Love of your job? To sharpen your soft skills? To meet new and exciting people? NO – to make money!!! Focus: How to calculate different types of pay? WHAT IS THE MAJOR REASON PEOPLE WORK?
Be offered a job with… a salary of $52,000 OR A per hour rate of $26.00 $52,000 = $25.00 an hour 52,000/(40*52) $26.00 = an annual salary of $54,080 26*(52*40) WOULD YOU RATHER…
If you are to receive a salary, do you know how to calculate your gross pay for each pay period? What kind of information do you need? Hourly Workers? Are you entitled to overtime? How do you calculate OT? COMPELLING WHY!
First 40 hours is at regular pay rate. Anything over 40 hours is at 1.5 Nonexempt employees receive overtime. WAGES
Jim worked 45 hours last week He makes $8.90 an hour What is his gross pay? Regular pay 40*8.9 = Overtime pay 5*(1.5*8.9) = Total gross pay = $ HOURLY WAGE EXAMPLE
Judy worked 52 hours last week She makes $11.90 an hour What is his gross pay? Regular pay 40*11.90 = Overtime pay 11*(1.5*11.90) (1.5*11.90) = *12 = Total gross pay = $ NOW – YOU TRY… HOURLY WAGE EXAMPLE
Exempt employees - No matter how many hours you work, you get paid the same amount each pay period. 52 weeks in a year If paid every two weeks26 pay periods If paid twice a month24 pay periods If paid once a month12 pay periods SALARY
Sean’s salary is $42,500 a year What is Sean’s gross pay if he gets paid… SALARY every two weeks bi- monthlyOnce a month $42,500/26$42,500/24$42,500/12 $1, $1, $3,541.67
Incentive to works because pay is directly related to the amount of work a person does ie. Sales person and Production workers COMMISSION
Sold 2 cars Car 1 - $21,790 Car 2 - $25,650 How much does the Salesperson earn? COMMISSION CAR SALES PERSON EARNS 9% COMMISSION FOR EACH CAR SOLD $21, ,650 47,440 x _.09 $4,269.60
Jill works at Best Buy & has a bi-weekly salary of $1,000. She earns 3% of the merchandise she sells. She sold $6,000 in merchandise this pay period. What is Jill’s gross pay? $1,000 + (.03 x 6000) $1, = $1, BASE + INCENTIVE
Profit sharing Workers receive a share of the company’s profits. Performance Bonuses Companies pay bonuses to workers who increase the quantity or quality of their work. INCENTIVE PLANS
Besides pay – what other expectations do you have from your employer when you get a full-time job. BELL WORK
Financial compensation in addition to wages and salary Can cost a company 20% to 40% of a employees salary to provide benefits ie an employee is paid $40,000 This employee’s fringe benefits could cost between $8,000 and $16,000 a year FRINGE BENEFITS
Life, health, dental, disability insurance Health insurance most costly and sought after benefit Profit-sharing & Pension plans Builds retirement funds Employers may also contribute Paid Vacations Personal Illness, and bereavement days Absences for the birth of a child COMMON FRINGE BENEFITS
Graphic Organizer Chapter 8 Beginning a New JobSucceeding in the World of Work INCENTIVE PLANS Bonuses Stock options Profit sharing BENEFITS Health insurance Paid vacations PAYMENT Salary Hourly wages Retirement plan Convenience benefits Overtime Commission Employee Compensation
THOSE REQUIRED BY LAW Unemployment compensation Worker’s compensation Social Security
Convenience Benefits Services that make worker’s lives easier flexible work hours fitness center On-site childcare What can you think of? Cafeteria Plan Not a benefit but a policy that lets employees chose the benefits they want. ie an employee may choose disability insurance over vacation time.