Scheduling The G20 Finance Track Presented by Wayne Greenwood Managing Director Priority Management Australia
The G20 isn’t just a meeting that happens once a year. (Lowy Institute) The G20 operates throughout the year and regular meetings between national finance ministers and central bank governors take place to monitor developments in the international economy and provide appropriate policy responses. Depending on the issue, there are also meetings that involve ministers and ministries of foreign affairs, labour, agriculture, and energy. At the high-profile leaders’ summit, G20 country leaders and the EU Commission President agree on a statement of policy action. In 2014, there were more than 60 G20-related meetings, and nearly 8000 delegates attended the leaders’ summit in Brisbane.
Who is responsible for leading the G20 ? Each year the G20 is hosted by a different G20 member country, which takes on the G20 presidency. The G20 president defines the G20 agenda during its host year, organises the yearly leaders’ summit, and coordinates the many G20 meetings. The G20 presidency works on a ‘troika’ basis. This means the current G20 president will have input from the president from the previous year, and the upcoming president. In 2015, Australia, Turkey, and China will be working together to ensure continuity in G20 commitments and aims. The G20 presidency works on a ‘troika’ basis. This means the current G20 president will have input from the president from the previous year, and the upcoming president. In 2015, Australia, Turkey, and China will be working together to ensure continuity in G20 commitments and aims.
Treasury’s Role in the G20 The Treasury led the policy development and logistics for the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meetings (also known as the G20 finance track) and related preparatory meetings. The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meetings were a critical part of the preparatory process to support the Leaders’ Summit which was held in Brisbane in November The finance track composed of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors who met regularly during the year to discuss the key global macroeconomic policy issues and take coordinated action towards their solutions. International organisations such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and the United Nations also attended these meetings.
Treasury’s Role in the G20 The finance track focussed on financial and economic issues including: Chairing the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meetings in 2014 provided Australia with a unique opportunity to contribute to a healthy, growing and resilient global economy, which will also boost Australian jobs, living standards and long-term prosperity. (Australian Government)
Treasury’s Role in the G20 The Treasury was responsible for Organising both finance related events which were hosted in Australia and Australia’s participation in finance related events that took place overseas. In addition they were responsible for organising participation in finance related components of Joint events hosted in Australia. Treasury had 1 project team responsible for all finance related events.
Meetings Meetings – where decisions are made
These events were…… Dec Feb Feb Apr April May Jun Jun 2014 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting 1# Canberra Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting 2# Sydney Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting 1# Sydney Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting 3# Washington Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting 2# Washington G20 Tax Symposium Tokyo Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting 4# Melbourne Joint Finance Deputies / Sherpa Meeting Melbourne
18-20 Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov 2014 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting 5# Cairns Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting 3# Cairns Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting 6# Washington Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting 4# Washington Finance Ministers Meeting - BRISBANE G20 Summit - BRISBANE These events were…….
Deliverables / streams Each meeting had 11 deliverables Examples of these deliverables were Accommodation, registration, Communication, Ground Transport, Security etc. Each deliverable was required for every event they were set up as individual projects and called streams. The events were broken down into 3 periods, pre event, bump in and event. Each stream had its own Project Team and leader and its own project Plan.
Planning………. From September 2012 to April 2013 Scoped the Project. April 2013 we developed a Resource Loaded Execution Plan using objective based logic for each stream We also developed a Master Project List and inserted each stream in as a sub project and linked interdependencies between the 11 streams
Cairns Where it all came together This was the Major meeting of the Finance track where sign off on the majority of initiatives put forward under Australia’s Host year was achieved. The Cairns Meetings required the use of 5 separate Hotels. Transport between venues was very intricate and everything went off smoothly.
Brisbane where they put pen to paper In Brisbane the Finance Ministers meeting was incorporated into the G20 Summit Agenda. Prime Minister and Cabinet were responsible for planning this event and Treasury was responsible for making sure the Finance Ministers meeting ran smoothly.
Question Time Scheduling The G20 Finance Track
Presented by Wayne Greenwood Managing Director Priority Management Australia