Grade Point Average - Your grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total amount of quality points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted. Your grade point average may range from 0.0 to a 4.0. Your GPA could be higher than 4.0 if you had honors or advanced classes. Colleges will review your grade point average when deciding on accepting or denying a student. A higher G.P.A. sends the message that you are dedicated to your studies and are serious about your future. Different colleges have different G.P.A. requirements and they may range from very selective to open enrollment. How Do Colleges Choose You?
SAT- Scholastic Aptitude Test ACT – American College Test The SAT and ACT are two standardized tests many colleges require students to take as part of the admissions process. Your scores are compared to other students scores across the county and to others that are applying to the same college as you. A good score on the SAT or ACT is supposed to be a predictor of the possibility that you will be successful in completing college level work. Others argue that the SAT and ACT measure what you have learned. Still others disagree with using standardized tests at all as factor in deciding college acceptances. The reality is that many colleges still require the tests and if you want to be admitted to that school you have to meet their standardized test requirements. How Do Colleges Choose You?
Recommendations are letters that teachers, counselor, principals and employers write on your behalf – often as part of the application package. In a typical letter of recommendation a teacher will discuss your academic ability, work ethic in class, you ability to work with others, how you respond to correction and your general attitude. The more information a recommender has about you before writing the letter, the better the letter will reflect the whole you and your abilities. Students asking for letters of recommendation should complete an academic resume that list their school and community activities, volunteer experiences and future plans. Giving the person you are requesting a letter or recommendation from a copy of your Academic Resume will greatly assist them in writing you an excellent reference. How Do Colleges Choose You?
A college application can be completed online or a paper copy can also be printed in some cases. The application is the first contact a college admissions counselor will have with the student applying to college. Whether the application is online or on paper you need to make sure you are making a good first impression. This is done by paying careful attention to all the details of the application. Spelling and penmanship must be accurate and clear. Also, make sure to answer all the questions that are asked and answer them correctly and honestly. The most important thing about an application is making sure it is submitted before the deadline. How Do Colleges Choose You?
The classes you take in high school are very important. College admissions counselors not only look at your grades but the rigor or difficulty of your classes. All student should take the most difficult classes they can handle. Colleges will require that you take certain classes or a specific number of courses in a particular subject area. Requirements between colleges vary so you should check the admissions requirements to make sure you are in line with what they want. Different majors will also require various classes. If you are studying engineering you will most likely be asked to take the highest level math and science classes at you school. However, if you are studying Art, those colleges will want to review a portfolio that demonstrates your skill level. A portfolio is something you will develop overtime by taking several classes in that area. How Do Colleges Choose You?
Your involvement in various activities (sports, music, volunteerism, work, clubs) lets college admissions counselors know that you will contribute to the campus scene when you arrive. It also sends the message that you are able to balance and prioritize your time between your academic demands, your sports schedules and your volunteer activities. Admission Counselors want to see significant involvement. They know that a student who is involved in too many activities is probably not deeply committed to each one of those programs. Significant involvement could mean that you hold a leadership position or that you are a contributing member of a club. How Do Colleges Choose You?
A Major is the main course of topics you will study in college. If you attend a 4-year college you will most likely have to take general education requirements that all majors have to take, before taking your major area classes. If you enroll in a two-year college you will have fewer general education requirements. This will enable to you being studying your major courses earlier in you college career. Deciding on your major can be difficult and intimidating, however it should be the most important factor in deciding where you want to attend school. Some majors are fairly common and you will have a choice of several colleges to attend, however there are also majors that are unique and not as common. How Do You Choose a College?
When deciding on a college, the location of the campus is important. You need to ask yourself the question, “How far away from home am I willing and able to go?” The distance from home can make a big difference both emotionally and financially. If you attend a school that is several hours away you might be limited in the number of home visits you can take during the year because of the distance and the costs associated with travel. When considering locations it is also important to examine what other opportunities the surrounding area can offer. Are you in an area that offers you the opportunity for internships and other unique experiences? How Do You Choose a College?
The environment or surroundings of the college can be very different. Are you most comfortable in an urban, suburban, or rural setting? Schools located in large cities typically have better public transportation systems that make it much easier to get to attractions and events. Rural environments might be able to provide student with a more quite and comfortable atmosphere where various activities are organized on campus. Each setting has its advantages and disadvantages but the most important factor is where are you most comfortable. To truly get an idea of the environment you will feel most comfortable it is important to travel to the college for a campus visit. How Do You Choose a College?
When considering campus facilities you want to examine the programs, services and physical structures that will not only assist you in being successful academically, but also those things that will enhance your overall health, wellbeing and college experience. Some factors are commons concerns for all students, such as the quality of the food, the residence halls and campus security. However, other services may be more directed to your area of study such as laboratory research facilities, internship opportunities and study abroad programs to name a few. When deciding on a college it is important for you to examine what factors are most important to you and then try to find the school that matches you most highly valued aspects. No college will be perfect, but you should be able to find several colleges that meet you most important needs. How Do You Choose a College?
The size of the student body can make a significant difference in the facilities, majors offered, and how comfortable you are on campus. College enrollments can range from a few hundred students to several thousand. How Do You Choose a College?
The only way to know if you will be comfortable on campus is to visit. You can contact the college admission’s office and set up an individual tour or register for an open house program. You will want to see as much of the campus as you can but be sure to meet with the admission’s counselor, speak with students, attend a class, and speak to a professor. How Do You Choose a College?