CPCS A Skills Card for the Plant Industry Marc Docherty CPCS Monitor Sector 11
CONTENT What is CPCS How and who Manages CPCS Overview of the Scheme How CPCS meets CDM ACop requirements ConstructionSkills Plant Grants What is planned for CPCS
WHAT IS CPCS? Construction Plant Competence Scheme (CPCS) is a card scheme to prove the skills of plant operators CPCS provides a single skills card for the plant sector of the construction industry It helps to prove worker’s health and safety awareness
HOW AND WHO MANAGES CPCS CPCS Management Committee –UK Contractors Group –Civil Engineering Contractors Association –Construction Plant-Hire Association –Federation of Piling Specialists –National Federation Demolition Contractors –Scottish Plant Owners Association –Association of Lorry Loader Manufacturers and Importers –Federation of Master Builders –Lantra Awards – Unions - (Unite & UCATT) –Health and Safety Executive
DRIVERS Employers CDM Regulations Leitch Report – a review of UK’s long term skills needs Legislation and Technology advances Federations and Trade Associations Health and Safety Executive Unions
UNDERPINNING PRINCIPLES Training tailored to meet individual needs Separation of training and testing to achieve Independent testing of operating ability and underpinning knowledge Occupational Competence (S/NVQ)
CPCS TRAINING SYLLABUS Outlines the technical skills that an operator is expected to demonstrate to prove their operating ability The syllabus has been developed to ensure that the operator has met the CPCS Learning outcomes and is fully flexible Learning outcomes are based on analysis of required work skills and derived from Plant Operation (Construction) National Occupational Standards
CPCS TECHNICAL TEST The Technical Test: is a core element of the Scheme, which applies across all categories of plant and all routes of entry is designed to enable a Candidate to demonstrate their operating ability and underpinning knowledge, through both Theory and Practical elements test standards are based on the core function of the machine, manufacturers’ requirements, industry best practice and safe operating techniques
CPCS TECHNICAL TEST (Theory) Underpinning knowledge Specific category and environment related Health and Safety Operators role and responsibilities Pre-start checks and the use of the operator’s manual Machine use within the industry One-to-One verbal test
CPCS TECHNICAL TEST (Practical) Ensures practical operating ability through a series of practical activities based on core operating skills Completed within specific time limits to ensure candidates have sufficient work skills to be productive Delivered in a one-on-one session with a CPCS Tester
CPCS Technical Tests are based on the National Occupational Standards 66 categories covered by CPCS Off Centre testing for specialist equipment currently at 26 categories Despite the economic conditions in ,699 Technical Tests have been taken The average pass rate for the Practical Test is currently 93% and for the Theory Test is even higher, at 96%. TECHNICAL TESTS FACTS
OCCUPATIONAL COMPETENCE - S/NVQ CPCS requires an individual to prove operating competence through the achievement of the relevant full S/NVQ An S/NVQ provides a measurement that demonstrates that learnt skills, understanding and knowledge have been successfully applied in the workplace to occupational competence standards. It also provides evidence to work unaided and applying work skills whilst complying to given contract information
Carry out any necessary training Pass CS Health & Safety Test Pass CPCS Theory Test Pass CPCS Practical Test WORKING TOWARDS A CPCS TRAINED OPERATOR (RED) CARD
MOVING FROM A CPCS TRAINED OPERATOR CARD TO A CPCS COMPETENCE CARD Pass the relevant S/NVQ and any additional units appropriate to the category of plant required, within the 2 year life of the card.
MOVING DIRECTLY TO A CPCS COMPETENCE CARD Have the relevant S/NVQ/Units Pass CS Health & Safety Test Pass the CPCS Theory Test Pass the CPCS Practical Test Note: The S/NVQ will only need to be achieved once for a family of categories.
Underpinned by the principle of independent assessment of on-going competence against national standards ConstructionSkills Health and Safety Test On-going Practical ability demonstrated through: a) logbook hours, b) On-Site Assessment or Technical Test COMPETENCE CARD RENEWAL
CPCS LOGBOOK The role of the Logbook is to record life-long learning and evidence towards the renewal of a CPCS Competence Card. The logbook is used to keep a record of all operating activities, testing, training and employment. Company Safety Notices can be added to the logbook if required. Validated and quality assured.
HOW IS THE SCHEME DELIVERED? Through a network of over 180 Accredited Test Centres offering a complete package of services: –Deliver or arrange CS Health & Safety Tests –Deliver CPCS Technical Tests and OSA –Deliver or arrange S/NVQ Level 2 Plant Operations Over 259 Test Sites throughout the UK 3 Accredited Centres in the Republic of Ireland Shop around for the best deal
QUALITY ASSURANCE Independent Monitoring Team – 15 full-time monitoring staff Unscheduled and scheduled visit – over 5000 quality checks per year All tests notified at least 2-days in advanced Robust Sanctions
Construction Design Management ACoP Approved by the Health and Safety Commission, with the consent of the Secretary of State. It gives practical advice on how to comply with the law. If you follow the advice you will be doing enough to comply with the law in respect of those specific matters on which the Code gives advice. You may use alternative methods to those set out in the Code in order to comply with the law. However, the Code has a special legal status. If you are prosecuted for breach of health and safety law, and it is proved that you did not follow the relevant provisions of the Code, you will need to show that you have complied with the law in some other way or a Court will find you at fault.
CDM ACoP (Page 48) The CITB ConstructionSkills touch screen test and equivalent schemes such as that offered by the Construction Clients National Certification Scheme are designed specifically to test this basic knowledge and understanding. Passing the touch screen test or equivalent schemes is one way of demonstrating this basic knowledge and understanding. All those who work on or regularly visit sites (including individuals from client, designer or CDM co-ordinator organisations) should be able to demonstrate that they have achieved at least this level of understanding before starting work on site.
Basic Training Robustness and independence of assessment Managed process of driver gaining experience S/NVQ achievement Renewal Test
CITB-ConstructionSkills Grants
£76 An employer can (if eligible) claim for up to two Standard or Advanced Theory Tests per individual in each CITB-ConstructionSkills Grants scheme year. CITB-CONSTRUCTIONSKILLS PLANT GRANTS CPCS TECHNICAL TEST – THEORY ELEMENT
CITB-CONSTRUCTIONSKILLS PLANT GRANTS CPCS TECHNICAL TEST – PRACTICAL ELEMENT Maximum Charges Group A Grants CPCS £725 - £550 (360 Excavator) Group B Grants CPCS £425 - £325 (FTD) Group C Grants CPCS £325 - £250 (Ride on Roller) An employer can (if eligible) claim for up to two Standard or Advanced Practical Tests per individual in each CITB-ConstructionSkills Grants scheme year.
S/NVQ Achievement grant of Level 2 - £380 S/NVQ Achievement grant Level 3 - £535 An employer will receive an additional 10% supplementary payment automatically if eligible. CITB-CONSTRUCTIONSKILLS GRANTS
What is planned for CPCS Renewal Theory Test to support all Competence card renewals New categories – Pavers and Tracked Robots Utility plant based categories/endorsements Overseas development Plant ‘driving’ (non-operational)
SUMMARY Industries largest skills card for plant operators Designed by Industry for Industry Independent assessment of skills and knowledge Robust standards Competence based Support by CITB-ConstructionSkills Grants
Supporting Lifelong learning and Qualifying the Workforce