions Huge reparations Severe limitations on military German admission of responsibility for war
13 Treaty of Versailles Florida Holocaust Museum
14 Treaty of Versailles Reparations 269 billion gold marks ( £ 24 billion) Later reduced to 132 B gold marks ( £ 6.6 B) Equivalent to $284 B (based on CPI)* Many feel this led to the economic collapse of the 1920’s that sewed the seeds of Fascism * 2005
15 Treaty of Versailles Military Provisions German army restricted to 100,000 men (long term contract) No conscription or training No tanks or heavy artillery Navy limited to 15,000 men 6 small battleships, 6 cruisers, 12 destroyers, no U-boats No air force
16 Treaty of Versailles War Guilt Clause ``The Allied and Associated Governments affirm, and Germany accepts, the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.'' Article 231
Treaty of Versailles "The Circle of Modern War" and logo © Thomas D. Pilsch (31:47 – 37:27)
Exam 1 - Lessons 1-14 Review Slides
Study Notes These slides are provided to help you identify the key topics covered in the lectures. They will assist you in understanding the material but should not be your only review source. Of equal importance are the slides leading up to these summaries. Study these preliminary slides will help you understand the context and importance of the “Buzzword” summary slides. Another valuable review source is the study guide questions for each lesson. Some of the exam questions will come from these. I wish you all the best of success!
20 Review of the War August 3, 1914Germany invades Belgium; war begins “Miracle of the Marne”; German invasion halted Sept 5-10, 1914 October 1914 Race to the Sea ends; Stalemate on Western Front 1915 Sea blockades established around UK and Germany Feb 1915-Jan 1916 Dardanelles Campaign (Gallipoli) 1916 Germans accept futility of breakthrough on Western Front, adopt attrition strategy against French at Verdun
21 Review of the War Battle of Verdun (German Offensive) Feb - Dec 1916 Battle of the Somme (Allied Offensive) Jul - Nov 1916 German decision for unrestricted sub warfare1 Feb 1917 Germans withdraw to Hindenburg Line Mar 1917 US declares war on Germany 6 April 1917 Zimmerman Telegram revealed 24 Feb 1917
22 Review of the War First American troops arrive in France June 1917 Germans Spring Offensive 3 Mar 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (Russia out of the war) 21 Mar - 18 Jul 1918 Armistice 11 Nov 1918 Allies’ Hundred Days Offensive 8 Aug - 11 Nov Jun 1919 Treaty of Versailles signed
23 Review of World War I Start Animation Animated Maps ( 6:43 )
24 Phases of World War I Maneuver and Frustration Search for New Solutions Attrition Desperation and Anticipation Dénouement
Video Title
"The Circle of Modern War" and logo © Thomas D. Pilsch