Sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili
Countable nouns are for things we can count Example: dog, horse, man, shop, idea. They usually have a singular and plural form.
Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count Example: tea, sugar, water, air, rice. We cannot use a/an with these nouns.
Uncountable nouns are: accommodation advice baggage behaviour bread cultery furniture information luggage Mail/post news progress traffic travel trouble weather work
alcuni sostantivi possono essere numerabili and non numerabili Non numerabile numerabile Change (resto,moneta) a change Light a light Paper a paper Room a room Wood a wood Work a work
Alcuni sostantivi possono avere il plurale ma con significati diversi. Business businesses Fruit fruits Glass glasses Hair hairs
Non numberable nouns can be used in a numberable way : A bar of chocolate A slice of bread A cup of coffee A bottle of water A glass of wine A pint of beer A can of coke A packet of crisps A box of chocolates