Matthew 24 Matthew 24 The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the World Part 4 The Son of Man Coming In Judgment Upon All the Nations Matthew 24:36.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew 24 Matthew 24 The Destruction of Jerusalem and the End of the World Part 4 The Son of Man Coming In Judgment Upon All the Nations Matthew 24:36 – 25:46

Matthew 24 Misunderstood Matthew 24 is very often misunderstood and misused by premillennialists who teach that there will be “signs” pointing to Jesus’ return and 1,000 year reign The word “signs” (24:3, 30) and the word “tribulation” (24:9, 21, 29) mentioned in Matthew 24 are widely used by premillenialists to teach this false doctrine

Matthew 24 Misunderstood

The Setting Jesus has been teaching in the temple during his last week in Jerusalem before going to the cross (21:12, 17-18, 23) Jesus prophesies that the Jews’ “house” (temple) will be made desolate (23:37-39; see Lk. 13:34-35; 19:41-44) Jesus’ disciples show him the beautiful temple stones (24:1; see Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews 15.11) Jesus predicts the fall of Jerusalem (24:2)

The Setting Jesus’ disciples ask Jesus when these things will be and Jesus answers them (24:3 – 25:46; see 26:1) When shall these things be? What shall be the sign of thy coming (presence)? What shall be the sign of the end of the world?

The Setting When Jesus answers his disciples, he will talk about… 1. The beginning of travail (24:4-14; see 24:8) 2. The great tribulation (24:15-28; see 24:21) 3. The Son of man coming (24:29 – 25:46; see 24:27, 30, 37, 39, 42, 44; 25:31) In judgment upon Jerusalem (24:29-35) In judgment upon all the nations (24:36 – 25:46)

Matthew 24 Timeline A.D. 33 A.D A.D. 40’s – 60’s Matthew 24:1-3 The Setting Jesus predicts the temple Destruction (note the “bookends” 23:36 and 24:34) Matthew 24:4-14 The Beginning Deceivers Wars Famines Earthquakes Tribulation False prophets Gospel preached Matthew 24:15-35 The Tribulation Surrounding army Flee Jerusalem Great tribulation More deceivers More false proph. Son of Man comes All accomplished

The Son of Man Coming First, Jesus speaks of “that day and hour” (24:36)

The Son of Man Coming MatthewMarkLuke 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only. 13:32 But of that day or that hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

The Son of Man Coming First, Jesus speaks of “that day and hour” (24:36) Second, Jesus compares his coming to the days of the Noah (24:37-39)

The Son of Man Coming MatthewMarkLuke 24:37-39 And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall be the coming of the Son of man.

The Son of Man Coming First, Jesus speaks of “that day and hour” (24:36) Second, Jesus compares his coming to the days of the Noah (24:37-39) Third, Jesus teaches his disciples the importance of watchful vigilance and readiness (24:40 – 25:30) – Thief breaking in (24:40-44) – Wise and evil servant (24:45-51) – Ten virgins (25:1-13) – The talents (25:14-30)

The Son of Man Coming MatthewMarkLuke 24:40-42 Then shall two man be in the field; one is taken, and one is left: two women shall be grinding at the mill; one is taken, and one is left. Watch therefore: for ye know not on what day your Lord cometh.

The Son of Man Coming MatthewMarkLuke 24:43-44 But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken through. Therefore be ye also ready; for in an hour that ye think not the Son of man cometh.

The Son of Man Coming MatthewMarkLuke 24:45-47 Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath set over his household, to give them their food in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, that he will set him over all that he hath. 13:33-34 Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. It is as when a man, sojourning in another country, having left his house, and given authority to his servants, to each one his work, commanded also the porter to watch.

The Son of Man Coming MatthewMarkLuke 24:48-51 But if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord tarrieth; and shall begin to beat his fellow-servants, and shall eat and drink with the drunken; the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he expecteth not, and in an hour when he knoweth not, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth. 13:35-37 Watch therefore: for ye know not when the lord of the house cometh, whether at even, or at midnight, or at cockcrowing, or in the morning; lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.

Four Contrasts in Matthew 24 Destruction of Jerusalem (vv. 4-35) Heaven and Earth … Pass Away (vv ; 25:1-46) 1. “Those days” (vv. 19,22,29) 1. “That day” (vv. 36,38,42,44,50; 25:13) 2. “Know” (vv ; Lk. 21:20) 2. “Know not” (vv. 36,39,42,43,50; 25:13) 3. “These things” (unusual activity - vv. 4-29) 3. “Days of Noah” (normal activity - vv ; 25:1-30) 4. “You see … standing in the holy place” (local judgment – vv. 15,16, 34) 4. “The flood came” (universal judgment – vv ; see also 25:31-46)

Two Questions Contrasted Destruction of Jerusalem (vv. 4-35) Heaven and Earth … Pass Away (vv ; 25:1-46) 1. When? – a question of TIME: this generation (v. 34) 1. When? – question of TIME: only the Father knows (v. 36) 2. What? – a question of SIGNS: when you see all these things (v. 33) 2. What? – a question of SIGNS: none given

Lessons for Today Lessons for Today ( from Jesus’ Coming Upon All the Nations) We need to accept the fact of the Lord’s coming; however, we do not know when the Lord will come at the end of time; it will be like a thief; it will be sudden and unexpected; it is certain that it is uncertain (25:43; 1 Thess. 5:2-4; 2 Pet. 3:10) We need to be watchful and vigilant (24:42-43; 25:13; 1 Thess. 5:6) We need to be ready and prepared (24:44; 25:10; Heb. 11:7)

Lessons for Today Lessons for Today ( from Jesus’ Coming Upon All the Nations) We need to be faithful, busy servants; not wicked, slothful servants (25:14-30; 1 Cor. 15:58) We need to be on the “right” (hand) side of God’s judgment (25:31-46; Eccl. 10:2; Acts 24:15)