Wednesday 1/28 wk 3 1. What was the disagreement between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV? 2. Why would a person not want to be excommunicated?


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday 1/28 wk 3 1. What was the disagreement between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV? 2. Why would a person not want to be excommunicated?

Jerusalem A Mosaic of Faith

.Jerusalem.Constantinople Europe Africa


Jerusalem Ancient capital of Jewish kingdom Spiritual homeland of Jewish people Location of First and Second temples –Temple Mount –Western Wall

Temple Mount

Western Wall


Jerusalem Location of the death, burial, and ascension of Jesus Contains many significant and ancient Christian sites –Church of the Holy Sepulchre –Garden of Gethsemane –Mount of Olives

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Mount of Olives

Garden Tomb One of many suggested burial sites of Jesus


Jerusalem Third holiest city –After Mecca and Medina Dome of the Rock –Place where Muhammad was taken up to heaven al-Aqsa Mosque

Dome of the Rock

Al Aqsa Mosque

Temple Mount

A Brief History 1003 BCE King David establishes Jerusalem as Capital of the United Kingdom of Israel 950 BCE King Solomon begins construction of the First Temple 597 BCE Babylonians capture Jerusalem 586 BCE Destruction of the Jerusalem and the temple-all Jews forced to leave 537 BCE Jews allowed to return to Jerusalem

A Brief History 520 BCE Work begins on Second Temple 332 BCE Alexander the Great captures Jerusalem 320 BCE Ptolemy I captures Jerusalem and it is ruled by the Egyptians 198 BCE Beginning of Syrian rule 169 BCE Judaism is outlawed and the Temple is desecrated

A Brief History 63 BCE Romans capture Jerusalem 31 AD Crucifixion of Jesus 66 AD Beginning of Jewish revolt against the Romans 70 AD Fall of Jerusalem and destruction of the Second Temple 132 AD Jews again attempt to regain Jerusalem 135 AD Romans forbid Jews to enter Jerusalem

A Brief History 438 AD Byzantines allow Jews back in Jerusalem 614 AD Persians capture Jerusalem, destroy most churches and kick out the Jews 629 AD Recaptured by the Byzantines 632 AD Jerusalem taken over by Muslims 691 AD Dome of the Rock completed 701 AD al-Aqsa Mosque completed

A Brief History 1010 AD Caliph al-Hakim orders destruction of synagogues and churches 1099 AD Crusaders capture Jerusalem and kick out all Muslims and Jews 1187 AD recaptured by Muslims, Jews and Muslims allowed back in 1192 AD Crusaders attempt to recapture city but fail-treaty is made to allow Christians to visit their holy sites 1260 AD Muslims from Egypt capture Jerusalem