ICH Changes with SIS 2010 ICH UG Thierry Cerpolet - IATA.


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Presentation transcript:

ICH Changes with SIS 2010 ICH UG Thierry Cerpolet - IATA

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS2 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS3 Member Profile Data for ICH  TODAY  All Member data is maintained in ICH Systems  Members are requesting Contacts updates from ICH via for  ICH Contacts  so that they receive ICH clearance notifications  Interline Billing contacts  to maintain interline contact information  FUTURE  SIS will act as the single source of Member data with exception of banking details information  Members to update directly their Contacts details in IS Member Profile  Rules will apply to ensure at least one contact will receive key notifications e.g. Advice day  Member Profile changes in SIS relevant to ICH are synchronized with the ICH System 3

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS4 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS5 Claim Submission and Reporting  TODAY (via ICH Web) F12 / IS Web Manual Claim Transmission Confirmation Msg F1 / F3 Provisional ICH Web Reports Claim Not Received Msg (if any) ICH Weekly Clearance Closure DayAdvice Day LS Advice Day Message F1 / F3 Final ICH Web Reports ICH Web

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS6 Claim Submission and Reporting  FUTURE (via SIS, from Go-live) ICH Weekly Clearance IS Submissions (IS-IDEC, IS-XML, IS-WEB) IS Submission Deadline/ Closure Day Advice Day Check IS Dashboard Claim Submission Confirmation Msg LS Provisional No Claim Transmission Confirmation Message F1 / F3 Provisional ICH Web Reports Claim Not Received Msg (if any) Advice Day Message F1 / F3 Final ICH Web Reports SIS Final

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS7 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS8 Management of Duplicate Invoices  TODAY  No check of duplicates by ICH Ops or by the ICH System  with the exception of ICH Web manual entry (invoice # check)  Members  Can use F1 from Debtors Report to identify potential duplicates  Need to check with other airline directly and ask for an adjustment if necessary  Escalate as a protest if required  Can initiate a rejection when receiving paper invoices  FUTURE  From SIS go-live, risk exists of getting same invoice via SIS and via ICH Web  Members to take measures to minimize risk  ICH Ops will identify potential duplicates received based on the criteria of  Clearance Period, Billing Member, Billed Member, Billing Category, Clearance Currency, Invoice Number, DB/CR, Invoice Amount  Perfect criteria matching will trigger invoice removal action from clearance managed by ICH Ops  Near perfect criteria matches will be reported to Member by ICH Ops  No deletion of any invoice without Member confirmation  No feedback, no action 8

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS9 Management of Duplicate Invoices (2)  FUTURE  Deleting identified duplicates  Invoice originated from SIS is kept (legal invoice)  Invoice originated from ICH Web (non-SIS) will be deleted by ICH Ops  Duplicate Invoice Report (new) is created for deleted invoices  For Members  sent to creditor Member with Duplicate Invoice Report attached  If deletion occurs during the Late Submission phase, is also sent to debtor Member with Duplicate Invoice Report 9

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS10 Management of Duplicate Invoices (3)  FUTURE  From SIS go-live, validation of F12 via ICH Web will be reinforced to check potential duplicates  Warning message: Identical invoice (Invoice Number) received from SIS  User will have option to cancel submission or submit claim despite warning 10

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS11 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS12 Call Day Adjustment Update  TODAY  ICH generates CDA invoices and inserts them at F1 level on initialization of Clearance Period 2  No supporting details are provided  Members view the Call Day Adjustment Summary Report for month of reference  CDA reporting notification is issued reporting total CDA amounts created on behalf of members  FUTURE  ICH will generate CDA invoices and will send an IS-XML file (Charge Category: Service Provider / Charge Code: CDA) on initialization of Clearance Period 2  IS-XML file will provide details of original invoices included in the CDA  to ease reconciliation of CDA amounts and enable allocation of adjustment to original invoices  SIS will generate the CDA invoices to ICH and CDA reporting will be issued by ICH  A new CDA invoice number format will be used  "CD" + YY (invoice year) + MM (invoice month) + XXXX (incremental number) e.g. CD would identify the 23rd CDA invoice generated for August

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS13 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS14 ICH Clearance Closure & Late Submissions  TODAY  Clearance Closure Day timestamp at 1700 EST  Late submissions are handled manually by ICH Ops  As per ICH Regulations, late submission fees may apply  Invoice issued by ICH  FUTURE  IS Submission Deadline timestamp at 1700 EST  Invoices submitted after IS Submission deadline will fall into Late Submission (LS) process  SIS invoices flagged for LS in Processing Dashboard will be handled by ICH Ops  Late submission fees will apply  Invoice will be issued through SIS 14

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS15 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS16 ICH Late Adjustments  Different type of Late Adjustments 16 ICH Weekly Clearance IS Submission Deadline Advice Day Late SubmissionProtest Simple Adjustment Simple Late Adjustment Emergency Adjustment

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS17 ICH Late Adjustments – Simple Adjustment  TODAY Before Closure Day  Billing entity can change or delete claim via ICH Web as a web adjustment  Billing entity to issue an invoice or credit note in paper format to reconcile the web adjustment e.g. Billing carrier (A) has invoiced (B) for USD1,000 instead of USD 900 in F12 claim.  1. Carrier A enters a web adjustment of USD -100 in ICH Web  2. Settlement is now USD 900  3. Carrier A to issue a paper credit note for USD 100 for reconciliation  FUTURE Before IS Submission deadline  No invoice / Credit Note that has passed validation can be deleted or modified  Billing entity must submit a credit invoice in SIS Note : Direct correction via ICH Web will be not possible  1. Carrier A enters a credit invoice with SMI = I for USD -100  2. Credit invoice is passed to ICH, net settlement is now USD 900  3. Credit invoice is received by Billed Member through SIS 17

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS18 ICH Late Adjustments – Simple Late Adjust.  TODAY After Closure Day and before Advice Day  Billing entity enters a web adjustment but as a late claim it needs to be assigned manually by ICH Ops e.g. Billing carrier (A) has invoiced (B) for USD1,000 instead of USD 900 in F12 claim.  1. Carrier A enters a web adjustment of USD -100 in ICH Web  2. ICH Ops assign it  3. Settlement is now USD 900  4. A message is sent to both members advising of a change to their Form 3  5. Carrier A to issue a paper credit note for USD 100 for reconciliation  FUTURE After IS Submission deadline and before Advice Day  Billing entity must submit a credit invoice as a Late Submission (LS) via IS Dashboard Note: Direct correction via ICH Web will be not possible  Late Adjustment will be treated as per LS process  1. Carrier contact ICH Ops  2. Carrier enters a credit invoice for USD -100 in IS Web with SMI = I and confirms adjustment as LS  3. ICH Ops accepts  4. Credit invoice is passed to ICH, net settlement is now USD

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS19 ICH Emergency Adjust. before Advice Day  TODAY Emergency: e.g. IT issue - impossible to submit claims via F12  Billing entity must:  1. Contact ICH Ops and provide a F2 equivalent for its major interline partners  2. ICH Ops enter Total amount by Billed member and Billing category at F2 level (No F1 entry level)  Billed entity may ask for supporting paper documents  FUTURE Emergency: e.g. IT issue impossibility to send IS Formats (e.g. IS-XML)  Billing entity must:  1. Contact Billed entity and get approval to submit proforma invoices at a summary level  2. Submit invoices via IS-Web with SMI = I  MISC Category with Charge Category “Miscellaneous” / Code “Miscellaneous”, OR  Billing / Charge Memo in PAX and Cargo Category  If no access to IS-Web, Billing Entity should contact ICH Ops to enter proforma invoices on their behalf  3. On next clearance period, create Credit invoice for proforma invoices and submit correct invoices 19

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS20 ICH Emergency Adjust. after Advice Day  TODAY  Billing entity must:  1. Contact ICH Finance who will Review the request and the claims involved  2. ICH Finance contact the Billed Member about situation.  If accepted, adjustment is entered directly by ICH Finance at F2 level and settlement amounts are modified  Both members are advised about new balances by  FUTURE  Billing entity must:  1. Contact ICH Finance as they cannot enter invoices in SIS  2. ICH Finance contact the Billed Member about situation.  If accepted, adjustment is entered directly by ICH Finance at F2 level and settlement amounts are modified.  Both members are advised about new balances by  Billing Entity will need to submit an adjustment invoice in the following period with SMI = R (no settlement through ICH) 20

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS21 ICH Protest  TODAY  Billed Member protesting invoices or claim must contact the Billing Member copying ICH Finance  If no response from the Billing Member, ICH Finance contact the Billing Member  If agreement is reached ICH Finance enter the protest and balances are modified accordingly  Both members are advised of their new position in clearance by and F3 are automatically amended  FUTURE  Members disputing a wrong invoice during the protest period will continue to get adjustment for the settlement amount managed by ICH Finance  For Audit trail purposes, as SIS submissions will be closed for that period  a Credit invoice with SMI = R will be required from the Billing Member in the subsequent period, linked to the previous invoice  Credit invoice will  not go to ICH due to SMI = R  be submitted with the same Charge Category / Charge Code as the wrong original invoice  If next period in different month, there may be a difference in exchange to be posted 21

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS22 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS23 Claim not Received Message  TODAY  To report on Closure Day if no claim is received so far to alert Members  Message is based on historical data regardless of billing category  In ICH Web, Members can notify intention of not submitting claim for current clearance period  FUTURE  To report on Closure Day if claim is not received by Billing Category (PAX, CGO, MISC, UATP)  Message will be based on historical data  If Member does not submit e.g. in Cargo, it should never receive any message for this billing category  Will be based on either SIS or ICH Web submissions  In ICH Web until cut off, Members will notify intention of not submitting claim by Billing Category in the current clearance period 23

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS24

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS25 Claim Transmission Confirmation Message  TODAY  Claim Transmission Confirmation message is sent just after reception of claim submitted via F12 or an ICH Web manual  Total amount submitted by Billing Member is provided by message without any breakdown by billing category  FUTURE  No Claim Transmission Confirmation sent for any invoice submitted in SIS  Replaced by a new message Claim Submission Confirmation Message 25

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS26 Claim Submission Confirmation Message  NEW To confirm total amount presented for settlement to ICH, for invoices originating from SIS and non-SIS with breakdown by billing category  Will occur  1. At IS Submission Deadline + processing time :  Provisional message 2. After closure of the Late Submission (LS) period in SIS + processing time :  Final message  Sent to ICH Claims Confirmation contacts  Members to set up the relevant contacts by billing category in IS-Member Profile

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS27 Claim Submission Confirmation Msg - Provisional  “Provisional - Claim Submission Confirmation” message sent to  ALL ICH Members having submitted for period at time of IS Submission deadline  Message will provide total of invoices with breakdowns  By amounts submitted “From SIS” and “From ICH-Web Transmission”,  By billing category (Pax, Cargo, Misc, UATP and Total), and  By currency of clearance (USD, EUR, GBP), as applicable  Supporting reports for reconciliation  New “F1 report”, detailing Claim Submission Confirmation Message amounts  New “F1 report from Debtors”, detailing invoices submitted against Member for period

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS28 Claim Submission Confirmation Msg – Provisional ( 2)  New “F1 Report” and “F1 Report from Debtors” will indicate  Origin of invoices (SIS, non-SIS), Source (e.g. IS-XML, ICH Web…), Suspended Invoices flag, as applicable  ICH Members having an iiNET account will get the supporting reports  in a zip file containing three formats : XML, CSV and HTML  in two versions : Active and Suspended (for invoices submitted against suspended members)  ICH Members not having an iiNET account will run “F1 Report” and “F1 Report from Debtors” directly as today from ICH Reports menu

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS29 Claim Submission Confirmation Msg - Final  “Final - Claim Submission Confirmation” message sent to  ALL ICH Members after closure of the Late Submission phase  Includes updates for Members having submitted during the LS period and those impacted by any Member suspended during the LS phase will get new total amounts reported  Message will provide same level of breakdown information (i.e. SIS / Non-SIS, by billing category, by currency of clearance)  Provide Final supporting “F1 Report” and “F1 Report from Debtors” reports either via iiNET or queried by Member from ICH Web Reports menu

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS30 Claim Submission Confirmation Msg Format Subject Header will change Dynamic Representation of currencies To be made readeable for Blacberry/iPhones

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS31 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS32 F1 & F1 from Debtors Reports  UPGRADE  Three new fields added  Invoice Origin : SIS, NON-SIS  Invoice Source: IS-XML, IS-IDEC, IS-WEB, F12, ICH-WEB  Suspended Invoice : Yes or No  New parameter options to select from ICH Web query screen  Invoice Origin  Invoice Source  Suspended Invoice  New XML reporting format available

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS33 F1 & F1 Reports from Debtors New Fields

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS34 F1 & F1 Reports from Debtor: XML Format  Sample for one invoice BD236 British Midland Airways D(ICH) LH220 Deutsche Lufthansa USD Passenger IV /06/30 GBP 14, , SIS IS-XML No

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS35 F3 Suspended Report  NEW  Provides a Form 3 Report for invoices/claims by and against suspended members and offer way for reconciliation over clearance periods  User will select from ICH Web query screen  Start Period and Ending Period  A specific billing category or All  Available in CSV and XLS formats

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS36 F3 Suspended Report Against the CreditorBy the Creditor

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS37 Duplicate Invoice Report  NEW  Will provide visibility on the duplicate invoices from SIS and Non-SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS38 Agenda  Member Profile Data for ICH  Claim Submission and Reporting  Management of Duplicate Invoices  Call Day Adjustment Update  ICH Clearance Closure and Late Submissions  ICH Late Adjustments and Protests  New / Upgraded ICH notifications  Upgraded ICH Reports  ICH Reports Access from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS39 Access to ICH Reports from SIS  Available to any user from IS-WEB having get an "ICH Report access" role from IS-Super User  Authentication of user will be performed via Single Sign On (SSO)  ICH Reports menu page is displayed to IS user (equivalent to ICH Web Reports)  Reminder: Members cannot submit manual claims via IS-WEB For non migrated categories, Members need to go to ICH Web until cut-off date

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS40 ICH Reports Menu from SIS

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS41 Q&A

October 2010SIS ICHUG 2010 – ICH Changes with SIS42 Thank you. SIS Website: 