Introduction to Ayurveda Three Part Series ॐ Jazell Choi-Andujar Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner
Part 3 Ayurvedic Lifestyle Photo Reference:
A Balanced Lifestyle Work & family relationships One’s emotional State Diet and food choices Physical exhaustion or trauma Seasons and daily weather
Ayurvedic Diagnosing Diagnosing Clients Involves: Assessment or Survey Emotional Character Diet and lifestyle Relationships Health History Assess Physical Attributes Eyes Tongue Nails Pulse Reading Photo Reference:
Basic Ayurvedic Application Routine The key to health is a consistent routine. Wake up just before or exactly when the sun rises and go to be by 10pm. Take time for meditation, prayer, visualization and contemplation. Shower or bath everyday, and brush teeth after every meal. Evacuate bowels and bladder first thing every morning. Perform self message on hands, feet, scalp and gums. Engage in yoga or another fitness regimen every day. Try to fast one day a week to help reduce toxins. Take a short walk 15 minutes after each meal. Eat no later than 1 hour after waking. Wash hands before and after eating. Spend time in the sunlight daily. Eat slowly and mindfully. Avoid mid-day napping.
Balanced Wellness Plan Balanced lifestyle plans involve: Healing and Culinary Herbs Healthy Social and Sex Life Regular Meditation/Prayer Healthy Diet Aromatherapy Exercise (Yoga) Massage Therapy Affirmation/Mantra Energy Healing (Chakras) Photo Reference:
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