Module C: Identifying expressions User task: identify.


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Presentation transcript:

Module C: Identifying expressions User task: identify

RDA at LC Module C2 Expressions Remember: a work is expressed through language, sound, movement, etc. (includes performances)

RDA at LC Module C3 Identifying the expression Also called “naming the expression” Same as AACR2 “main entry” if the manifestation contains that expression: Bibl. records: 100/110/ Auth. records: 100/110/111 $a $t + __ 130

RDA at LC Module C4 Bibliographic or authority data? RDA does not prescribe if attributes about the expression and the access points are to be recorded as bibliographic data or authority data LC policy: Always identify the expression by giving information in bibliographic record Sometimes identify the expression by making a title or name/title authority record -- no changes from policy in DCM Z1

RDA at LC Module C5 Authorized access points Forms created according to RDA chapter 6 See RDA appendix E and LCPS for punctuation, etc. (AACR2 style carried forward) Used in bibliographic records to identify the expression being cataloged; also as 6XX and 7XX to represent relationships to other expressions LC: used in other authority records as 5XX fields (relationships to other expressions) for treaties and if cataloger judgment

RDA at LC Module C6 LC policy (LCPS ) Identify these expressions by using an authorized access point: 1. Music resources (RDA ) 2. Sacred scriptures (RDA ) 3. Translations 4. Compilations whose preferred title is a conventional collective title beginning with “Works”

RDA at LC Module C7 LC policy (LCPS ) Identify other expressions? Yes, by including expression attributes in the bibliographic record -- choice allowed in RDA 0.6.3, e.g., Date of expression (often the date of manifestation in 260 field is used as date of expression) Content type in 336 field

RDA at LC Module C8 LC policy (LCPS ) If an expression in one of the four categories is not already represented by an NAR, do not add another characteristic to differentiate one such expression from another For example, do not differentiate one translation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet in French from another French translation of the same work by adding another expression attribute (e.g., translator’s name or date of the expression) in subfield $s

RDA at LC Module C9 LC policy (LCPS ) If there is already an AACR2 NAR for a single expression, use that established form; do not add an RDA form in the 7XX field Exception: If the existing AACR2 NAR applies to more than one expression, give separate access points for the expressions (do not make NARs) AACR2 NAR: 100 $a... $t... $l French & English RDA bibl.: 700 $a... $t... $l French. 700 $a... $t... $l English.

RDA at LC Module C10 LC policy (LCPS ) If there is already an RDA NAR for the expression, use that established form even if it includes an additional expression attribute (e.g., name of the translator in subfield $s) that LC would not add if creating a new RDA NAR LC/PCC will make a decision about keeping or deleting the NARs that include such additional expression attributes 100 $a... $t... $l English $s (Sayers)

RDA at LC Module C11 Sources and language of expression attributes Sources: any source Language and script as prescribed in instructions in RDA chapter 6

RDA at LC Module C12 Authorized access points RDA : how to put together the elements to construct an authorized point [with links back to specific elements] Authorized access point for the work is the basis Additions to the authorized access point for the work (no priority order) What? No title for the expression? No, not in the FRAD model.

RDA at LC Module C13 Additions to the authorized access point for the expression 6.9: content type * 6.10: date of the expression * ^ 6.11: language of the expression * 6.12: another distinguishing characteristic of the expression * LC: * = if need to differentiate; ^ always for “Works” & “Works...” and/or

RDA at LC Module C14 Content type (RDA 6.9) Scope = “fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived...” Controlled vocabulary in RDA Access point: in subfield $h 130 $a ____________ $h Spoken word [For the audiobook of a printed text]

RDA at LC Module C15 Content type also in bibliographic record (336 field) One content type present in LC’s templates; may add another field if more than one appropriate One content type added by macro for existing records; may add another field if more than one appropriate May use subfield $3 if multiple components and term does not apply to all

RDA at LC Module C16 Score: 336 $a notated music $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier Book or printed text serial: 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier Examples of 336 with

RDA at LC Module C17 Examples of 336 with Map: 336 $a cartographic image $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a sheet $2 rdacarrier CD of text: 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a computer $2 rdamedia 338 $a computer disc $2 rdacarrier

RDA at LC Module C18 Example of 336 with Book with accompanying CD of lecture: $3 and $e 300 $a 244 pages... + $e 1 CD 336 $3 book $a text $2 rdacontent 336 $3 CD $a spoken word $2 rdacontent 337 $3 book $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 337 $3 CD $a audio $2 rdamedia 338 $3 book $a volume $2 rdacarrier 338 $3 CD $ audio disc $2 rdacarrier Instead of 300 $e, can repeat 300 field 300 $a 244 pages $a 1 CD... Instead of $e, can give a note 500 $a Accompanied by a CD.

RDA at LC Module C19 Date of expression (RDA 6.10) Scope = “earliest date associated with an expression” May use date of the earliest manifestation embodying the expression Access point: in subfield $f for “Works” and “Works. Selections” at LC 100 1# $a Wilde, Oscar, $d $a Works. $k Selections. $f # Bernstein, Leonard, $d $a Works. $f 2010

RDA at LC Module C20 Language of expression (RDA 6.11) Scope = “language in which a work is expressed” Use term(s) from the MARC 21 list of languages Access point: in subfield $l (subfield not repeatable)

RDA at LC Module C21 LC policy: language of expression Manifestation with one expression in one language -- LC policy: give subfield $l if a translation Manifestation with one expression in more than one language -- LC policy: do not give subfield $l unless a translation) 100 1# $a Brunhoff, Jean de, $d $a Babar en famille. $l English $a Babar and his children.

RDA at LC Module C22 LC policy: language of expression Manifestation with two or more expressions of the same work (a compilation), each in different language(s): when the original expression and translation(s) are present, record language of the original expression in its analytical authorized access point* and language of the translation(s) in those analytical authorized access points * only time LC gives subfield $l for original expression

RDA at LC Module C23 Original and one translation 041 1# $a eng $a spa $h eng 100 1# $a Macken, JoAnn Early, $d $a Mail carrier = $b El cartero / $c JoAnn Early Macken $a Cartero 546 ## $a English and Spanish $a Macken, JoAnn Early, $d $t Mail carrier. $l English $a Macken, JoAnn Early, $d $t Mail carrier. $l Spanish.

RDA at LC Module C24 LC policy: language of expression Manifestation with two or more expressions of the same work (a compilation), each in different language(s): when only translations are present, record the language of translations in the analytical authorized access points

RDA at LC Module C25 Multiple language expressions $a Antigo Testamento Poliglota : $b Hebraico, Grego, Português, Inglês. 546 ## $a Text in Greek, Hebrew, Portuguese, and English in columns on facing pages. * $a Bible. $p Old Testament. $l Hebrew … $a Bible. $p Old Testament. $l Greek … $a Bible. $p Old Testament. $l Portuguese … $a Bible. $p Old Testament. $l English … * Only one 730 is required; others: cataloger judgment.

RDA at LC Module C26 Other distinguishing characteristic of the expression (RDA 6.12) Scope = “a characteristic other than content type, language of expression, or date of expression that serves to differentiate an expression from another expression of the same work” General instruction: RDA 6.12 Musical works (RDA 6.18) Religious works (RDA 6.23)

RDA at LC Module C27 Other distinguishing characteristic of the expression Access point: at end of last subfield unless separate subfields available Some characteristics have their own subfields in access point: subfield $o for musical expressions (e.g., “arranged”) subfield $s for versions of the Bible, etc.

RDA at LC Module C28 Other distinguishing #0 $a Bible. $l English. $s Authorized. $f # $a Schubert, Franz, $d $a Songs. $k Selections; $o arranged

RDA at LC Module C29 Variant access points for expressions (RDA ) LC policy: cataloger judgment -- consider if important for user to find or identify May be based on a variant title of the work associated with a particular expression May be form with a variant of the addition in the authorized access point

RDA at LC Module C30 New fields in MARC 21 authority format for expressions 046: Special coded dates $k: Beginning or single date created $l: Ending date created 336: Content type LC policy: cataloger judgment to include these separate fields in authority records

RDA at LC Module C31 More information on new fields in the MARC 21 authority format LC policy for encoding information in MARC authority records: document R-5 NAR examples: document R-6 Examples folder for authority records on LC RDA site: LC Network Development and MARC Standards Office site:

RDA at LC Module C32 More attributes of expressions In RDA Chapter 7 (Describing content) Function: to describe the content of the expression, rather than to identify the expression Not included in authorized access points To be discussed in module D (Describing content of works and expressions)

RDA at LC Module C33 Review Exercise #7 for expressions Questions on identifying expressions?