At the end of World War I and under the threat of a communist revolution, Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated In 1919, German leaders drafted a constitution in the city of Weimar Set up a democratic government known as the Weimar Republic Created a parliamentary system led by a chancellor, or prime minister
The republic faced severe problems from the start: It was weak politically and the Weimar Republic was blamed for signing the despised Versailles Treaty Germany fell behind on its reparations payments France occupied the Ruhr Valley Plagued with extremely high inflation An item that cost 100 marks in July 1922 cost 944,000 marks by August 1923 The Dawes plan of 1924 Helped lower Germany’s reparations payment
Hitler was born in Austria in 1899 While living in Vienna, Hitler developed the fanatical anti-Semitism Hitler later moved to Germany and fought in the German army during World War I By 1920, he was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) party Organized his supporters into fighting squads called “Storm Troopers”
In 1923, Hitler made a failed attempt to seize power in Munich by starting a revolution at a beer hall He was arrested and found guilty of treason While in prison, he wrote Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”) that would become the book for Nazi goals and ideology Reflected extreme nationalism, racism and anti- Semitism Argued that Germans belonged to a superior “master race” of Aryans, or light-skinned Europeans, whose greatest enemies were the Jews Claimed that Germany did not lose the war but had been betrayed by a conspiracy of Marxists, Jews, corrupt politicians and business leaders Hitler urged Germans to unite and expand to gain Lebensraum or living space
Found enthusiastic followers during the Great Depression Promised an end to reparations, create jobs, and defy the Versailles treaty by rearming Germany With the government paralyzed, both Nazis and Communists won more seats in the Reichstag Fearing the growth of communism, conservative politicians turned to Hitler President Paul von Hindenburg and his government thought they could control him Hitler was elected Chancellor in 1933
Once in power, he suspended civil rights, destroyed the socialists and Communists and disbanded other political parties Demanded unquestioning obedience to the Nazi party and the Fuhrer Under Hitler’s new Third Reich, he said the German master race would dominate Europe Used terror, repression, and totalitarian rule Elite black-uniformed SS troops enforced the Fuhrer’s will His secret police, the Gestapo, rooted out opposition Like Mussolini, preserved capitalism but brought big business and labor under government control
The “Hitler Youth” was formed to pledge absolute loyalty to Germany and undertook physical fitness programs to prepare for war Hitler saw women’s role as mothers They were given rewards for having “pure-blooded Aryan” children Used education as a propaganda tool Nazis sought to purge, or purify, German culture Condemned modern art, jazz, and new literature Hitler sought to replace religion with his racial creed Despised Christianity as “weak” and sought to control the churches
On September 15, 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were passed Jews were prohibited from marrying non-Jews Prohibited from attending or teaching at German schools or universities Prohibited from holding government jobs Prohibited from practicing law or medicine Prohibited from publishing books On November 7, 1938, a young Jew shot and wounded a German diplomat in Paris Hitler saw an excuse to stage an attack on all Jews Kristallnacht, or the “Night of Broken Glass” took place on November 9-10 Nazi-led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over Germany