Igneous Rocks
Granite is a very hard rock. It does NOT weather easily. It is mined from granite quarries.
Granite has many uses.
more uses
….and my favorite!
Igneous Rocks form from volcanoes. Intrusive Cooled trapped magma inside Earth Cools slowly Has crystals Extrusive Cooled lava outside of Earth Cools quickly Few, if any crystals
Most igneous rocks are made of silicate materials. High silica composition makes a rock light colored. (Highlight – like a highlighter) Low silica composition makes a rock dark colored.
You decide. Intrusive or Extrusive Rock or High Silica or Low Silica Composition
Igneous Rock Crystal Size (Large/many or Small/few) Light or Dark colored (Silica Content) Intrusive or Extrusive/ High or Low Silica Diorite Granite Obsidian Pumice Gabbro Basalt Andesite Set up a data table like this one.
Igneous Rock Crystal Size (Large/many or small/few) Light or Dark (Silica Content) Intrusive or Extrusive/ High or Low Silica DioriteLarge (many)LightIntrusive/high GraniteLarge (many)LightIntrusive/high ObsidiannoneDarkExtrusive/none PumiceFew/nonelightExtrusive/high GabbroLarge (many)DarkIntrusive/low BasaltnoneDarkExtrusive/low AndesitenonelightExtrusive/high Check your responses.
What type of Igneous Rock is Stone Mountain?
You got it! You are a geologist – someone that studies the Earth!!!! Developed by C. Warren