Forest Plan Revision Using the 2012 Planning Rule Process Overview Steps and Expectations (I don’t know….but I’ve been told…if the horse don’t pull….you.


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Presentation transcript:

Forest Plan Revision Using the 2012 Planning Rule Process Overview Steps and Expectations (I don’t know….but I’ve been told…if the horse don’t pull….you have to carry the load)

What is a Forest Plan?? Required for all National Forests/Grasslands Describes broad integrated management direction for the National Forest Plans are programmatic in nature and do not make site specific decisions Forest Plans have a 10 – 15 year life span All management activities/uses must comply with Forest Plan Direction

Multi-Year Process 2012 Collaboration & Comm Plans Bioregional Science Synthesis 2013 Bioregional Assessment Inyo, Sierra and Sequoia NF Assessments Identify Need for Change 2014 Complete Need for Change Develop and analyze Proposed Plan 2015 to 2016 Public review of draft Plan and EIS Approve revised Plan Monitoring

Assessment Plan Revision Monitoring Three Phase Planning Process that is Continuous….

Forest Plans are Strategic in nature and consist of one decision that includes: The Five Plan Components: Desired Conditions Objectives Suitability of Uses Standards Guidelines And other plan content such as: Management Area’s/Zones/Places/Geographic Areas Recommended Area’s (Wilderness, Wild &Scenic, etc.,) Priority Watersheds Distinctive Roles and Contributions Monitoring Plans

Science Synthesis Report Bio-Regional and Forest Scale Assessments Assessments Internal and External Capacity to Collaborate Plan Year One: Assessments - Resource Condition and Trend - Social and Economic Analysis - Climate Change - Other??

Assessment Report What is an assessment? – A report synthesizing existing information related to social, economic, and ecological conditions and trends – To be conducted rapidly, using readily available information and existing data – Identify knowledge or information gaps – Provides a source of information and context for plan revision Forest-level vs. bioregional assessment

Purpose of Assessment Develop relationships Develop a mutual context and understanding of existing and anticipated future conditions Determine what needs to change in the existing Forest Plans

15 Assessment Topics 1.Terrestrial ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, and watersheds; 2.Air, soil, and water resources and quality; 3.System drivers (dominant ecological processes, disturbances, etc. 4.Baseline assessment of carbon stocks; 5.Threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, and potential species of conservation concern present in the plan area; 6.Social, cultural, and economic conditions;

15 Assessment Topics Cont’d 7. Benefits people obtain from the NFS planning area (ecosystem services); 8. Multiple uses and their contributions to local, regional, and national economies; 9.Recreation settings, opportunities and access, and scenic character; 10. Renewable and nonrenewable energy and mineral resources; 11.Infrastructure, such as recreational facilities and transportation and utility corridors;

15 Assessment Topics Cont’d 12. Areas of Tribal importance; 13. Cultural and historic resources and uses; 14. Land status and ownership, use and access patterns; 15. Existing designated areas located in the plan area including wilderness and wild and scenic revers and potential need and opportunity for additional designated areas.

“Our Forest Place” “Our Forest Place” is a website designed to improve public participation in the planning process. -Improve Transparency -Enhance opportunities to participate in the planning process -Members interact with moderators… -Energizes innovation and creativity by connecting members in open discussion….

A “Living Assessment” A Wiki-style website that informs assessments. Consolidates relevant existing information across jurisdictional boundaries. Focuses on peer-reviewed and other relevant information, scientific understanding and monitoring results. Identifies scales both in time and space for addressing ecological, social, and economic resiliency

Important Bioregional Assessment Dates January 11, 2013 – Draft topic papers available on Wiki January 18, Bio-regional Notice of Intent published in Federal Register. February 18, 2013 – Wiki is temporarily locked to update draft topic papers. Feb 18 – Mar 4 - internal work to update draft topic papers with trend information. March 4, 2013 – Draft topic papers available on the Wiki. April 8, 2013 –Wiki submissions and other input pulled/used to develop draft bioregional assessment. July 15, 2013 – Bio-regional Assessment Report completed.

Forest Plan Revision Upon completion of the assessment phase transition to the Formal NEPA Phase Requires the use of an Environmental Impact Statement Emphasizes public collaboration in all phases Includes opportunities for formal Public comment Concludes with the use of the Objection Process

Proposed Plan Plan Components Analysis Draft EIS Formal Public Comment Year Two: -Proposed Plan (Need for Change) -Niche Descriptions – What is the role of the FS?, Tribes?, State?, Counties?, Communities?, Others?? -Desired Conditions, Strategies, Objectives, Zones or Management Areas, Special Area Designations, Suitability of uses… -Analysis of alternative approaches to achieving Desired Conditions, Description of Effects…. -Draft Environmental Impact Statement….. -Formal 90 Day Public Comment period……

Adjustments Final EIS Proposed Decision Objections Record of Decision Year Three: -Adjustments to Environmental Documents in response to public comment….. -Additional Modeling or Analysis -Other Refinements to Environmental Documents -Proposed Decision -Objections -Record of Decision

Year Four and Beyond…… Carrying out the Vision of the Plan by developing projects based on plan objectives, monitoring, updating the assessments, amending or otherwise adjusting plans over time as needed… Further…..