Quick Response Codes Betsy Sanford, Media Specialist Palmer Middle School, 1/5/15
Free QR Code generators are included under the CCSD Web 2.0 Tools permission slip Terms of Service
QR Code Features A square, grid graphic on a white background Easily read by different optical devices No need to type long URL’s Links to a variety of resources – Any URL such as share sites, video sites, maps – Text such as contact information, descriptions – Graphics such as photos, illustrations, student work
QR Code Resources Websites for QR code creation: QR StuffVisualead QR KaywaQR Monkey Go QRSnap Maze Web QR QR Readers include I-nigma and Qrafter
Teacher Uses Guide students, parents and visitors to your blog – Post a QR code outside your classroom door Enhance text for students – Add a QR code with additional information to a text (glossary, descriptions, details for DBQ’s, literary element details) Engage students with a scavenger hunt – Post around the classroom, media center, gym, or hallways to lead students on an information quest
Student Uses Common Core Short Research Projects Students research locations, battle, historical figures, economies, resources, etc. Students generate QR codes and attach to maps. Students jigsaw map.
Student Uses Art Show Sharing Students create art work. Students explain their art work in Tellagami Students generate QR codes linked to Tellagami animations and post next to art work
Elementary – Class work, Homework, & Projects – Scan a QR Teacher provided QR code for students Students previewed upcoming topic by writing facts – Create a QR Complete weekly ‘First in Math’ assignment online Take screen shot or photo of current ‘First in Math’ score to share Create QR code and to teacher – Add to a project Create a QR code that linked to additional information about Paul Revere More Curriculum Ideas
Classroom – Project a warm up via QR code on your board Homework – Create a QR code to paste on a homework sheet for a link to a helpful reference video Google Form – Create a QR code to link to a Google form
More Curriculum Ideas Media Center – Orientation scavenger hunt – Genre study – Reading promotion book contests
How to Create a QR Code QR StuffQR Stuff - (see handout) Step 1 Data Type – generators vary in selection Step 2 Content – the more you type, the busier the design will be – limit your amount of text for easy readability Step 3 Foreground Color – black is best for readability Step 4 Share – download, print,