A Home of Your Own Some In-Home Resource Options
Personal Care Attendants Provide limited services within your home and support for activities to help you access your community which may include: Meal preparation Home cleaning Medical services that will allow people to live in a home in their community Transportation
Personal Care Attendants Typically, services are provided by local, non-profit organizations which are certified by your state (called “directed” services) “Self directed” services are available in some states that allow you to hire and manage the people who are providing your services, as well as the specific services you require
Personal Care Attendant Possible services provided: Primary home care/family care Community based alternatives Community living assistance and support services Customer managed personal assistance services
Home Accessibility Services Resources available to make a home more livable for a person with a disability May include interior modifications to living areas, bathrooms and kitchens or exterior modifications including ramps and powered doors
Assistive Technology Equipment, adaptive devices and computer software and hardware that can help people perform their everyday tasks MonTech Providing access to assistive technology tools, resources and supports for Montanans
Assistive Technology ABLEDATA Provides information about assistive technology products and rehabilitation equipment Local and state agencies supplying assistive technology equipment and expertise
Low Income Energy Assistance Assists low income households to pay for immediate home energy needs Priority may go to households with the highest home energy costs or needs in relation to income For more information: Administration for Children & Families