Statistics on Organic Farming and Products in Denmark Statistics on Organic Farming and Products in Denmark by Poul Henning Larsen
Rome2 History In 1987 The Danish Parliament passed a new law on organic farming Since 1988 the Danish Government has supported organic farming After August 2000 Denmark comply with EU-regulation 5.5 percent of farm area is organic
Rome3 Content of the Study Data needs assessment Mapping of existing data capture possibilities Proposals for new statistics within the organic sector
Rome4 Mapping of Existing Data Capture 1.Organic farming and production 2.Processing and sale 3.Foreign trade 4.Final consumption by consumer 5.Prices
Rome5 1. Organic Farming and Production The Danish Plant Directorate Central Livestock Register Danish Research Institute of Food Economic Statistics Denmark Other sources
Rome6 2. Processing and Sale Danish Veterinary and Food Administration Statistics Denmark
Rome7 3. Foreign Trade Organic Denmark Statistics Denmark
Rome8 4. Final Consumption by Consumer Turnover in retail shops Direct sale from farmer to consumer and various subscription systems The catering sector Household surveys Dietary surveys
Rome9 5. Prices Whole milk Partly skim milk Skim milk Egg, size L Carrots Potatoes Minced beef meat, with maximum 12 per cent fat Minced pig meat, with maximum 12 per cent fat
Rome10 Reusing Information create new information by combining two or more registers match two or more registers and in that way reduce the population for gathering new information
Rome11 Creating/gathering New Information Organic farming and production Processing and sale Foreign trade
Rome12 Two new surveys 1.Turnover of organic products in retail shops 2.Foreign trade of organic products with focus on response burden
Rome13 Turnover in retail shops Few big supermarkets chains Wholesalers member of same organization shops supplied by 2 (- 3) wholesalers COICOP In 2005 only nine questionnaires 3½ percent of the turnover is organic
Rome14 Foreign trade (1) Foreign trade (1) Prerequisite: Information from Intrastat from Extrastat from The Danish Plant Directorate from Danish Veterinary and Food Administration about business number
Rome15 Foreign trade (2) Questionnaire: Import - export Commodity number (CN-8) Country Value in DKK Net weight in kg Requested information on organic products: Value in DKK Net weight in kg
Rome16 Foreign trade (3) From to 236 respondents 121 respondents with relevant trade Import 278 mio. DKK (37 mio. €) Export 231 Mio. DKK (31 mio. €)