Caring for Research Animals Biomedical Research
Caring for Animals Used in Research Public is concerned with how animals are treated Animals that are treated well provide normal responses that are required in research Animals that are stressed are poor research models It is humane and good science to properly care for research animals
Caring for Animals Used in Research Who takes care of the animals? Technicians with 2 or 4 year degrees check animal health daily control environment for comfort give medications or other therapy if needed after surgery care if needed supervised by Veterinarian
Caring for Animals Used in Research American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) - ensures quality standards certifies technicians are qualified
Caring for Animals Used in Research What are the Animal facilities like? clean and comfortable technicians wear lab coats and gloves/masks conscientious care provided
Caring for Animals Used in Research How are animals treated? technicians make animals feel comfortable and happy compassionate care try to make the animal feel like it’s their home
Caring for Animals Used in Research What about pain? 61% of animals are not exposed to pain at all 30% animals were given pain relievers or anesthesia
Caring for Animals Used in Research Only 8.6% are exposed to pain without pain killers which represents research on chronic pain such as burns and cancer animals cannot receive pain medication for these studies but quantity and duration of pain is strictly monitored
Caring for Animals Used in Research Federal requirements for animal testing protect public from hazardous products require animal testing for certain products four principal agencies administer these regulations FDA, EPA, CPSC, and OSHA
Caring for Animals Used in Research Food and Drug Administration (FDA)- requires animal testing for over the counter and prescription drugs Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-uses data from animal testing to identify and regulate substances such as air or water pollutants that might be hazardous to humans
Caring for Animals Used in Research Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)-identify and regulate risks due to household products Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)- uses data from animal testing to set regulations that protect workers
Caring for Animals Used in Research Federal Laws, regulations, guidelines that govern care of animals used in research US Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training Animal Welfare Act (AWA) USDA Animal Welfare Regulation Health Research Extension Act
Caring for Animals Used in Research US Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training. 1984 procedures involving animals be relevant minimum number used alternatives considered avoid pain or distress minimized appropriate living conditions proper training & qualifications for handlers
Caring for Animals Used in Research Animal Welfare Act (AWA)-1966-applies to all public and private facilities Species covered determined by Dept of Agriculture -----------not covered: mice, rats, birds USDA licensing, reporting & inspection at least once per year and verify # of animals used & compliance with regulations Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)1985 amendment each facility must have a Responsibilities of Animal Care and Use committee review and approve procedures prior to using animals inspection facilities twice a year for compliance
Caring for Animals Used in Research USDA Animal Welfare Regulations detailed regulations for responsibilities of research facilities duties of IACUCs specific standards for animal care
Caring for Animals Used in Research USDA Animal Welfare Regulations before animals can be used the researcher must assure IACUC any animal pain/distress is minimized, must consider alternatives to using animals, and not duplicate previous experiments specific requirements for handling, housing, cage size, feeding, watering, sanitation, ventilation, temperature, humidity, and veterinary care. Must have individualized written exercise plan for dogs Must have individualized written plan addressing psychological well being of nonhuman primates
Caring for Animals Used in Research Health Research Extension Act-1985 Applies to all facilities that receive Federal funding (grants) Regulations based on long-standing policies supported by Public Health Service which includes NIH, FDA, CDC Similar to the AWA but includes rats, mice, and birds Funding can be suspended or revoked for noncompliance with law
Caring for Animals Used in Research Voluntary Professional Standards-1965 Independent, peer review, accreditation program Under American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) promotes highest standards of animal care periodic inspection of facilities that exceeds existing laws and regulations approved for 670 research facilities--like the “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” for research