Warwick Bailey, Director Icodeon Ltd Cambridge, UK
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player The Player web applications enable vendors of e-learning systems to rapidly add the full feature set of e-learning standards.
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras (Easy) …(Expert)
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras (Easy) …(Expert)
Icodeon SCORM Player What can I do with the software? Import SCORM Package Single SCO in a package Multiple SCOs in a package Multi Page SCOs Between SCO bookmarking Within SCO bookmarking Run Time Data Model Navigation Information Model SCORM Quiz (Interactions) Sequencing Information Model Install software on your own server
Icodeon SCORM Player Icodeon Common Cartridge Player What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras
What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras 1.You will need address and Icodeon Customer Support password. Requests to 2.Upload cartridges at
What can I do with the software? How do I use the software? Where can I get help & support? Icodeon Extras
… Icodeon extras… … additional features with Icodeon SCORM Player that may not be provided by SCORM Players…