Dignity and Respect in the Workplace Preventing and Managing Workplace Bullying Occupational Health and Safety Directorate NSW Department of Education & Training Safety is everyone’s responsibility
Background Signatory to Charter Requires Department to have a positive behavioural culture Department’s commitment to dignity and respect.
What is bullying? Definitions vary, but bullying is behaviour that is: repeated unreasonable unwelcome and unsolicited directed towards an employee a reasonable person would consider to be offensive/humiliating/intimidating/threatening creates a risk to health and safety. (DET Prevention of Bullying in the Workplace Policy)
Examples Abuse - verbal , physical, emotional Excessive criticism Unfair use of workplace systems Constant ridicule and put downs Loud, threatening or derogatory language Deliberate exclusion from workplace activities Victimisation Spreading rumours or offensive messages through SMS or email
Bullying is NOT: Differences of opinion Reporting professional difficulties with staff Managerial action such as monitoring workflow, giving feedback and managing performance - where done in a reasonable way in accordance with departmental policies and procedures
Impact of bullying Workplace bullying has serious consequences for: The individual Other workers and the workplace The Department as a whole.
Prevention of bullying It is easier to prevent bullying than it is to intervene after an event.
Bullying Risk Management Model Workplace Consultation A Risk Management Approach Workplace Training and Awareness Dealing with Complaints Process Improvement
DET framework for preventing bullying Legislation: OHS, Anti-discrimination Workers Compensation Dignity & Respect in the Workplace Charter DET Prevention of bullying in the workplace policy DET Code of conduct policy DET Complaints handling policy DET Code of Conduct DET Complaint handling guidelines
Prevention of bullying in the workplace policy The policy states the Department’s commitment to dignity and respect and preventing and responding to bullying Protection of complainants and witnesses from victimisation Specifies managers’ and staff members’ responsibilities
Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct establishes a common understanding of the standards of behaviour expected of all employees of the Department Areas covered by the Code include: Respect for people Professional behaviour Taking responsibility Relationships between staff and students Conflict of interest
Code of Conduct All employees are to: Be courteous and responsive Take responsibility for their own conduct and work with colleagues cooperatively Treat colleagues with dignity and respect Promote cooperation and harmonious relations Consider their own and others’ health and safety Report discriminatory or harassing behaviour
Code of Conduct Managers and principals must lead by example and take steps to ensure the workplace is free from harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination Breaches can be dealt with under the Complaints Handling Guidelines and may be investigated Proven breaches may result in disciplinary or remedial action.
Complaints handling Complaints handling procedures used for bullying Complaints resolved promptly, impartially and in a just manner Report matter to supervisor/workplace manager Non victimisation of person who reports
Complaints handling Alleged bully treated as innocent unless the allegations proved Staff counselled on inappropriate behaviour Informal resolution is encouraged for less serious complaints For a formal complaint the seriousness is assessed to determine negotiation or investigation Complaints Handling Guidelines available on intranet
Responsibilities of managers and employees Managers are to: Encourage a work culture of dignity and respect Consult staff Take action to prevent bullying Investigate complaints promptly, support both parties Employees are to: Treat others with dignity and respect and not bully or harass Report bullying and hazards Participate in consultation.
What does the workplace need to do? Promote a positive workplace culture with open consultation and communication Clearly set the standard of acceptable, professional behaviour, and address unacceptable behaviour Create awareness and provide instruction/training Take a risk management approach to bullying, identify risk factors and control Continue to monitor bullying and review controls Encourage reporting and investigate complaints promptly.
Consultation Consultation with occupational health and safety representatives and the OHS committee should precede all proposed action to reduce the risk of bullying.
What can you do? Treat everyone with dignity and respect See issues from the other person’s view Communicate clearly Do not dwell on conflicts from the past Deal with communication problems early Participate in consultation on bullying Do not bully back if you are bullied – use the procedures
If you believe you are being bullied Where possible seek to resolve the issue If this is not successful, report the complaint - lodge a complaint using the complaint handling procedures Seek counselling through the Employee Assistance Program Contact your OHS Advisor or Regional OHS Liaison Manager Cooperate with any investigation and resolution strategies.
In summary Everyone has a responsibility to maintain an environment of dignity and respect Create awareness, communicate and consult Take a preventative, risk management approach Report bullying Follow up on complaints promptly Monitor and review the workplace.
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