Alcohol & Health Grade 5 ~ Health Week 4. Alcohol & Health  When someone drinks beer, he or she is actually taking a drug. Beer contains alcohol. Alcohol.


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Presentation transcript:

Alcohol & Health Grade 5 ~ Health Week 4

Alcohol & Health  When someone drinks beer, he or she is actually taking a drug. Beer contains alcohol. Alcohol is a drug. Staying alcohol free can help you live a healthier life.

Alcohol  Alcohol is a depressant drug found in some drinks.  A depressant is a drug that slows down the body’s functions.  Alcohol slows down a person’s brain and body.  At first it may make a person feel relaxed.

Alcohol  Why do people drink?  They may want to fit in with a group.  They may want to feel older.  They may think it will help them avoid their problems.  None of these are healthful reasons.

Alcohol and the Body  When a person drinks, some alcohol enters the blood right away. Alcohol enters the blood more quickly if a person hasn’t eaten in a while.

Alcohol and the Body  The liver is responsible for breaking down alcohol so that the body gets rid of it. The liver can only handle a limited amount of alcohol at once, though.

Alcohol and the Body  For most adults, the liver can handle about as much alcohol each hour as is in one beer. If a person drinks more alcohol than the liver can handle, the rest of the alcohol builds up in the blood.

Alcohol and the Body  The amount of alcohol in a person’s blood is called the blood alcohol concentration (BAC). A BAC of 0.01 means that one ten-thousandth of a person’s blood is alcohol.  The BAC depends on a person’s weight and how much alcohol the person has drank.  It also depends on how long the person has been drinking.

Alcohol and the Body  A high BAC can lead to intoxication.  Intoxication is the state of being drunk.  Intoxication makes it difficult to think clearly.  It slows down a person’s reaction time.  It decreases a person’s coordination.  People who are intoxicated are more likely to have car accidents.  In NJ, it is illegal for a person with a BAC of 0.08 or higher to drive a car.

Alcohol and the Body  Alcoholism is a disease in which a person is addicted to alcohol.  The signs of the disease aren’t the same in everyone who has it.  Some people drink often, some people don’t.  A person who has family members with alcoholism has a higher risk for the disease.  People who start drinking at a young age also increase their risk.

Alcohol and the Body  It is against the law for minors to drink alcohol. A minor is a person under the legal age for an action such as drinking alcohol.  The legal drinking age in the U.S. is 21 years old.

Short-term Effects of Alcohol  Difficulty Thinking Clearly  Drinking alcohol makes it harder to make responsible decisions.  It also harms the memory.  It makes it harder to do well in school.  Poorer Coordination and Slower Reaction Time  You won’t do as well at sports if you drink alcohol. People who drink alcohol are more likely to have car accidents.

Short-term Effects of Alcohol  Stronger Emotions  Alcohol makes emotions seem more intense. You might get extra angry or extra sad.  Breaking Family Guidelines  Your parents or guardians do not want you to drink alcohol.

Long-term Effects of Alcohol  Drinking alcohol can also have long-term effects. People who start drinking at a young age can have health problems later in life. Some of these problems can shorten a person’s life.

Long-term Effects of Alcohol  Liver Disease  The liver has to work very hard to remove alcohol from the blood. Over time the extra work can cause damage to the liver and diseases such as cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis.

Long-term Effects of Alcohol  Heart Disease and Cancer  Heavy drinking can also increase the risk of heart disease over time. The heart does not pump blood as well. Drinking alcohol also increases the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, breast, esophagus, liver, and colon.

Long-term Effects of Alcohol  Damage to organs  Drinking alcohol can harm the pancreas. This important gland can become inflamed, or swollen. Heavy alcohol use can also harm the kidneys, bones, and muscles. It also causes memory loss.

Long-term Effects of Alcohol  Birth Defects  Women who drink while they are pregnant risk harming their babies. Birth defects caused by a mother using alcohol are called fetal alcohol syndrome.

Long-term Effects of Alcohol  Social Problems  Alcohol makes it difficult to make responsible decisions.  People who abuse alcohol are more likely to be involved in violence. This can lead to injuries and even death.  People who drink heavily may also have trouble expressing their emotions in healthful ways.