Review SHHS Strategic Plan process Review of the “draft” SHHS Strategic Plan Identify ways to integrate our work Group Work
1902 – School Nurses working in LAUSD with a main function of prevention and control of communicable diseases and keeping students healthy, enabling them to attend school. School Nurses provided reports to the Board of Education and information to principals, parents and students regarding health issues, immunizations, prevention of diseases. a new Compulsory Education Act was enacted, and the Los Angeles Board of Education appointed the first Attendance Officer. The first Attendance Officer submitted his report mentioning 835 (mostly boys) apprehended for truancy. He recommended that he Compulsory Education Law be raised to 16 years, unless the child was regularly employed, and that continued unexcused absences permit that complaints be filed against the parents.
one half time child psychiatrist, full time psychiatric nurse and psychiatric social worker were hired by LAUSD to provide special education services for children who evidenced emotional problems inhibiting their ability to learn. 1945-following the child guidance movement in England, SMH was expanded and organized into 5 child guidance clinics jointly operated by LAUSD and 10th District PTA. (EC 51202) Health Education was added as a “necessity for the protection of our environment and health”.
Student Health and Human Services Organization Chart Senior Deputy Superintendent School Operations Office of the Superintendent Student Health and Human Services Executive Director Pupil Services Director Nursing Services Director School Mental Health Director Student Medical Services, Community Partnerships and Medi-Cal Programs Director Health Education Coordinator SHHS Strategic Planning & Special Projects Coordinator LA Trust for Children’s Health Executive Director
Every LAUSD student will receive an education in a safe, caring environment, and every student will be college-prepared and career-ready.
Student focus Integration of Units Data Driven High Accountability SHHS Services linked to academic success
The mission of the Student Health and Human Services (SHHS) Division is to optimize the academic achievement and wellness of all students through the provision of integrated and comprehensive pupil services, health education, and physical and mental health programs.
Activity: Core beliefs Identify a recorder and a presenter Summarize and present thoughts back to the large group.
The Strategic Planning process was initiated in July 2013 Planning Committee: SHHS Directors, Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health A two-year plan
Students who are given equitable access to proper supports have the ability to learn and graduate. Safe and healthy environments promote student success. Everyone is responsible for contributing to a system of holistic supports. Support systems work when inclusive, comprehensive and integrated. Parent and family support is vital to student success.
An opportunity to discuss and articulate the vision and mission Requires an examination of the Division’s values, current status, and environment Develops common vocabulary for all Empowers stakeholders to feel in control of the Division’s future Ensures alignment with LAUSD instructional goals (Performance Meter) Proactive, not reactive
Ensures a path toward fulfilling the vision and mission Gives meaning and direction to day-to-day activities for administration and staff Establishes a value-based means of tracking progress Increases the likelihood of the Division’s success Builds a shared vision for all Communicates to LAUSD and Community Partners that SHHS services support academic success
Goal A: W HAT W E D O : S UPPORT S ERVICES F RAMEWORK Illustrate and articulate that Student Health and Human Services Division provides core supports that are essential for teaching and learning OBJECTIVES Objective A.1: Update and disseminate SHHS Mission and Core Beliefs Objective A.2: Create an LAUSD-branded student health and human service logic model that illustrates integrated services of each unit in support of District academic achievement and wellness Objective A.3: Revise and implement District Wellness Policy to be inclusive of support services framework
Goal B: How We Do It: Integrated, Multidisciplinary, Comprehensive Integrate the work of SHHS for optimal student results OBJECTIVES Objective B.1: Build cohesion and coordination division-wide through initiatives, joint projects, effective meetings, consistent communications and coordinated development of solutions Objective B.2: Maximize use of technology for both effective service delivery and streamlined operations Objective B.3: Continue to implement evidence-based methods and programs to support students and families Objective B.4: Introduce and apply measurement of customer service satisfaction Objective B.5: Assess, refine, and implement practices that distinctly support families
Goal C: What Difference It Makes: Aligned With Performance Meter Align Division metrics with District Goals and Performance Meter OBJECTIVES Objective C.1: Revise goals and metrics in ClearPoint Objective C.2: Develop SHHS scorecard Objective C.3: Secure funding for broader data alignment project Objective C.4: Manage progress towards targets
Goal D: How It’s Funded and Resourced: Coordinate budgeting and fund development to maximize resources across units OBJECTIVES Objective D.1: Coordinate budgeting across SHHS units (e.g., resources and revenue) Objective D.2: Prioritize and plan to actively solicit funding opportunities that allow for integrated services/blended funding Objective D.3: Develop strategies for outside partners to purchase SHHS staff Objective D.4: Maximize Medi-Cal revenue Objective D.5: Monitor all grants and contracts to ensure they are fully maximized Objective D.6: Re-strategize deployment of certificated/classified staff based on skill set instead of class code
Goal E: Who Knows About it and Values It: Communication Tools and Efforts Translate the value of integrated support services into a story that is easy to tell OBJECTIVES Objective E.1: Embed vision, mission and core beliefs in all communications (e.g., meeting agendas, performance dialogues, publications) to promote our integrated work and impact on students and staff Objective E.2: Engage with researchers who can best document, disseminate and promote the impact of SHHS work Objective E.3: Develop LAUSD leaders, partners and staff as core collaborators in the work of SHHS Support Services and implementation of the Wellness Model Objective E.4: Increase online and media presence of positive stories about LAUSD student health and wellness
SHHS Mission and Vision Goals and Objectives Measurable Outcomes SHHS Scorecard Performance Dialogues
Discuss ways to integrate our work Identify a recorder and a presenter Summarize and present thoughts back to the large group
Directors will meet to review feedback by March 19, Next SHHS Administrators Meeting: Monday, March 24, 2014 (8:00am-12:00)