QC/QA and the establishment of the Portuguese National System Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September 2004 Catarina Furtado Inês Mourão
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September National Inventory System Elements for the establishment of NS Methodological Development Programme (PDM) QC/QA System Manual Programme Documentation and archiving Future work Presentation structure
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September National Inventory System (I) Elements of the Portuguese NS (SNIERPA): PDM : methodological development programme to improve the quality of the inventory; SCGQ : quality control and quality assurance system; SIGA : integrated system for the automated management of SNIERPA. Work developed by two teams working closely together: Ecoprogresso Inventory Unit at the Institute for the Environment
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September National Inventory System (II) Responsible Entity Controls and coordinates Inventory elaboration, management and implementation.InstituteforEnvironment Focal Point Entity that assures sectoral coordination and efficient allocation of the available resources, limiting the number of entities that directly communicate with the Responsible Entity. Experts Data Producer Public or private organization that collects, calculates and/or owns relevant data, statistics or parameters to the National Inventory. Institutional definitions:
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September National Inventory System (III) Information Quality Improvements Methodological Improvements National Inventory SNIERPA PDM CRF NFR NIR QC Report QA Report SCGQ
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September National Inventory System: PDM Methodological Development Programme - identification and planning of methodological improvements regarding: activity data; country specific emission factors; country specific parameters; PDM process started even before the formal establishment of the NS with a deep review of the NI, including: 8 Focal Points 10 Data Producers 15 Experts
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September QC/QA System (SCGQ) A Quality Management System will be implemented in Institute for Environment by the end of 2005, regarding the ISO 9001 certification process in course QC/QA system will be integrated in the QMS QC/QA system is autonomous, addressing the guidelines of IPCC Good Practice Guidance
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September QC/QA Manual QC/QA procedures based on IPCC Good Practice Guidance and EPA Procedures Manual for QA/QC and Uncertainty Analysis Manual with description of: QC Tier 1 procedures including checklists to facilitate QC application; QC Tier 2 source specific procedures adapted to national circumstances; QA procedures.
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September QC/QA - Tier 1 QC Tier 1 procedures (Inventory team): Basic verifications: acquisition and treatment of activity data for each source category (background calculation tables); Cross-cutting categories: verification of common aspects between categories; NIR: verification of document format and consistency with CRF tables; CRF: verification of CRF tables to identify and correct possible errors (e.g. errors in the link to background calculation tables). Checklists Checklists
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September QC/QA - Tier 2 and QA QC Tier 2 procedures (Inventory experts): adapted to national circumstances from IPCC Good Practice Guidance. QA procedures: Basic Internal Review; External Peer Review (PDM); External Audit.
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September QC/QA Programme QC calendar: 1 st phase (up to March 2005): QC procedures applied to source categories representing 84% of total national emissions 2 nd phase (up to March 2006): QC procedures applied to remaining source categories (representing 16% of total emissions) and to other relevant categories (as recommended in previous years QC report) QA calendar: 1 st phase (October 2004): PDM; Further steps will be established after conclusion of PDM process.
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September Documentation, Archiving D&A requirements to be defined under ISO 9001 certification process, taking into account GPG recommendations. Supporting documentation on the following must be archived: activity data; methodological changes; emission calculation; expert experience documentation; registry of communications between RE and FP. D&A QC procedures defined (to be applied with checklists)
Workshop on QC/QA of GHG Inventories and the establishment of National Inventory Systems Copenhagen, 2-3 of September Future Work Implementation of QC/QA System: QC tier 1 checklists QC tier 2 procedures QA procedures Further detailed discussions with Data Producers regarding their QC/QA activities