16 Step Sales Process Keep Advancing the Prospect Toward a Sale


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Presentation transcript:

16 Step Sales Process Keep Advancing the Prospect Toward a Sale From The Accidental Salesperson By Chris Lytle

Ten Most Wanted List You can’t close everybody at the same time. Only some prospects will buy. Keep a list of the top 10 prospects. Each relationship moves at different pace, so the pipeline is always full. Interim goals: Move through the process.

16 Step Process Think about movement of prospects through the 16 steps. How many steps/week? What % move from each step? Advancing ratios. Work on: Increasing # steps Increasing % who move from each step

16 Steps Identify Prospect Identify the Decision Maker Seed Send a Letter Dial the Phone Contact Decision Maker Book First Appointment

16 Steps (continued) Confirm the First Appointment Complete 1st Appointment Book Customer Needs Analysis Complete Customer Needs Analysis Book the Proposal Write the Proposal Make the Proposal Confirm the Order (Close)

16 Steps as a Tool Can spot bottlenecks, failure points. Need for coaching or training Can track progress on multiple prospects. Track dates: create sense of urgency to reach next level. Keep on track.

Step 1 Identify a prospect, some company that you want to approach. This firm might look like other customers you currently have. They might be doing business with your competition. You may have met an employee on the plane.

Step 2 Get a name and number. Get this information from: Web Site Annual Report Professional Association Receptionist The point is to identify somebody to contact.

Step 3 Seeding: Just like planting seeds. The more you plant, the more likely you achieve success. Newspaper clippings, Internet sites, magazine articles, etc. Mail them, fax them, email them. Best to include business card or use corporate cover form.

Step 4 (Optional) Over-seeding More of the same; a few days later. The idea is to position yourself as a source of industry knowledge. At the very least, you show that you know something about the prospect’s industry & that their business is important enough for you to do something extra.

Step 5 Send a Letter. A few days after the last seed. Step 5a: Schedule the call. Book it on your calendar. It prepares the prospect for your call You make a promise and keep it. Same with non-decision meeting.

Step 6 Dial the phone You stated in letter that you would call on a certain day. DO IT! Can say to secretary: “I promised that I would call this morning.” Keep calling until you reach decision maker

Step 7 Make contact with decision maker. May have to call multiple times. Remember, you are trying to get an appointment. “This is (). You have a letter from me, and I’ve sent you articles. When is a convenient time for us to get together for a 25 minute, non-decision-making meeting? Would a week from tomorrow work for you, say at 9:20?”

Step 8 Book first appointment KEY: Ask for appointment next week. You show you are booked in advance, i.e. successful. You need the face-to-face meeting. You can’t do it as well by phone.

Step 9 Confirm the appointment. Postcard, fax, email. Helps make an impression before the first meeting.

Step 10 Complete first appointment Sell your process Discuss the ground rules before getting into “the game” Tell prospect how you work Take mystery out Frame issues Gain credibility

Step 11 Book Customer Needs Analysis By controlling meeting and framing the issues, you get an opportunity to find out more about the prospect. Either do here and now, or schedule a follow-up meeting to gather data for a proposal. You are trying to get 2 more meetings.

Step 12 Complete Customer Needs Analysis First sell prospect on the benefits of answering questions. Consultative Selling Top Performers ask better questions Customize solutions for customer’s benefit; not just to make a sale LISTEN

Step 13 Book the proposal Forces you to write the proposal. You now have a deadline. Be sure to have this appointment before you leave the needs analysis. Proposal meeting is where you make your money.

Step 14 Write the Proposal Use a template (p. 145) Use Level 2, 3, & 4 pages

Step 15 Make the proposal Infomercial format Set out the problem Explain the solution Demonstrate how your product best provides the solution Story telling adds credibility Sell complete system

Step 16 Close Confirm the Order aka “order acquisition” Axiom: You don’t have to trick people into doing business with you. Corollary: Never use a closing line from any book, tape, or seminar,