fldjk; ¼nkSlk½ DPIP
JZVP- SIKRAI No.of CIGs Formed Villages And Panchayat Covered Majority Caste Villages 21 Panchayat 1.ST (Majority of Meena) 2.SC (Majority of Bairwa and Mahavaar) 3.OBC (Majority of Gurjar & Mali) CIG Details
JZVP- SIKRAI No. benefited (Financed) % Activity wise No. of CIGs benefited (a)Agriculture & Land based % (b) Livestock (Sheep & Goat) % (c) Dairy 21.48%
JZVP- SIKRAI Non Farm CIG Activity wise Activity wise % a)Stone Carving b)Carpet c)Tent d)Paper Plate e)Other %8.15%7.41%5.92%20.00%
JZVP- SIKRAI CIG Performance CIG Performance A % of groups earning a net income i) Rs per month % ii) Rs % iii) Rs % B % of Groups who have acquired additional assets % C % of groups linked to the market %
Preparation, Sanction, Implementati on of sub project a)Average time taken for preparation b)Average time for sanction of project c)Average time taken from group contribution d)Average time taken for transfer of fund to CIG a/c e)Average time taken for acquisition of asset 6 month 2 month 2-4 month 45 days 2-10 month JZVP- SIKRAI
% of group members who last their assets through sale Through death 15 m 30 m Capacity building of CIG % given a) Orientation training b) Skill training % % of group to the link to bank / MFI credit bank credit applications deposited by CIGs to the bank Insurance : (i)No. of group who insured their assets (ii)No. of claims filed (iii)No. of claims disbursed (iv)Pending m 70 m 25 m
List of 10 groups whom you consider a success story and mention reasons for success. Name of CIGActivity (a) Bhartiya Band Baja (b)Ram Bhakt Tent (c)BajrangTent (d)PermeshwarStone Carving (e)RajoriaStone Carving (f)GanpatiStone Carving (g)ShivCarpet (h)DevGoatery (i)DanteshwarRCC (j)SamtaGoatery JZVP- SIKRAI
Lessons Learnt Now BPL is competent for future better earnings. CIGs chosen activities as per their past experience. DPIP has proved itself as the best Scheme for the last 50 years for poverty eradication. DPIP has proved itself as the best Scheme for the last 50 years for poverty eradication. Government machinery is not co-operating as expected. JZVP- SIKRAI
Forward Step (Envisaged) CIGs are to trained for business development. CIGs are to trained for business development. In modern era CIGs should be developed on Cluster basis for medium/large scale industry. In modern era CIGs should be developed on Cluster basis for medium/large scale industry. Assets need to be used for further development. Assets need to be used for further development. If Cluster developed properly BPL will play an important role in improving GDP rate. If GDP rate is improved India will be known as Developed Country. JZVP- SIKRAI
What Next : (i)Proposed Stone cluster development in Dausa. (ii)Proposed Carpet cluster development in Dausa. (iii)Proposed Goatery cluster development in Dausa. (iv)Proposed Goatery cluster development in Baran. (v)Planning for Rural business hub. JZVP- SIKRAI
Suggestions : Adequate availability of fund. Adjustment of UC / CC. Cluster development. Frequent transfers of DPMU & SPMU staff. Authority signature in Sub Project Bank Account by NGO ’ s/DPMU. Planning of training. JZVP- SIKRAI