A TEACHING CAREER in Catholic Schools Jo Coonan Senior Education Adviser – Human Resources Catholic Education Office, Thebarton 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

A TEACHING CAREER in Catholic Schools Jo Coonan Senior Education Adviser – Human Resources Catholic Education Office, Thebarton 2013

CHARTER FOR TEACHERS IN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS SA Founded in the tradition and strengthened by their ethos Catholic schools in SA are committed to providing excellent education for students from a broad cross section of society. The identity and success of Catholic education is linked inseparably to the witness of life given by the teaching staff. (John Paul II, Ecclesia in Oceania, 2001) In partnership with parents Catholic schools educate young people for participation in the Church and world communities today. Nurturing student growth depends upon teachers who are expert in their profession and who respect the uniqueness and dignity of each student.

CHARTER FOR TEACHERS IN CATHOLIC SCHOOL IN SA Developed in conjunction with the IEU, the Charter addresses the teacher’s role in relation to: Students Employers Colleagues School Community The Profession

Catholic Education in S A  103 schools (33 with secondary)  Approximately 49,000 students  Approximately 6000 staff (all staff)  Links with parish  Systemic schools  Religious order schools – CBC, St Ignatius, SAC, St Dominic’s, Blackfriars, etc

THE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Commitment to:  Catholic tradition and ethos  Contemporary understanding of church teaching  Excellence in education  Pastoral care of students, staff and families  Professional learning and development

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES  Horizons - Positions Vacant (on website)  Types of employment  Casual – includes relief or less than 1 term  Replacement - covers teachers on leave  Permanent – part or full time  Some positions are sometimes difficult to fill due to location of school (country), or subjects e.g. Maths, Science, Technology Studies, Home Economics, LOTE

RECRUITMENT Each Catholic school is an employing authority - Positions are advertised on CEO website Select Vacancies - or in The Advertiser Application is addressed to school principal (including applications for TRT)

EARLY CAREER TEACHERS CONSULTANTS Early Career consultants: Juliana Martino Gabrielle Vallelonga Terry Kluzek support early career teachers appointed to Catholic schools for two years

COUNTRY INCENTIVES  Removal costs (70 kms from GPO)  Establishment grant (1 week’s additional pay for each term worked in first year - max 4 wks)  Additional non-contact time for beginning graduates (0.1 FTE)  Remote allowance (Roxby Downs $4,000 first year, increasing to max $12,000 for 5 yrs service, indexed)  Assistance to return to metro after 4 years  Study Incentive Program (SIP) - priority  Country teacher scholarships ($2,500 pa)

TEACHING CONDITIONS  Governing conditions SA Catholic Schools Enterprise Agreement 2010  Salaries* (1 Oct 2011) Step 3= $59,749 (B Ed)Step 10 = $83,007 POR 1= $2,661 POR 4 = $17,224  Catholic Professional Formation CPF1-CPF3 = $500- $1,250 pa  TRT= $ / day – up to 5 days – then own step  Superannuation Employer & Super Guarantee (9%) Salary Sacrifice (Super, Laptop, other FBT free items & items that attract FBT – e.g. car, etc)

Other Teaching Conditions  Contact time –  24 hrs/week Primary  22.5 hrs/week Secondary  Position Of Responsibility – salary + time allowance  POR 1 = 1 hr - POR 4 = 6.5 hrs / week  Class size benchmarks  R – 1 = 25 2 – 7 = 29  8 – 10 = – 12 = 25

TYPES OF LEAVE (Existing)  Long Service Leave - after 7 years  Parental (maternity), Extended parental, Child rearing & Unpaid Caring Leave  up to 52 weeks each leave without pay – may work if agreed  Paid parental (maternity & adoption): 14 weeks paid allowance  Paternity leave: 1 week with pay  Personal/Carers leave - self or immediate family: 10 days pa  Compassionate leave: 2 days paid/permissible occasion  Community service leave

OTHER INFORMATION  Registration  Teacher Registration Board  Child Protection  Responding to Abuse and Neglect (formerly Mandatory Notification Training) (Required by TRB + NP Check)  Catholic Police check (additional - must arrange through school before you commence teaching duties), also required for TRT work – arrange through PCU, Ph: /174)  Other: First Aid  Basic Emergency Life Support  Union  IEU (Independent Education Union)

APPLICATIONS  Covering Letter (one page)  Addressed to the Principal - Name position  Brief highlights relevant to position  C V (2 pages - relevant and recent)  Brief & to the point  Referees (relevant and recent)  Response to Criteria (4 pages)  Knowledge/beliefs  Successful experience  Vision for the position

Position: Year 4 Teacher Teaching (Replacement) - 1 FTE Subject(s): Year 4 Commencing: 22 Jul 2013 To 31 Jan 2014 St Basil’s College is a dynamic Reception to Year 12 Catholic co-educational College with over1300 students. The College is situated in picturesque grounds on the outskirts of Bordertown, SA. Role Description/Criteria: The teacher will: Apply curriculum knowledge and pedagogies to facilitate successful learning, particularly with Middle Primary years. Be familiar with emerging technologies and have a strong interest in their incorporation into the curriculum. Provide a balanced and challenging programme relevant to the needs of the students. Produce and submit units of work which address individual student learning needs, integrated curriculum and personalised learning specific to Junior Schooling. Assess, record and report learner achievement in accordance with the Assessment and Reporting Policy of the College. Develop and maintain effective working relationships with the members of the School and wider Community. Maintain effective involvement in the general Pastoral Care Programs and structures of the College. Employ Choice Theory and Restorative Principles to ensure a safe, orderly and successful learning environment. Support the Catholic ethos of the College and participate in our Pastoral Care Program. Applicants require a current South Australian Teachers Registration and a Catholic Police Check. A Position Information Document in relation to this role may be obtained from NB: Potential applicants MUST submit with their application, an Applicant Declaration Form, obtained from

RESPONSE TO CRITERIA  Suggested Approach  List each criterion in the advertisement as a heading.  Demonstrate your understanding of each criterion (knowledge).  Illustrate how you fulfil each criterion (successful experience ).  State how you would meet the expectations of each criterion for this position (vision)  Example  Demonstrate a commitment to work collaboratively…. I understand that… I currently demonstrate this by … As a teacher at(school) I would …

St. Joseph’s is an R-7 Catholic School within the Northern Adelaide parish. The school, in partnership with the community is committed to providing a place of learning and spirituality in the Catholic Christian tradition with a particular focus on Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Physical Education and The Arts. Position: Primary Years Teacher Teaching (Replacement) FTE Subject(s): Years Commencing: 29 Apr 2013 To 13 Dec 2013 Role Description/Criteria: Contribute to and actively support the Catholic ethos of our school with a genuine witness to a personal relationship with Jesus and a commitment to the charism of St. Joseph’s. Be skilled in the use of learning technologies to support the education of young people in a contemporary learning environment. Design and creatively implement learning programs which meet the needs of all students with a high emphasis on student engagement and success. Enable students to take personal responsibility for their learning as well as their behaviour. Be a dynamic educator with energy, enthusiasm and a commitment to ongoing professional learning. Ability to work collaboratively and develop positive relationships with students, staff and parents. It is a requirement that an Applicant Declaration Form be completed. This is available at: This form needs to be submitted with your application. Applications Close at 4pm Friday, 7 March 2013

Secondary advertisements and applications Some secondary schools provide a list of criteria in the advertisement to which you would respond as indicated previously for primary positions. These advertisements also direct applicants to their website to view the advertisement and Position Information Document (PID) and there may be additional information provided as well. PIDs can be generic in that they are written so that they apply to any teaching job in that school and detail expectations of the teacher’s role. Always check the PID because it will give you detailed insights into the role to address in your application.

Position: Year 8-12 Physical Education/Science Teacher (Replacement) 1 FTE Subject(s): Physical Education / Science Yrs 8-12 Commencing: 29 Apr 2013 To 13 Dec 2013 St Joseph’s College is a secondary co-educational school with an enrolment of 630 students located in Modbury. Role Description/Criteria: The teacher will: Be qualified and/or experienced to teach Years Physical Education/Science Demonstrate skills in managing Physical Education resources. Apply curriculum knowledge and pedagogies to facilitate successful learning according to the ACARA/SACE/SACSA Physical Education and/or Science framework requirements. Be familiar with emerging technologies and have a strong interest in their incorporation into the curriculum. Provide a balanced and challenging program relevant to the needs of the students. Produce and submit units of work which address individual student learning needs, integrated curriculum and personalised learning specific to Middle and Senior Schooling. Assess, record and report learner achievement in accordance with the Assessment and Reporting Policy of the College. Prepare and submit assessment plans according to the ACARA/SACE/SACSA guidelines. Develop and maintain effective working relationships with the members of the School and wider Teaching staff require a current South Australian Teachers Registration and a Catholic Police Check. Applicants must be prepared to support the Catholic ethos of the College and participate in our Pastoral Care Programme. A Position Information Document in relation to this role may be obtained from NB: Potential applicants MUST submit with their application, an Applicant Declaration Form, obtained from

Other secondary advertisements Increasingly, secondary advertisements are very brief, few or no criteria. Applicants are directed to the school website for information about the position and to the PID (several pages long with lots of dot points). Research on the school will be critical as the PID is largely all that applicants have on which to base their application. Impossible to address all the dot points within a 3-4 page limit. Suggest you group the dot point in the PID under headings which address: Catholic identity and ethos of the school Teaching and learning, pedagogy, addressing the relevant curriculum frameworks, integration of curriculum, ICTs, individual student needs age/year level appropriate, assessment and reporting Developing and maintaining good working relationships with staff and the community. Developing student’s personal responsibility (how you manage this) Collaborative and work well in a team environment Commitment to on-going professional learning and willingness to participate in all aspects of school life Other – e.g. WHS etc.

Position: Teacher - Secondary School Teaching (Replacement) FTE Subject(s): Maths and Science Years 8-10 Commencing: 29 Apr 2013 To 27 Sep 2013 Role Description/Criteria: The School is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified teacher, who is committed to Catholic Education, for the above position. It is expected that all members of staff will support and live in harmony with the Catholic ethos of the College. Contribute towards the growth of the community and participate in the co- curricular program. Support WHS (OHS&W) policies, Please download a PID from It is a requirement that an Applicant Declaration Form be completed. This is available at: This form needs to be submitted with your application. Please forward applications, including the Application for Employment (available at addressing the above criteria and including the names of three current referees to the contact below.

CESA Website Website: Contains information about our sector and schools including employment Find a School Find a CESA school by location or keyword to obtain contact information. Vacancies Search for current leadership, teaching and administrative vacancies in CESA schools. News Find out what's going on at CESA.

Contact Details Jo Coonan Senior Education Adviser – Human Resources Catholic Education SA website: (Vacancies, School Directory etc) CESA Online: ( Documents, Policies, Guidelines etc for staff)

QUESTIONS Any general questions?

THANK YOU Thank you for your attention I wish you well in your final year studies and in your teaching career