Scriptum ConceptStore Gábor Uhrin Scriptum Informatics Inc.
Project Goals To provide a platform for interactive maintenance of concept and term definitions belonging to specific scientific, industrial, etc. areas - involving the community of specialists working in those areas - over the Internet. Be open to integration with other systems. The Scriptum ConceptStore is integrated in the KIKERES project aiming to provide a concept database for public administration terms.
Concept Store Terminology 1. CONCEPT A concept is independent from languages. The determination of a concept is carried out jointly by its word form, definition and relations. DEFINITION The core element. A language independent category.
Concept Store Terminology 2. WORD FORM representative used format HIERARCHICAL RELTAIONS e.g. main concept - sub concept NONHIERARCHICAL RELATIONS e.g. full - portion CONCEPT CATEGORY main category - subcategory
Potential Capabilities Working forum for concept editors Harmonizing of different concept stores Connection to collaterally developed query systems Connection to classical thesauri
Integration with KIKERES KIKERES databases KIKERES Metadata input Query serviceClient Concept database Online Concept Database Query service A B C
Description Hosted by a server on Internet that provides: –querying and browsing definitions of terms along with relations that exist between them for both human users and other systems that access the database programmatically, –an editing interface that authorized specialists (editors) use to build the database, –forums editors use to communicate with each other (mailing lists, database annotations) FOR MORE INFO...
Editing Facility Key Features Secure environment Teamwork support Multi-language support Version control
Secure Environment All editors must be authorized before accessing the database They work remotely using the HTML interface exposed by the concept database WWW server. The secure https protocol is used to encrypt the transmissions. All changes to the database are strictly logged (who and when did the modifications). No user can overwrite other’s work, and cannot view other’s data that are classified as private.
Teamwork Support An editorial role-system can be assigned providing ideal conditions for team work. Editors are provided with a mailing list to exchange thoughts. All editors can append annotations and examples to a concept’s definition regardless of who originally created the definition. The system prevents the editors from changing other editor’s work.
Multi-Language Support Concepts can be defined in any number of languages simultaneously (provided that the definitions are otherwise equal). User interface is multilingual. Languages are symmetric - they are all treated equally; no language is emphasized.
Version Control At either regular periods of time or casually, the master editor can choose to provide new definitions of terms (taking into account the annotations other editors have appended to the existing definitions), thus creating a new version of the definitions. Older versions remain in the database and are continually accessible, making it possible to track how a definition evolved over time.
Concept Definition Architecture Current version Older version Definition ExamplesAnnotations English Definition ExamplesAnnotations Definition ExamplesAnnotations Hungarian Definition ExamplesAnnotations
Technology Storage: POET object oriented data base management Human user interface: HTML-based Web Application Programmatic interface: XML-encoded http communication between the server and its client.
Standards Applied Storage and Search: ODBMS (POET 6.1), XML Communication HTTP Terminology ISO 1087:1990 ISO 704:1984 ISO 860:1996