Parent and Community Involvement in Education


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Presentation transcript:

Parent and Community Involvement in Education Does parental and community involvement make a difference in the success and achievement of students?

Three Major Factors of Parental Involvement There are three major factors of parental involvement in the education of the children. The parents’ beliefs on what is important, necessary and permissible for the parents to do with and on the behalf of their children. The parents’ beliefs on the extent of their involvement in their children’s education can have a positive influence on their children’s education. The attitudes and perceptions the parents receive from the school and their children about their involvement in their children’s education will determine if the parents become involved or not involved. Parents who are totally involved in their children’s education help them have more successful achievements than children with no parental involvement. Elementary, middle and high school students want their parents to be more informed about schooling. They are willing to take active roles in helping the communication gap between home and school. (Michigan Department of Education, 2001)

National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs Standard I: Communicating – Communication between home and schools is regular, two-way, and meaningful. Standard II: Parenting-Parenting skills are promoted and supported. Standard III: Student Learning-Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning. Standard IV: Volunteering-Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance is sought. Standard V: School Decision Making and Advocacy-Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families. Standard VI: Collaborating with Community-Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and student learning. (National PTA, 1995)

Six Types of Involvement Volunteering: Recruit and organize parent help and support. School and classroom volunteer program to help teachers, administrators, students, and other parents. Parent room or family center for volunteer work, meetings, and resources for families. Annual postcard survey to identify all available talents, times, and locations of volunteers. Learning at Home: Provide information and ideas to families about how to help students at home with homework and other curriculum-related activities, decisions and planning. Information for families on skills required for students in all subjects at each grade. Information on homework policies and how to monitor and discuss schoolwork at home. Family participation in setting student goals each year and in planning for college or work. Decision Making: Include parents in schools decisions, developing parent leaders and representatives. Active PTA/PTO or other parent organizations, advisory councils, or committees for parent leadership and participation. Independent advocacy groups to lobby and work for school reform and improvements.

Six Types of Involvement Continued Collaborating with Community: Identify and integrate resources and services from the community to strengthen schools programs, family practices, and student learning and development. (Michigan Department of Education, 1995) Information for students and families on community health, cultural, recreational, social support, and other programs/services. Information on community activities that link to learning skills and talents, including summer programs for students. (Michigan Department of Education, 2001)

The key to great parental involvement is communication The key to great parental involvement is communication. It is important for teachers and administrators to form as many open and positive doors of communication the first day of school.

These characteristics are exhibited by families whose children are doing well in school: Establish a daily family routine. Examples: Providing time and a quiet place to study, assigning responsibility for household chores, being firm about bedtime and having dinner together. Monitor out-of-school activities. Examples: Setting limits on TV watching, checking up on children when parents are not home, arranging for after-school activities and supervised care. Model the value of learning, self-discipline, and hard work. Examples: Communicating through questioning and conversation, demonstrating that achievement comes from working hard. Express high but realistic expectations for achievements. Examples: Setting goals and standards that are appropriate for children’s age and maturity, recognizing and encouraging special talents, informing friends and family about successes. Encourage children’s development/progress in school. Examples: Maintaining a warm and supportive home, showing interest in children’s progress at school, helping with homework, discussing the value of a good education and possible career options, staying in touch with teachers and school staff. Encourage reading, writing, and discussions among family members. Examples: Reading, listening to children read and talking about what is being read. When parents come to school regularly, it reinforces the view in the child’s mind that school and home are connected and that school is an integral part of the whole family’s life. (Michigan Department of Education, 2001)

Parent Teacher Association The P.T.A. was founded in 1897. The PTA has more than six million members. Mothers, account for the largest number of members. Parents, teachers and the community work as a team to resolve issues at their school.

Parent Teacher Association Continued: The PTA is open to any person wanting to help better the education of our future leaders. Only one in four parents is actively involved in their children’s education according to the National Parent Teacher Association. Research tells us that the more parents are involved in their children’s education test scores and grades are higher.

Teamwork is the key, so let us join hands and form a strong parental and community involvement team for our children!

Parent’s To Do List Before the Conference Schedule an appointment for the conference: the school schedules Parent-Teacher conferences two to three times a year. A parent can contact the teacher for a conference if unable to attend the scheduled conferences. Talk to your child: Parents need to find out what classes the child(ren) like and dislike. The parent needs to ask why he/she likes these classes and dislikes these classes. Ask the child (ren) if he/she wants the parent to discuss any issues with their teacher(s) during the parent-teacher conference. The parent needs to make sure the child (ren) understand the reason for attending the conferences so they can help make sure the child (ren) have the best interest in the child (ren) s education. Include the child (ren) in the conference if they are in middle or high school. Gather input from others: The parent(s) need to get input from others if they are unable to attend the conference (spouse, doctor, counselor, and other guardians). Ask them about concerns and questions they have about the child (ren) that need addressing during the conference. Make a list: Parent needs to make a list of issues and concerns to discuss with the teacher(s) during the conference. A parent needs to ask questions about academics and behavior of their children. Share your child (ren)’s home life, personality, concerns, habits, and hobbies with the teacher(s). Parent(s) need to include religions, holidays, part time jobs, a sick relative or the death of a relative during the conference. The teacher(s) will have a real understanding of the parent(s) and the children.

During the Conference Establish a rapport: The parent needs to give some type of praise or thank you to help form a positive relationship between the parent(s) and teacher(s). Ask questions: The parent needs to ask questions during the conference to let the teacher(s) know your hopes and dreams for the child (ren)’s success in class and for the teacher. The parent needs to remember to ask the very important questions at the beginning of the conference in case the conference runs out of time. Address any problems: A parent should discuss concerns and problems their child (ren) is having in school at this time. The parent(s) need to avoid getting upset or apologetic reactions during the conference. Ask what is being done about the problem and what strategies are being used to help at school. The team needs to develop a plan of action to help with the problem and schedule another conference. Develop an action plan: The parent(s) and teacher(s) need to develop an action plan together that meets the specific objectives and goals of the child (ren). Parents need to make sure they understand the plan completely. Plan a method of contact with the teacher(s) to keep a check on the progress of their child (ren). After the conference: The parent(s) needs to sit down and discuss the conference with the child (ren). Inform the child (ren) if you and the teacher(s) made an action plan. It is important to keep in touch with the teacher(s) after the problem is resolved. Write a “thank you” note or phone call to let the teacher(s) know how much you appreciate their help. This type of communication can play an important role in helping their child (ren) do better in school. (Array, 2009)

After the Conference The parent needs to keep in touch with the teacher on the progress of the student. Talk with their child at home about the conference you had with their teacher. Schedule a follow-up conference if needed.

Results of Parental & Community Involvement The children’s attendance rate increased due to parental involvement. Children’s self esteem is better when their parents are involved in their education. The children have higher graduation rates and the children will be more likely to go to college.