U.S. Department of Labor Executive Employment Workshop Transition from Military to Civilian Workplace
Welcome Icebreaker Logistics Prerequisites Required items Preseparation Counseling MOC Crosswalk Personal Finance Required items VMET, Career Interest Inventory Results, 12-month budget This course was designed to build upon the other TAP Core courses and will continue to assist transitioning Service members and their spouses with planning. Emphasize how important these required items are to the overall success of the workshop.
Key Points Attending this workshop will give you the advantage Good jobs are difficult to find Looking for work is a full time job You are selling and marketing yourself in a competitive environment
Purpose This course provides the tools for transitioning Service members to make an informed career decision based on best practices for job search and current industry hiring standards. This course is a required step to complete Career Readiness Standards for the Capstone event.
Course Overview Section 1: Manage Change Section 2: Career Exploration & Validation Section 3: Job Search Plan Section 4: Build an Effective Resume Section 5: Federal Hiring & Resume Section 6: Skilled Interview Section 7: Interview Post-Analysis ITP Employment Section Thank you for your Service!
Section 1 Transition planning Complete Individual Transition Plan Manage Change Develop Job Search Plan: Personal Assets Create a Career Catalog Complete Master Application Complete Transferable Skills Inventory Identify Personal Factors for Job Search Plan
Identify Stressors Physical Symptoms: Cognitive Symptoms: Memory problems Inability to concentrate Poor judgment Pessimistic approach or thoughts Anxious or racing thoughts Constant worrying Physical Symptoms: Aches and pains Diarrhea or constipation Nausea, dizziness Chest pain, rapid heartbeat Loss of sex drive Frequent colds
Identify Stressors Emotional Symptoms: Moodiness Irritability or short temper Agitation, inability to relax Feeling overwhelmed Sense of loneliness and isolation Depression or general unhappiness Behavioral Symptoms: Eating more or less Sleeping too much or too little Isolating oneself from others Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
What are some positive ways to manage stress?
Homeless Veterans 2013 Statistics Annual veterans’ unemployment rate in 2012 was 7%. Young male veterans (those ages 18 to 24) who served during Gulf War Era II had an unemployment rate of 20%, higher than that of young male nonveterans (16.4%). Female veterans who served during Gulf War Era II had an unemployment rate of 12.5%. Source: BLS 2013 Employment Situation of Veterans; www.VA.gov
Homeless Veterans 2013 Statistics On a single night in January 2013, 57,849 homeless veterans spent the night on the streets of America. An estimated 136,128 veterans spent at least one night in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program in 2013. Source: BLS 2013 Employment Situation of Veterans; www.VA.gov
Why Are Veterans Homeless? Male veterans are twice as likely to become homeless, and female veterans are four times more likely to be homeless as their non-veteran counterparts. A large number live with post traumatic stress disorders and addictions acquired during or exacerbated by their military service. Lack of family and social networks due to lengthy periods away from their communities of origin. Government money is limited and serves only 1-in-5 of homeless veterans in need.
Prevention of Homelessness Military service separation process Participate in “Preseparation” counseling process Participate in Department of Labor Employment Workshop Know about your VA Benefits Obtain a job and income Seek early assistance for mental health and substance abuse issues DOL/VETS Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP)
Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program HVRP Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program Funded by U.S. DOL/VETS This program provides employment, training, and supportive services to assist in reintegrating homeless veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force.
5-Step Decision Making Process Develop Awareness About the Issue Step 2 Define the Problem Step 3 Generate Options Step 4 Evaluate & Select Options Step 5 Implement Options & Evaluate Progress
Identify Support System List people who: You know and trust Can help you to connect with others Are accessible to you on an ongoing basis Have varied talents and abilities who can provide assistance to you across a varied spectrum of needs
Identify Support System Family Friends Softball Team Church Neighbors High School Military Jones Hudsacks Nordquists Houghs Nguyens Garcias Mr. White Pastor Roberts HS Employer Deena Rocco Sgt. Li Bucko Zane Josh Jeremy Oginga Mrs. Miller Mr. Luigi
Manage Change Or change will manage you. Develop your own customized change management plan. Use your best resources and knowledge. Pages 4-13
Change Management Plan Structures Support System Life Goals Stressors Skills Budget
Create a Career Catalog In your career catalog you will have copies of: Records Master Application Work Samples, if applicable Among the types of records you should collect in your career catalog are: Military Service Personal Identification Work Experience Education & Training Pages 14-15
Understand Your Skills Build a master skills inventory Use your VMET to identify skills. Utilize MOC Crosswalk results. Identify and list all of your skills gained through: education, military service, previous jobs, hobbies, interests, participation in professional organizations and community activities. Pages 23-32
Marketing Plan (Personal Branding) Product – What skills, knowledge and experience do I have to offer? Promotion – What will I use to show how I can benefit and bring added value to an employer? Pricing – How much are my skills, knowledge, experience and added value worth in the marketplace? Packaging – How can I use my Professional Introduction, resume, interview, appearance, etc. to establish, maintain, and sell my brand? Perfect Fit – What combination of location, environment, company, values, etc. would be best for me and an employer?
Personal Assets Assess and Evaluate: Skills CLAMS Values Preferences Pages 33-42
Section 2 Career Validation & Exploration Research Industries, Occupations, Trends Identify Job Search Assistance Resources Develop Job Search Plan: Essential Tools Develop Job Search Plan: Target Employers
Job Search Assistance State Workforce Agency (SWA) or One Stop Career Center Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Office of Apprenticeship (OA), U.S. Department of Labor Private Employment Services College/University/School Career Services Military and Professional Associations and Organizations Phone and/or Industry Directory Industrial and Craft Unions Job Fairs and Hiring Events Chamber of Commerce Military and Family Support Centers Pages 46-49
Essential Job Search Tools
Target Employers
Informational Interview The best way to get a job is to ask for job information, advice, and referrals; never ask for a job. Engage prospects in the 5 R’s of Reveal useful information and advice Refer you to others Read your resume Revise your resume Remember you for future references & job opportunities
Speak the Employer’s Language Translating military to civilian is difficult but necessary. Research the company and analyze the job posting to decide what “language” an employer speaks. Communicate the skills and experiences you bring to the table—and what you can offer an employer. Speak the employer’s language.
Business Concepts Read Business Publications Watch Business News Join Professional Networking Orgs Attend Courses Mentor for Business & Profession Account-ability Partner Develop Understanding of Business Concepts
Professional Introduction
Section 3 Job Search Plan Set Goals Schedule Network Utilize Job Search Method Analyze Job Postings Complete Application Forms
Short-range, Medium-range and Long-range Goals Career Goal Next Level Entry Level Skills Required Experience Education Required Activity: short term goal (bottom level) long term goal is the top career goal they are aiming for.
SMART Setting Goals Adaptable Measurable Specific Trackable Realistic
Create a Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8-10 Review Job Postings Research Companies Interview Review past week 10-12 Target Resumes Practice Answering Questions Play Golf (network) Send Thank you, Analysis Review Skills, add more 12-1 Lunch 1-4 Complete online application, Calls Interview, Network event Send Thank you, Analyze Interview Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook 4-5 Plan for tomorrow Plan for the week Cook Dinner with Friends Walk Clean Office
How Job Seekers Look for Jobs The important point is the average number of methods used – perhaps this means that to be successful, a job-seeker should diversify efforts. Average number of methods used: 2.03 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
How Employers Look for Employees Discuss the hidden job market. Source: Bureau Labor Statistics
Job Search Plan Network Effort Focus Target Employers Resume Online In Person Effort Organize Schedule Focus Target Employers Resume Be sure your networking plan aligns with your short term, mid term and/or long term career goals.
Analyzing Job Postings Job postings provide information about the types of positions available, the skills required and the language an employer speaks. Analyze postings for: Experience needed Qualifications Salary Skills Page 93
Application Forms Read the directions Fill out application forms completely Utilize your master application Safeguard your right to privacy Pages 94-96
Section 4 Effective Resume Understand the Resume Reader Target Resumes and Master Resume Sections of a Resume Prepare References Resume Types Resume Formatting Resume Review Cover Letter Salary History
Section 4 Effective Resume Interview 5-10 Called 20 Reviewed 100 Scanned Resume Screening Process
Section 4 Effective Resume Step One Identify Career & Job Positions Step Two Resume Type -Chronological -Functional -Combination -CV Step Three Customize Master Resume with Keywords
Sections of a Resume Contact Information Career/Job Objective Statement Summary Areas of Expertise Experience Employment History Education/Training
234 Brook Avenue, Englewood, Colorado 12345 Contact Information Make sure your information is current and accurate: Lynn Gweeney 234 Brook Avenue, Englewood, Colorado 12345 (123) 456-7890 Lynn.Gweeney@email.com Page 117
Career/Job Objective Statement Well-written career objectives are Concise, short and to the point Answer the question “For which position are you applying?” List the specific job and company to which you are applying Pages 118-119
Summary A short paragraph used to highlight key words and marketable skills/experience, and recaps what you can offer, including: Specific knowledge, talent or education that “ties” you to your career interest Self-management skills Work attributes Soft skills Pages 120-121
Area of Expertise A list of bullet points which provide a sense of what you can do for the company: Highlight key skills that support job goal Match key words in job announcement Include certifications/licenses required List security clearance if relevant for position Pages 121-123
Tailor and Target Use “Personal Branding” approach to craft Executive Summary Keywords (company and industry specific) Soft skills vs. Hard skills Executive Resume samples Professional Summary, Professional Overview, Executive Summary STAR statements
Experience Use civilian terms. Speak the employer’s language. Use key words Begin with an action verb Avoid “Responsible for” Quantify results: use numbers, percentages, statistics and examples Avoid personal pronouns (I, me, my…) Wordsmith your statements Pages 125-134
STAR Statements Accomplishments sell your potential; lead with results For Example Managed and maintained logistical resources in excess of $15 million over 43 geographically separate locations producing a savings of 28% annually. Spearheaded one-of-a-kind action team to control outside costs; resulted in 17% cost reduction in radiology and 26% cost reduction in physical therapy in 1 year. Developed a robust training curriculum; implemented, trained and evaluated training given to 200 personnel annually …(Complete this statement)
Education and Training List most recent first Put “attended” if you never graduated to prevent the assumption that you have a degree Include certifications/licenses/training relevant to job Depending on your background and the job for which you’re applying, Education & Training might be placed above Experience or Employment History on your resume. Page 136
Review Resumes Resumes are a work in progress Speak for you when you’re not there Serve as a marketing tool Must highlight your ability to do the job Should lead to an interview Resumes are a work in progress
Section 4 Resume Lab Choose: Draft: Save Master Resume File: Style Formatting Draft: Sections Content in sections Focus on STAR accomplishment statements Save Master Resume File: If using computer lab, email file to yourself
Cover Letters Introduce yourself and sell the employer on how well your specific skills, abilities and attributes match the organization’s needs. Four main components: Introduction Relevant Reason for Cover Letter Request for Action Respectful Sign Off Pages 151-153
Section 5 Federal Resume Federal Hiring Reform Veterans Employment Initiative Job Classification Finding Jobs Competitive Service Understanding the Vacancy Veterans’ Preference Announcement Excepted Service Application Procedures Special Hiring Authorities for Veterans Federal Interviewing Getting the Offer
Federal Jobs Classifications Veterans’ Preference Selection Processes Find jobs Apply for jobs
Senior Executive Service (SES) Managerial, Supervisory, Policy positions classified above GS 15 Scientific and Professional (ST), Senior Level (SL), Appointments, Presidential/Senate Confirmation Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) Leading Change, Leading People, Results Driven, Business Acumen, Building Coalitions Qualifications Review Boards
Federal Jobs
Section 6 Skilled Interview Summary of the Hire Process Prepare for the Actual Interview Types of Interviews Communication in the Workplace Interview Stages Listening Skills Introductory Stage Employment Tests Employer Questions Find Information about a Potential Employer Answer Questions Interpret Body Language Candidate Questions Closing Stage First Impressions Follow-Up After Interview Many people interview, some of them practice various techniques. We want every participant to become skilled at interviewing.
Skilled Interview Hiring Process First Contact Phone Interview Face-to- Face Interview Tests Reference Checks Background Checks Offer & Negotiation Hiring Process
Types of Interviews Face-to-Face Panel or Committee Meal Interview Group Stress Phone Page 187-189
Skilled Interview Interview Stages Building Rapport Employer Questions Introduction Company History Info about the position Employer Questions Behavioral Contextual Resume based STAR method Candidate Questions Appropriate Questions Follow-up Closing Ask for the job Thank you Interview Stages
Mock Interview Practice makes permanent Practice to make it skilled Take notes
Prepare for Interview Research Checklists Questions References
Dress for Interview
Follow-up The art of thank you!
Section 7 Interview Post Analysis Evaluate the Interview—Continuous Improvement Evaluate Job Offers Negotiate Job Offers Communicate a Decision to an Employer
Understanding Salary Ranges Job Salary Range $90K - $120K Midpoint or Market Value $100K Beginner Range $90K - $95K Experienced Range $95K - $115K Highly Qualified Range $115K - $120K
Offer accepted! You’re our candidate! You’re in the running! Salary Negotiation Best Time to Negotiate Too Late Offer accepted! Offer Extended You’re our candidate! You’re in the running! Your Bargaining Position You might be a fit Too Early Who are you? FO&D
Negotiation Items Transportation Vacation/Sick Leave Credit Card Signing bonus Uniforms Vacation/Sick Leave Flexible Work Hours Health/Life/Disability Education Assistance Flexible Spending Accounts Stock Options
Update ITP Next steps SMART Goals Schedule Additional education, certification, skills
Course Summary Manage Change Personal Assets Career Validation Resume Federal Job Search Skilled Interview Interview Post-analysis
Wrap-up Expectations Met Evaluations Comments https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/tgpsp Comments What questions do you have?