Context - Medicine Hat College Located in Medicine Hat, Alberta (280 km southeast of Calgary, 50 km west of Saskatchewan)
Context Founded in 1965 as Medicine Hat Junior College of the University of Alberta at Calgary Enrolment of 2,500 FLE credit students 40% of students are over the age of 25
Origin of students
Programming Comprehensive Community Institution (CCI) – over 40 programs, including: Apprenticeships ESL/ Academic Upgrading Certificate, Diplomas Applied Degrees University Transfer Collaborative degrees Currently University of Calgary; Mount Royal University and Athabasca University Non credit and Conservatory of Music and Dance
Mobile students 40% of students over 25 30% from outside of province 30%-40% have prior post-secondary education Students passing through the college ◦University –> College -> University ◦College -> University -> College -> University
Student Mobility ≠ Transferability
Advanced Credit Conundrum MHC as a transfer sending institution – University Transfer No policy or procedures for granting transfer credit “Advanced Credit” was provided to students enrolled in certificate / diploma programs on a request basis only. Students often repeated course work. Work was done by the records clerk who was responsible for maintaining transfer agreements (ACAT) Transfer credit was never granted towards University Transfer or collaborative degree programs. Issues of prerequisites University transferable courses as part of diploma which ladders into a degree
Issues of consistency ACAT guide sometimes used (reciprocal interpretation – not correct) Evaluation of courses outside of transfer guide ◦“The course code is the same” ◦Evaluations outside of subject area expertise (Nurses evaluating Sociology courses) Portability across college programs No internal tracking – transfer credit entered as comments only on transcript.
Action Created a new position “Articulation and PLAR Advisor” ◦Catalogue all transfer agreements ◦Develop policy and processes to oversee granting of transfer credit ◦Coordinate workflows ◦Troubleshoot transfer problems for students ◦Letters of Permission ◦About 100 a year granted ◦Not required ◦Expertise required in issuing
Policy and Procedures Implemented 2011 Guiding principles: Consistent and predictable Transparent and fair Students should not need to repeat coursework in which they have already received credit Flexible and scalable ACAT Guide used as starting point Bilateral agreements Faculty evaluation of courses (issues remain) Database of transfer credits in SIS Course substitutions
Diploma program requires SOCI 201 but no other Sociology required for the diploma. Student presents a Sociology course from another college which does not transfer to any university in ACAT guide. The course has the necessary scope and breath and learning outcomes required for the diploma but it isn’t SOCI 201. We can’t transcript this as SOCI 201 transfer credit. SOCI 1XX is granted and the Chair and Dean sign-off on a course substitution allowing SOCI 1XX to fulfill the diploma requirements. Has lead to curricular changes – i.e. any junior level Sociology instead of specific course.
Started slow…. At first we continued to only grant transfer credit upon student request. In 2014 we decided to proactively evaluate for transfer credit ◦Currently once a applicant is offer admission we run a report to identify if they have post-secodnary credits. ◦Transcripts are evaluated and transfer credit is assessed.
Percentage of new students granted transfer credit
Challenges University transfer and Collaborative Degrees Universities may evaluate differently – lost credits or issues with prerequisites. Residency requirements Work closely with university partners – (save s) International credentials ◦Have developed resources for common countries ◦IQAS ◦University partners University courses too theoretical to be granted college credit.
Wish list Reciprocal agreements in ACAT Pan-Canadian Agreements (BCAT/ACAT) More research and tracking of transfer patterns
Discussion Craig Wood