Grade Averages What do you think the average grade should be for the PSU SBA undergraduate core? Actual …..
st Qtr. – Overall ClassAverage GPA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA
Last Five Years….. AveST DevHighLow BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA
Policy in Faculty Handbook Circa 2000 “Each instructor is expected to award grades on the basis of criteria related to the course content. Although there is no required distribution for course grades, most grade distributions, especially in the case of medium-to-large classes, are not expected to substantially deviate from the following general pattern.” Under grad: A (26%) B (35%) C (28%) D (6%) F (5%) AVG. 2.7 Graduate: A (37%) B (41%) C (13%) D (6%) F (3%) AVG. 3.03
My experience with 101 – per instructors last five year period…. NAME Ave GPA xxx 2.66 xxx 3.14 Eichelberger, Brenda2.80 xxx 3.16 xxx 3.48 xxx 3.46 xxx 2.26 xxx 2.87 xxx 3.61 xxx 2.71
University of Colorado Core classes are expected to have class GPAs within set ranges. You can exceed the range (either above or below) but if you do, you will have to note it on your annual review as a mitigating factor in interpreting student course evaluation ratings and if you do it two terms in a row, you have to see the Dean (or Area Coordinator) to work toward moving the grade GPA back within norms. 100 level classes: level classes: level classes: level classes:
Questions Is this a problem? Do we “get what we measure” …evaluations, feedback on our averages. Is there an issue with training and feedback? Do students “game” the system? Manipulate due to previous successes with “re-grading”. Read internet reviews and take the “easy” route? Do students have a “sense of entitlement” to always get “better than a C”?
ed comment from Dr. Gerbing: "The more standards we have, the more we help our better students, particularly as we develop a reputation for graduating people with excellent work ethic and strong knowledge of business and business practices."