Inflammation Nation A silent attack on the modern human race Featuring: Dr. Stephen Franson
Kid Vegas “What happens in Disney, stays in Disney.”
What is Chronic Low Grade Inflammation? Two types of Inflammation – Acute, Painful – Insidious, Painless “Silent” “Chronic Inflammation attacks tissues on a cellular level”
What does CLG Inflammation look like? Heart Disease, High CHO, BP, Strokes Mood Disorders, Depression, Anxiety Brain Degeneration, Alzheimer’s, Senility Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer Joint Pain, Swelling, Arthritis Atopic Disorders, Allergies, Asthma, Eczema and Acne Poor Recovery, Healing, and Immune Response cause
What causes Silent Inflammation? Omega 6 FA : Omega 3 FA IMBALANCE Ideal Balance Omega 6 : Omega 3 = 1 : 1 Modern Dietstyle is 10 : 1 to 20 : 1 Major increase in Omega 6 intake Major decrease in Omega 3 intake All cells
Omega 3 FA’s and Cell Membranes You are Cells All Tissues are Cells Cells are made of Fat Protein Doors and Windows Locks and Keys Omega 3’s promote cell membrane fluidity
Omega 3 FA’s and Inflammation Omega 6 : Omega 3 Balanced Ratio EPA and AA Compete Prostaglandins Silent Inflammation AA : EPA Blood Testing White board
Unwanted Fat and Obesity Hormonal Storm Pro-Inflammatory Chronic Disease
Cardio Vascular Health Heart Health Blood Vessels High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Plaques, Clots, Strokes
Joint Health Birthday Try-Athalon Joint Pain and Swelling Arthritis, DJD Performance Recovery
Brain Health Brain Synapses Pediatric Development Breast Feeding Moods Depression, Anxiety Senility Alzheimer’s Tool Belt
What causes Silent Inflammation? Omega 6 FA : Omega 3 FA IMBALANCE Ideal Balance Omega 6 : Omega 3 = 1 : 1 Modern Dietstyle is 10 : 1 to 20 : 1 Major increase in Omega 6 intake Major decrease in Omega 3 intake
Omega 6 FA : Omega 3 FA Omega 6 Fatty Acids Essential Fatty Acids Grains (Corn) Grain-fed Animal Protein Vegetable Oils – Corn oil – Cottonseed – Sunflower – Safflower – Peanut – Soy – Canola Omega 3 Fatty Acids Essential Fatty Acids Cold water fatty fish (Wild) Grass fed meats, game and range fed eggs Flax, hemp and walnuts* Fish Oil Supplements
What can I do to fix it? Dietstyle Changes (Bonfire Health) 1.Reduce Fast, White Carbs (breads, grains, cereals and sugar) 2.Reduce Omega 6 Vegetable Oil intake 3.Add Grass-fed Meats and Wild Fish / Game and Range-fed Eggs 4.Increase Colorful Fruits and Vegetables (Polyphenols = antioxidants / anti-inflammatory) 5.Add SUPPLEMENTATION***
What can I do to fix it? Dietstyle Changes (Bonfire Health) Reduce Fast, White Carbs (breads, grains, cereals and sugar) Reduce Omega 6 Vegetable Oil intake Add Grass-fed Meats and Wild Fish and Game Range-fed Eggs Increase Colorful Fruits and Vegetables (Polyphenols = antioxidants / anti-inflammatory) Add FISH OIL SUPPLEMENTATION***
Eat, Move, Think???
Factory Reset Button
90 lbs Healthier.
Are you Swollen?