Energy In Egypt Ahmed Hebala Teaching Assistant, AAST, Electric Power and Control Engineering Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt1
Sources of Energy Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt2
Electricity generation and population growth Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt3
Population vs Energy 1 toe = megawatt hours Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt4
Renewables as a share of global capacity additions (2001–2013) Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt5
Annual renewables capacity addition by technology ( ) Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt6
7 Energy Global Consumption, 2012
Basic Concept of Thermal Power Plants Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt8
Oil: Proved Reserve Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt9
Oil: Proved Reserve Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt10 At current rates of production these reserves can last 64 years.
Oil: World Consumption Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt11 Advanced Countries Vs Developing Countries
Oil: World Consumption Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt12
Oil and Political Events Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt13
Natural Gas: Proved Reserves Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt14
Natural Gas: Proved Reserves Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt15 “the best estimate is that new sources will stretch gas supplies to 250 years at current levels.”
Natural Gas: Consumption Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt16 Advance Countries Vs Developing Countries
Coal: Reserve Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt17
Coal: Consumption Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt18 Advance Countries Vs Developing Countries
Nuclear Energy Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt19
Nuclear Energy Outlook Dark Blue: Operating reactors, building new reactors Light Blue: Operating reactors, planning new build Dark Green: No reactors, building new reactors Light green: No reactors, new in planning Red: Operating reactors, decided on phase-out Yellow: Operating reactors, stable Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt20
Conclusion of Conventional Sources of Energy Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt22
Estimated Cost of Electric Energy in Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt23
Why Do we Prefer Direct Electric Sources Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt24
Sun is the Ultimatum Source Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt 25
Sun is the Ultimatum Source Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt 26
EGYPT Energy Data
Electric Power In Egypt Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt29
Electric Power In Egypt Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt30
Maximum Demand of Electricity in Egypt Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt32
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Hydro Power Plants Basic Concept Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt35
Hydro Consumption. Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt36 Usually A Steady Capacity
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Egypt’s Annual Average of Solar Radiation Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt39
Solar PV Capacity and Additions, 2013 Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt40 30GW Egypt Max 3GW Egypt Shortage
Egypt Plan For Solar Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt41
Egypt Plan For Solar Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt42
Solar Water Heating Collectors Global Capacity, Shares of Top 10 Countries, 2012 Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt43
Solar Power Cost Now(2015) around 1$/watt Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt44
World Wind Atlas Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt45
Wind Atlas of Egypt Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt46
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Power Capacity and Additions, Top 10 Countries Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt48 3GW Egypt Shortage 30GW Egypt Max
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Egypt Plan for Wind Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt50
Egypt Plan for Wind Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt51
Egypt Plan for Wind Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt52
World Top Average Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt53
Other Ways to Improve Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt54
BioFuels Ethanol Biodiesle Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt55
Biodiesle In Egypt Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt56
Final Conclusion We are not that superior in Oil or Natural Gas. We Have got all what it needs to overcome the current shortage of energy! Solar, Wind, Nuclear and Biofuels are great Potentials We need to act, but act quick and effectively. There is Hope! Ahmed Hebala - Energy in Egypt57
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