FACTS: Two categories of vitamins: Oil soluble (vitamin A,D,E and K),require oil to be absorbed and are stored in the body. Water(B complex,C and bioflavanoids)
Water soluble are not stored and need to be replenished daily. Vitamins help regulate metabolism, assist in forming bones and tissues.
VITAMIN A Necessary for growth and repair of your body’s tissues. Essential in the maintenance of your body’s immune response, which helps fight infections.
A continued: Helps maintain healthy skin and protects mucus membranes of the lungs,throat,mouth and nose. Necessary in the formation of blood, strong bones, and teeth and good eyesight.
Vitamin A: Found in: Carrots, green leafy veggies. Yellow or Orange veggies, eggs, whole milk and milk products. Animal livers.
VITAMIN A: Deficiencies: night blindness, fatigue, unhealthy skin, loss of appetite, loss of sense of smell, and diarrhea.
VITMAIN B COMPLEX: Work together to unlock the nutrients in fats, carbohydrates, and protein, making them available as energy.
VITAMIN B COMPLEX cont.: Found in: Eggs, livers, meat and veggies. When muscular work increases (endurance sports) the need for B complex increases.
VITAMIN B1 (THIAMINE) Essential for normal metabolism and normal nerve function. Converts carbs into glucose(sole source of energy for brain and nervous system). Helps keep heart firm.
B1 continued: Found in: Whole grains, poultry, fish FYI: If you drink coffee or tea, perspire a lot, or under heavy stress, increase B1.
VITAMIN B2 (RIBOFLAVIN): Helps promote proper growth and repair of tissues. Helps release energy from foods you eat. Good for digestion, steady nerves, normal vision. Vital to health of glandular system.
B2 continued: Found in: Dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, whole grains, green leafy veggies
DEFICIENCIES B2: Tongue is purplish red, inflamed, shiny. Cracking at corners of lips, greasy skin, vision problems(sensitive to light,bloodshot eyes),headaches,insomnia
VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN): Essential to every cell in the body. Helps transform sugar and fat into energy.
FOUND IN: (B3) Green leafy veggies, beans,peas, dried figs, prunes, dates, salmon and tuna.
DEFICIENCIES: (B3) Low levels have been linked to mental illness and pellagra, a disease that produces disorders o the skin and intestinal tract. High levels cause muscles to consume it hyperactively, fatigue
VITAMIN C: Strengthens immune system, keeps cholesterol levels down, combats stress,promotes fertility, protects against cardiovascular disease, and various forms of cancer.
C continued: Maintains mental health and a natural laxative.
FOUND IN: (C) Citrus fruits Sprouts Berries Tomatoes/sweet potatoes Green leafy veggies
DEFICIENCIES: Bleeding gums,bruise easily Shortness of breath,nosebleeds Impaired digestion Swollen joints(painful) Anemia, lowered resistance to infection
VITAMIN D: Helps your body utilize calcium to help form strong bones and teeth and healthy skin. Vital to your nervous system and kidneys.
FOUND IN: (D) Milk, butter,egg yolks, fish liver, sardines, salmon, tuna and sunshine.
DEFICIENCIES: (D) Brittle and fragile bones, pale skin, some form of arthritis, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, soft bones and teeth, injuries take an abnormally long time to heal.
VITAMIN E: Promotes health of muscles, cells, blood and skin. Defense in respiratory infections and disease. Excellent first aid tonic for burns or scars.
Found in & Deficieny: Leafy plant foods, whole grains, seeds, nuts Swelling of face, ankles, legs, poor skin condition Muscle cramps, abnormal heartbeat, and respiratory difficulties.