Jenna Quick Stephen Johnson Cody Carlson Kayla Dostal
Jenna Q
Palestine is an area that has been fought over for millions of years. We eventually took over World War 2 ended. Because of the holocaust the United Nations decided that the Jewish people needed a homeland. The UN decided to take some of Palestine and name it Israel. It made us mad. Then Israelis and us started fighting again. We hate Israel's. The current leader is Mahmoud Abbas
Palestine is an area that has been fought over for millions of years. We eventually took over World War 2 ended. Because of the holocaust the United Nations decided that the Jewish people needed a homeland. The UN decided to take some of Palestine and name it Israel. It made us mad. Then Israelis and us started fighting again. We hate Israel's. The current leader is Mahmoud Abbas
Palestine - Home of History. Web. 18 Mar "Palestinian Leader to Visit Moscow -" Latest News, Latest News Headlines, News Articles, News Video, News Photos - Web. 18 Mar Territory, Emergency:Occupied Palestinian. "ReliefWeb » Document » Palestinian Rights Committee Reviews Political Developments, Including Intention of Palestinian Leader to Form Unity Government, Hold Elections Within Six Months." ReliefWeb » Home Page. Web. 18 Mar Works Cited
Stephen Johnson
Ever since the time of Moses, Jewish people have been looking for a safe haven to live. We found the land of Israel. We have been fighting for this land for Millennia. We need a place where we will always be safe. pastimages/ ml
Jews need a safe place to live. The Palestinians will always be wanting to kill us. One solution that I will agree to is to live peacefully with the Palestinians and make it into one country for both of us if strict laws are set up to stop people from killing at all and to provide equal rights for all people in the country.
"Israel." U.S. Department of State. 10 Dec Web. 17 Mar Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Print.
Kayla Dostal
DIFFERENCESSIMILARITIES Judaism believes that the land is called Israel and was given to them by god Islam believes the land to be Palestine and the land is rightfully theirs Both religions are monotheistic Both religions believe Israel/Palestine is their land The two main religions in this region are Islam and Judaism
Israeli Claims: 1. God promised the land to the patriarch Abraham 2. The Jewish people settled the land (The Jewish Claim to the Land of Israel) Palestinian Claims: 1. Palestine has settled in Israel for more than ten thousand years ( Brief History of Palestine, Israel, and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict)
The Hamas, who is a ruling party, says that Israel should be destroyed.
Jerusalem should be shared in harmony between the religions of Islam and Judaism. Jerusalem’s government should not be associated with the religions and citizens should be free to worship however they want as long as it is not harmful to others or to the city itself. Sectors: Gaza Strip-Palestine West Bank-Palestine Golan Heights-Palestine Everything Else-Israel
"The Jewish Claim To The Land Of Israel." Jewish Virtual Library - Homepage. The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, Web. 20 Mar "Brief History of Palestine, Israel and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict (Arab-Israeli Conflict, Middle East Conflict)." Middle East: MidEastWeb. Web. 20 Mar
Cody Carlson
Terrorism is defined as the act of intimidation of the enemy Both sides practice it September 1, 2010: Two Israelis were wounded, one seriously, when Hamas terrorists ambushed their car as as the couple was driving near Kochav Hashachar. Major groups; Hamas, PIJ, PRC, and PLO. Hamas- wants Israel destroyed Fatah- says Israel can exist A peace treaty between the groups
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