1 Tryscience and The FIRST LEGO League Visit us today!
2 Welcome and Setup Get a Little Help from tryscience.org Build an “A-Mazing” Robot Create Two Teams Build a Robot Program a Robot Create a Layout Maze and Test a Robot Create a Team Presentation Agenda
3 Program your robot to travel around a maze to find a toxic waste location, and then carry the waste to a disposal location using as few simple commands as possible. About A-Mazing Robots Let’s have some fun!
4 …Creating a sequence of instructions (steps) that a computer can interpret (understand) and execute (take action) to achieve a desired operation (goal). A computer program may have many steps linked in sequence in one single set of instructions. What is computer programming?
5 Let’s Program Our A-Mazing Robots! Try it at Home
6 An Engineering and Technology Design Adventure… An “actual” A-Mazing Robot! Engineer-A-Robot
7 Forming Teams
8 Create two Teams (Give Your Team Names). Each team will build a robot, write a computer program, and create a layout maze for the robot to find and dispose of “toxic waste" using logical thinking and imagination. Each team will create a PowerPoint Presentation and present for minutes. “All team members must contribute verbally.” Forming Teams...
9 Each Team will have Sub-Teams: Hardware Engineering Team - Mechanical Engineers Software Engineering Team - Programmers Industrial Engineering Team - Layout and Testing Marketing & Communications Team - Presentation Forming Teams...
10 Hardware Engineering Team - Responsible for the parts, assembly, and electrical systems. Software Engineering Team - Responsible for programming the robot to layout requirements. Industrial Engineering Team - Responsible for constructing the layout maze and testing the product. Forming Teams...
11 Marketing & Communications Team - Responsible for creating the PowerPoint Presentation and organizing the presenters. Forming Teams...
12 2x 1x Lego Product #9786 Robo Technology Set Constructopedia Manual Building your Robot
13 Creating a Layout Maze
14 Forbidden AreasToxic Waste for pickup A solution Layout Maze Template Place Toxic waste on Robot Deposit Toxic Waste Here Start Here Exit Here Collect Here 8.5“ x 11” Pattern Complete Trash Waste
15 Create a Layout Maze …Create a 5 x 5 matrix on a flat surface using sheets of paper or masking tape Use Layout Matrix Template as an example Use paper or other objects to represent “toxic waste” and “trash”
16 Toxic Waste Containment Vessel IBM Tryscience: Engineer a Robot Template
17 IBM Tryscience: Engineer a Robot Template Trash Containment Vessel
18 IBM Tryscience: Engineer a Robot Template
19 Programming your Robot
20 …ROBOLAB is a graphical programming environment that controls your robot. PILOT levels - graphical with a single chain of commands. INVENTOR levels - more flexibile with complex operations to control the robot (i.e., conditional branches and subroutines). ROBOLAB Software
21 Engineer-A-Robot Program Below is one option to writing a program to navigate through the matrix. Can you see others? Step 3Step 4Step 5 Step 1 Step 7 Forward Forward and Stop Forward “Wait” Forward Step 2 Turn Right Step 6 Turn Right Place Toxic waste on Robot during ‘wait’
22 1. Launch ROBOLAB Here 2. Select Pilot Mode
23 Load File: engineer a robot.pi4 Here Load the Program
24 Run the sample ROBOLAB PILOT program to see one way to navigate the maze. How would you change the program? Sample ROBOLAB Program Run Program Load File: engineer a robot.pi4
25 Troubleshooting Tips Things that can affect robot performance: battery voltage, motors, friction between the tires and maze materials Overcome problems by thinking and acting like an engineer Isolate and solve each problem one at a time to achieve success
26 Creating a Team Presentation
27 Team Members Team Objectives Robot Performance Lessons Learned Project Evaluation Team Presentation
28 Thank You! www. firstlegoleague.org