IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Communicating with IEEE Members Newsletters & Other Ways to Communicate with IEEE Members Observations, Experiences plus Ideas from SC2002 /SC2005 IEEE Resources to Help Newsletter Editors Shared Experiences with R7 and R8 NLEs Mr. Harry McDonald, R10 Newsletter Editor 2006
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Newsletters - Electronic /Other Managing an Newsletter Web Newsletters Managing a Web Newsletter Practical Guidelines, Links & Support from IEEE Topics to be Discussed Technical Announcements On-Line Communities Presence at Technical Meetings Material Editor /Editorial Committee Feedback Summary &Challenges
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Electronic Newsletter? Pros Lower cost Fast &easy to reproduce Up-to-the-minute info Accessible anywhere, anytime Accessible to more readers IEEE is leading the way Cons Not all members have access Don’t have addresses for all members
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, What Combination: Web, , Paper? Paper? –Text or HTML –Full newsletter, pointers to web Web –HTML or PDF –Newsletter unit or news and events
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Managing an Newsletter Set up a schedule and stick to it –Limit frequency –Issues at regular, predictable intervals –Let everyone know what to expect Be very selective about the information included –Limit amount of text – one screenful –Need-to-know information –Pointers to location for more detail
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Managing an Newsletter (cont’d) Plain text or HTML? –“keep it simple” –Plain text Not everyone has high-end system Headlines or short summaries with pointers to additional detail on website Entire Newsletter as a text message –HTML – Some recommend Most members do have high-end Headlines or short summaries as TOC with pointers to additional detail later in message Entire newsletter in the message
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Managing an Newsletter (cont’d) The Subscriber List –Build it from SAMIEEE Begin with all members and let them opt-out Notify all members and let them opt-in –Web subscription form (or ) –High % of members have address in database –High % of those are correct
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, IEEE e-notice Organizational unit (OU) registers for the service. Staff creates the list from the IEEE Membership Database OU submits the mail piece. Staff sends the mail piece using a commercial outbound system Staff receives and handles bounced messages Each message that is sent includes an unsubscribe URL. Members who unsubscribe from the list and will automatically be omitted from all subsequent mailings for that particular list. Volunteers are provided message delivery statistics (successful & bounces)
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, IEEE Entity Web Hosting (EWH) Refer : Host your unit’s web site via the IEEE server free of charge 60 MB /10 MB space allowed per unit Ongoing Development / Improvement IEEE Web Style Guide IEEE Copyright Information NCSA Beginner's Guide to HTML IEEE Web Page HTML Templates Regional Electronic Communication Coordinator.
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Managing a Web Newsletter Give them the essential info quickly Limit graphics Avoid animation, splash pages, audio Limit scrolling TOC with meaningful headlines and short summaries Pointers/links to longer articles and detailed information Limit articles < words Sub-divide longer articles into short, meaningful chunks Inverse pyramid – conclusions first, then supporting background info
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Managing a Web Newsletter (cont’d) Make it easy for reader to scan Meaningful headlines, sub-headings Highlight key words & phrases (bold, color) Bulleted & numbered lists Shorter paragraphs, more white space Link to ancillary information (chapters /student branches) Opportunity to expand the audience Add tags for search engines Not all readers will be members
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Managing a Web Newsletter (cont’d) Avoid frames –Browser compatibility –Linking from external sites HTML wins over PDF –PDFs worse in usability than HTML –Increase download times –Complicates scrolling and navigation Use pdf if you expect the reader to print the file before they read it
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Does your web site have the “Top Ten”? Section Officers and an address The history of the Section Calendar of events (Current?) Section newsletter (pdf or html format) List of Chapters and contact information List of Student Branches with contact information Pages for Affinity Groups if applicable Pages for awards/educational activities/professional activities FAQ's Section By-Laws
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Practical Guidelines & Help from IEEE Follow the main links from IEEE home page Electronic Web Services Resources for People Involved in Publishing Plus other detailed support
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Logos – Not Just Any Image IEEE Master Brand – Logos: – Formal Acceptance of Logo use conditions
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Logos – Not Just Any Image Correct logo: Size, font, location –No animation!
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, IEEE - ‘The Institute On Line Has links to all section /region newsletters
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Newsletter Editors’ Page –Refer: Newsletter.htm All-Electronic Newsletters More visibility for best practices Links to other Section newsletters for ideas “Filler” articles
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Section Newsletters - Best Practice Toronto /Ottowa / Kansas Sections Congress 2002 Newsletter Presentations - Jean Eason (Fort Worth) & Eric Holdrinet (Montreal) Region 10 status /comments
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Technical Announcements Most Relevant to Local Members Flyers - for broader appeal to non members People Networks that feed off IEEE members Technical Management of lists and distribution, e-list as an IEEE volunteer resource – notice/index.html
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, IEEE On-Line Communities Tool for online collaboration Society/Region/SIG Volunteer Forums http/ –For NLEs maybe - IEEE Section-Chapter Volunteer Forum –Collaborate without Spam –Increase volunteer participation –Gather information/opinions on specific topics –Awareness of best practice
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Editor /Editorial Committee Flair /Layout Person Relentless Technical management of modern media Collaborate with Web Page Manager /ECC More participation Set guidelines and schedules and stick to them
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Material - General ‘NEWS’ - Interesting, Relevant, Timely Non-Controversial /Humour? Contributions From Executive Committees / Program Chairs Gimme’s /Prizes Advertising (without endorsement) Letters to The Editor Member Profiles /Recognition
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Material (con’td) - “Filler Articles - Promotion of Key IEEE Services” IEEE web accounts IEEE aliases Fellow & Senior Member elevation process IEEE Online Store IEEE Digital Library
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Presence at Meetings /Local Events IEEE promotion Obvious presence, High Profile, Role Model Rosters for Committee Other Side Effects? Membership Interest and Recruitment to committee
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Feedback Difficulties - Questionnaires? Integrate Communication in other activities Technical Meetings are a useful forum
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Challenges Reaching ‘Silent Members’ Local, Regional and Global IEEE Identity Good Communication - for long term IEEE success.
IEEE REGION 10 MEETING,CHIANG MAI, Summary Have a Section web page For communication - have a combination of mainly and web. Paper still has some value. Keep electronic information simple and current Newsletter: Set a schedule and guidelines and follow them Use the resources available from IEEE