ECE 320 Homework #6 Derive the state table and state diagram of the sequential circuit of the Figure below. What is the function of the circuit? A’ A B’ B Q’ Q Q’ Q T T
ECE 320 Homework #6 A sequential circuit has four flip-flops A,B,C,D an input x and output z. It is described by the following state equations: A(t*)=(CD’+C’D)+(CD+C’D’)x B(t*)=A C(t*)=B D(t*)=C z=AB’+CD’ Construct the state table and state diagram. A sequential circuit has two flip-flops (A and B), two inputs (x and y) and an output (z). The flip-flop input functions and the circuit output function are as follow: JA=xB+y’B’ KA=xy’B’ JB=xA’ KB=xy’+A z=xyA+x’y’B Obtain the logic diagram, state table and state diagram
ECE 320 Homework #6 T flip-flop JK flip-flop D flip-flop A sequential circuit has one input and one output. The state diagram is shown in Figure below. Design the sequential circuit with: T flip-flop JK flip-flop D flip-flop 0/0 1/1 001 0/0 0/0 1/0 100 011 0/0 010 1/1 1/1 1/1 0/0 000
ECE 320 Homework #6 Design a counter with the following sequence: 0,1,3,2,6,4,7 and repeat. (Use JK flip-flop) Design a counter that counts the decimal digits according to the 84-2-1 code. (Use T flip-flop)