OPENING ACTIVITY Wake up your brain by having some fun with the teasers below! Repeat after me. Big BirdExcuse me.
Paper Plate Appreciations Place the paper plate around your neck and on your back. Walk around the classroom as music plays. Freeze when the music stops. Write an appreciation on the paper plate to the person standing closest to you. Repeat the process until time is called. Read your appreciations and fill your bucket! Joe You work well with everyone in class!
Appreciation Examples It has been fun working with you in our learning club this week! You have a way of making everyone around you happy. Your attitude towards learning is always so positive. You shared lots of good ideas with me this week. Thank you for being so caring when I needed a band aid yesterday. Being in a learning club with you was a great way for us to get to know each other better. You are such a visual-spatial learner! The pictures you drew this week are amazing!
Jet Delivers Books to Kids Overseas An airplane with more than 100,000 special “passengers” recently flew from Seattle, Washington, to China. The passengers aboard the flight were not people. They were brand new ________ for children. An organization called Room to Read planned this special trip. Room to Read collects books and other school supplies for children who have little money to buy them. Some of the books are written in English and others are written in the children’s native languages. Room to Read also builds schools and libraries. Since the year 2000, Room to Read has donated more than ______________ books, built almost 300 schools, and opened 5,000 libraries. To help pay for books and new schools and libraries, Room to Read has a special program called Students Helping Students. Kids in the U.S. and other countries raise money for Room to Read. Some of the money students raise is used to pay authors and artists in other countries to write and illustrate books for children in those countries. Room to Read was started in 2000 by John Wood. When Wood was on a backpacking trip to Nepal in 1998, he learned that many rural schools there had few books. Wood knew it would be very difficult for those students to escape poverty if they could not read. Today, Room to Read helps kids learn to read in Nepal, India, Vietnam, South Africa, and many other countries. books 3 million
OUR DAILY AFFIRMATION Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is mystery, Today is a gift, That's why we call it the present. I am braver than I believe, I am stronger than I seem. I am smarter than I think. Everything I do matters. I am heard, understood, and acknowledged. HUA!
Conceptual Key Point for the Component: Survival is the natural process of living or continuing to live longer than another person, animal, or thing. Living things have physical characteristics that allow them to survive. They use these characteristics to meet their basic needs for food, water, air, protection, shelter, and reproduction.
Friendly Letter to Nichole and Seth
Choice Inquiry Procedure 1.Read each inquiry with the class. 2.Think about the inquiry you are most interested in creating. 3.Choose that inquiry. 4.Work quietly and use time wisely. 5.Be prepared to share when you hear the rainstick.
CHOICE #1 Design a Power Point presentation that demonstrates what you have learned this week as “teachers”. Include the following topics: Town Hall, Survival, Food Chain, Outdoor Education Garden connections and any other topics you would like to address. Add graphics, sounds, and animations to your presentation. Present when time is called.
CHOICE #2 Create a tri-fold brochure to share how your “students” can use what you have learned in their own classrooms next year. Include ideas about Town Hall, being a bucket filler, using Australia, and any other ideas you may have. Present your brochure.
CHOICE #3 Create a Public Service Announcement for the local PBS station to inform the community with crucial information about being more responsible in understanding the importance of creating outdoor education gardens at schools. Include a definition of survival and what we can do to make a difference. Video the PSA and share with others.
CHOICE #4 Write a letter to the editor for the local newspaper and explain the information learned during the week. Revise and edit with a learning buddy. Write a final copy to send to the editor.
Create a song or rap that teaches others about any of our plant content from the week. Include AT LEAST 5 important ideas in your song/rap. Record the words on a power point slide. Perform the composition live for the class. CHOICE #5
Write an acrostic using one of the following: FOOD CHAIN SURVIVAL Edit and revise with a learning buddy. Copy your acrostic onto a large sheet of construction paper. Illustrate. Practice reading your poem to an audience. Share with the class. CHOICE #6
Celebrations of Learning Procedures 1.Sit on the carpet with the class. 2.Share your inquiry with the audience. 3.Use active listening when others are sharing. 4.Give appreciations.