HYPNOSIS state of awareness associated w/deep relaxation, heightened suggestibility, & highly focused attention Not everyone can be hypnotized people have levels of hypnotizability (levels of responsiveness to suggestions) High scorers may experience hypnotic analgesia: diminished sensitivity to pain under hypnosis
CONCERNS ABOUT HYPNOSIS highly motivated attention patients really want to be hypnotized chance for creative outlet
PURPOSE OF HYPNOSIS Pain control for hypersensitivity (Lamaze method, Valium, aspirin, Morphine, etc) Desensitizes phobic patients to extreme fears (snakes, spiders, heights, failure) Relaxation program using anti-stress methods
MEDITATION form of consciousness using repetitive behavior, assuming body position, & minimizing external stimulation Many religions of Asian & Pacific cultures believe in its use Buddhism teaches universe is illusion of the senses & meditation helps to capture reality Western views it as altered form of experience
EFFECTS OF MEDITATION Relaxation Reduce anxiety Reduce some bodily arousal New understandings & meaning to life (for some)